Meeker Colorado Wolf Attack

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Read deeper into this, there’s more talked about other than the 19 elk killed

Interesting read

Here’s some sheep also


There’s plenty more out there to read if you want

Interesting read

Here’s some sheep also


There’s plenty more out there to read if you want
@JustSomeGuy35 here's the tip of the iceberg on a silver platter.
I'm sorry, friend, but you didn't provide any links to support what you posted. Your post and opinion was based on private "intel" that the rest of us arent privy to. But sure, pile on to what Hunt4lyf has posted. Just the tip, I'm sure!
Did you look at the links I provided?
Incorrect, by stating this is a "reintroduction" this same wolf subspecies had to have lived in Colorado before but the subspecies native to the Meeker area was the youngi which are extinct, these wolves they are introducing are originally from Jasper National Park which makes them either the occidentalis or mackenzii subspecies which were never native to Colorado.

You'll probably come back with "it's a Gray Wolf so it is native" but subspecies matter with other reintroductions but for "some reason" it doesn't when it comes to the forced introduction of a non-native subspecies of wolf. Colorado CPW is in the process of poisoning with rotenone non-native cutthroat trout subspecies and restocking with the native subspecies, why should wolves be different? And please don't say "wolves and fish? Not really the same thing" it answers nothing, I am speaking to native/non-native subspecies, not a specific species.

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100% exact TRUTH! These wolves have been honed over time and latitude to be bigger and stronger. They selectively bred to be deadly moose killers. Elk and deer don’t stand a chance.

And the BS about wolves killing the sick and the weak is laughable. Sure they will if that’s what is in front of them. Almost 30 years ago I went in my first out of state hunt to Saskatchewan for black bear. The outfit was basically bear hunting to be scouting for deer. Their shed barn was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I noticed a large number of full rack in velvet, and some with dates on them of July-December. These were all B&C class bucks. PRIME specimens of health. They were also wolf kills.

Wolves kill whatever they want, whenever they want and if you (not you the poster I am replying to but a “you” in general of those that hold the twisted Disney view) don’t understand that, you don’t spend much time in the wilderness. You are clueless and sadly mistaken.

Wolves make ungulate populations crash. Once they kill everything they move on or die off. Massive population swings are
No good. Hunters take the surplus and keep ungulate populations stable, or at least regulated.

That outfit in Saskatchewan killed every wolf they could find and there was a trapper that took out all of them he could and that is how they kept high quality, populations, and success for their clients.

Read deeper into this, there’s more talked about other than the 19 elk killed

Interesting read

Here’s some sheep also


There’s plenty more out there to read if you want
Thank you so much for posting these! I really mean it. It's very difficult to wade thru all the pro and anti wolf propaganda online. I will read each of these articles and think about what it means in relation to my personal opinions.

To everyone else: If you think I was unaware that wolves are known for pleasure killing or how much meat on average they are expected to consume, then guess again.
To everyone else: If you think I was unaware that wolves are known for pleasure killing or how much meat on average they are expected to consume, then guess again.
Based on some of your posts you appear to be unaware and then call BS on some of our information. Hopefully some of the prior linked articles can put into perspective what some of us deal with on a regular basis vs those of us who don't.
I don't expect you to believe everything I say to be an absolute fact, but I do think it's reasonable for you to believe that I'm not 100% blowing smoke. Not everything that happens in this world has an internet link to view it.
I don't think you're blowing smoke. I took it as you're telling me what was told to you. Unfortunately that means it could be the truth, false, or somewhere in the middle. I have no way of knowing, honestly. When sources are provided though, I have a better opportunity to surmise the truth for myself. That doesn't mean I readily believe what the gov't or any other agency/organization says because anytime money is involved, credibility must be examined. But it does give me more to go on then just what some guy on the internet heard.

Take no offense, please!
1. I didn't conciously intend for it to be a chest thump but perhaps you're right. I'm gonna let my statement stand though because it is statistically true.

2. My geographical location and profession do not make my opinions and statements worthless. Many of you get upset because I don't count anecdotes as evidence. Sorry, I have a passion for science and appreciate the methods scientists use in collecting data. While I enjoy reading about people's observations, I still base my arguments on the evidence provided by professionals.

3. As far as I know, ranches devastated by wolves will be reimbursed by the state. If they aren't reimbursed, then I feel for them. I don't receive any handouts from the state for the impact deer have had on my small farm. I'm only allowed to kill 2 deer a year yet I am plagued by them. Regardless, that's just the way it is when you're a small operation, whether it be livestock or orchards.
Well Mr. statistics and science and lord of the backcountry, I will take issue with point number 2. It absolutely matters where you live and what you do to have a qualified opinion. I won’t pretend to have an opinion on whitetail management on Ohio or Iowa, I don’t you get have a serious opinion about wolf or elk or moose management in my state. My wife family is 7th generation ranchers. I had no clue what it entailed until I spent time on the ranch learning from her grandfather. They run a small operation these days. Often margins are pretty slim but they do it because it is a lifestyle, not because they are some giant cattle Barron I would venture to say many operations are like that.
I’m surprised you have time to talk to lowly rocksliders with all the time you spend in the backcountry slaying beasts…
I don't think you're blowing smoke. I took it as you're telling me what was told to you. Unfortunately that means it could be the truth, false, or somewhere in the middle. I have no way of knowing, honestly. When sources are provided though, I have a better opportunity to surmise the truth for myself. That doesn't mean I readily believe what the gov't or any other agency/organization says because anytime money is involved, credibility must be examined. But it does give me more to go on then just what some guy on the internet heard.

Take no offense, please!
I'm not offended, forums can be difficult to convey tone and personality. I'm just posting based on my personal experience and that of people that I hold in high regard as to their credibility.
Based on some of your posts you appear to be unaware and then call BS on some of our information. Hopefully some of the prior linked articles can put into perspective what some of us deal with on a regular basis vs those of us who don't.
I think people make too many assumptions in regards to what my arguments actually are. My focus on here has been towards general attitudes without getting into my specific thoughts about wolves. But I realize that by not openly calling for the extinction of wolves, I am making myself into a punching bag for everyone's impotent rage towards pro wolf groups and wildlife officials.

Btw, we have wolves here in NW Illinois. They range thru here from Wisconsin, just like mountain lions and bears. Not many people know that, but the sheep rancher I work for on occasion, clued me in first. Later, the sheriff of my county confirmed it as well. They've been here for over a decade so don't act like I'm isolated from wolves.
Does the presence of wolves in your area affect you in any way directly? I'm not trying to be a jerk, just trying to gain perspective on your position.
Reread my post. You'll learn I was not serious but expressing frustration. Most of the veterans here didn't need me to say so, but the new guys, and now you, need it spelled out, so I edited it just for you. Guess that's where our culture has come to.
Mike, you are only one man and one man's post isn't a trend. This isn't my first wolf thread. I was speaking to almost every wolf thread that pops up with comments supporting the illegal killing of wolves. If you read the entire thread, you'll see comments following yours that in fact promote violating federal wildlife rules. You'll see it in many of the other wolf threads too.

Is that what you want Rokslide to stand for? Is that what you want people to see when they visit this site from Google searches?

Go ahead and block me, if you want. It's your loss.
Does the presence of wolves in your area affect you in any way directly? I'm not trying to be a jerk, just trying to gain perspective on your position.
I don't think they affect me other than that I get paid a handsome amount of money, a few times a year, to run new fencing and repair it for a sheep rancher and one of his neighbors. Coyotes and the occasional mountain lion are the issue here. Mostly coyotes but the alpacas do a pretty good job of running them off.

Fwiw, my position on wolves isn't based on personal experience. I also haven't stated --in this thread-- what my personal opinions on wolves is.
Well Mr. statistics and science and lord of the backcountry, I will take issue with point number 2. It absolutely matters where you live and what you do to have a qualified opinion. I won’t pretend to have an opinion on whitetail management on Ohio or Iowa, I don’t you get have a serious opinion about wolf or elk or moose management in my state. My wife family is 7th generation ranchers. I had no clue what it entailed until I spent time on the ranch learning from her grandfather. They run a small operation these days. Often margins are pretty slim but they do it because it is a lifestyle, not because they are some giant cattle Barron I would venture to say many operations are like that.
I’m surprised you have time to talk to lowly rocksliders with all the time you spend in the backcountry slaying beasts…
Right, attacking my character. Well done!

If you'd left out the derogatory (though funny) comments, I would have been able to take your post serious. But you discredited all your valid opinions the moment you decided to try and offend me. I don't have time for that so....

Good day to you!
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