Mass exodus

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You boys are just getting a taste of what’s happened to North Carolina the last 20 years. Our cities and coast line are loaded with NY, NJ, and Penn transplants who brought their politics with them. It’s taken that long to have an effect but man is it taking hold now. It drives the housing market through the roof, to a point that local people can’t afford to buy a house in the city they grew up in. The worst part for us is the fact that most are retirees and could careless about the job market or future economic impact.
You should really read the bill. The pedo piece was already state law, this bill just provides equal treatment with consideration for sex offender registration between hetero's and homo's when a minor (under 18) and adult (18 or over) is involved. Prior law provided judges more latitude for consideration of sex offender registration for hetero's than homo's. Think of it more like correcting for the differential sentencing that used to exist between cocaine and crack - same drug but unjustifiably different treatment under the law.
Xempt people involving minors as long as they not more then 10 yrs older....existing or new thats gross
listened to a couple joe rogan podcasts lately. Hell he's even moving and he's about as progressive as one can get.
Have you folks who are not from CA actually talked with many folks who are leaving CA or are you just projecting your points of view onto them? Sounds to me like the latter.

I actually do live in CA and have talked to quite a few folks who are moving out of the Bay area, First, many aren't even moving out of state, just to lower cost of living areas like Sacramento. So the notion that people are fleeing the politics is generally off base.

Second, most of the people I know who are moving out of the area doing so primarily to cash in on high real estate values. In my zip code, the average home value is $1.5MM (1,500 sf 3/2 on a 6K sf lot) and folks are able to take those dollars to lower cost of living areas, buy ~2x the house for 1/3-1/2 the price, and have money left over to fund retirement. Conversely, I know a number of people who are leaving the area because they are simply priced out of the real estate market and want to own a home. I am sure there are things they will not miss about CA (they talk about taxes and traffic), but on the flip side there are many things they say they will miss (great weather, cultural and outdoor opportunities).

Third, there are lots of people in CA who are not originally from CA but who located here for for work. When they retire it is somewhat natural for them to leave as their connection to the local area was largely professional. A few of the folks I know are just going back to the places they came here from or where their extended family is located. A subset off those people are doing so due to COVID and employer WFH policies, as they have been given the latitude to keep their job (and in some cases the Bay Area salary) while living elsewhere. This again is more cost of living-related, not so much tied to the political climate.

I do have one friend who left the state due to politics, taxes, etc. but he moved to Reno, NV, which ironically is about as close to CA as you can be without still living here.

If you aren't the type of person who wakes up in the morning and the first thing you feel is liberal oppression, there is still a lot to like about CA.
My brother is leaving Sacramento next spring headed to Tenn. He basically said it has slanted so far left that he doesn’t want to raise his kids there anymore. He is taking a gigantic pay cut as a teacher but feels it is worth it. He’s the only Californian I know....New Yorker on the other hand....I have a list. The consensus for leaving that state is taxes not politics. Most of them don’t feel they are one and the same......I am not sure how that happens.
You boys are just getting a taste of what’s happened to North Carolina the last 20 years. Our cities and coast line are loaded with NY, NJ, and Penn transplants who brought their politics with them. It’s taken that long to have an effect but man is it taking hold now. It drives the housing market through the roof, to a point that local people can’t afford to buy a house in the city they grew up in. The worst part for us is the fact that most are retirees and could careless about the job market or future economic impact.

Yup. My family has a history around North Myrtle Beach. That place bears no resemblance to what it was when I was a kid, much less in the 50s and eArlier. Hell, there was a police raid down the road from my parents house, with weapons and drugs a plenty. They let the guys go after two days. Unreal.
Yup. My family has a history around North Myrtle Beach. That place bears no resemblance to what it was when I was a kid, much less in the 50s and eArlier. Hell, there was a police raid down the road from my parents house, with weapons and drugs a plenty. They let the guys go after two days. Unreal.
It’s tough to watch your home state take a turn to one direction or another based on domestic immigration.

Xempt people involving minors as long as they not more then 10 yrs older....existing or new thats gross

I do not disagree with you at all. I was shocked when I read what the law has long permitted. However, I have a sense that similar laws exist in other states. While not the same thing, per Wikipedia you an marry at 14 in AK and NC with parental consent.

It has always seemed odd to me that an 18 year old could be put on the sex offender registry for relations with a 17 year old. But I also think that it was good to correct that judges had certain latitude if the 18 year old was male and the 17 year old was female whereas their hand could be forced into a more severe sentence if they were both of the same sex.
You should really read the bill. The pedo piece was already state law, this bill just provides equal treatment with consideration for sex offender registration between hetero's and homo's when a minor (under 18) and adult (18 or over) is involved. Prior law provided judges more latitude for consideration of sex offender registration for hetero's than homo's. Think of it more like correcting for the differential sentencing that used to exist between cocaine and crack - same drug but unjustifiably different treatment under the law.
Oh i have, and im aware. Im just pointing out its most recent development is all
Oh i have, and im aware. Im just pointing out its most recent development is all

What aspect of making people equal under the law do you find so disgusting and embarrassing? I guess I am not seeing a reason for outrage.
I'm staying put...someone has to fight in the California civil war. Damn state used to be red until all the conservatives started bailing out. Now 27% of the state's residents are not from this country.
I'm staying put...someone has to fight in the California civil war. Damn state used to be red until all the conservatives started bailing out. Now 27% of the state's residents are not from this country.
May the force be with you
The ones causing the problems never seem to self reflect

^^^ THIS!!! It's all the emotionally-led people. And EFF there are soo many of them now! And all they would have had to do is just freakin' NOT give them a soccer trophy just for showing up... that's it.

It was all that stupid "everyone's a winner" crap. And all that everyones opinion matters BS. No... no they don't. If you're stupid and have no grasp of logic and reason... then no... your opinion... on freakin' ANYTHING... doesn't matter.

And then the BS of if some kid brings it to your kid... and your kid naturally reacts and hits him back... your kid gets in trouble too!? I'm over here like WTF!!?

And good freakin' grief... "cyber-bullying"? Are you bleeping kidding me? If your stupid-a$$ kid hung himself... because somebody else said some stuff about them online?... Then YOU... failed as a Parent. Bottom-Line.

All this BS now? Is because people FAILED as Parents. EVEN IF... Academia is constantly trying to bombard your kid with propagandized literature.... and they are.... if they've been given a proper foundation from you the Parent about life and the realities of life... it wouldn't matter that these clueless virtue-signalling hippies were harpin' in your kids earhole. Your kid would know better!
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Y'all should actually read the bill. It only applies to 14 and older. Anything involving sex and 13 and younger, sex offender registration is mandatory. The bill only gives the judges ability to require or not require sex offender registration for cases that involve same gender people, whereas this law has already existed for opposite sex cases. Registration as a sex offender is at the judges discretion if the people are within ten years age, as long as the younger is 14 or older.

I'd say that age gap should be more like 3 years not ten.
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