Mass exodus

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Random thoughts; not everyone from CA is "rich." Most are middle class but, it's all relative. Middle class here is making 100000, in Idaho that number may be half that.
A "starter home" here is 400k +.
Cheapest gas around currently is 3.25.
A great number of "Californians" leaving weren't born here.
Not all leaving are conservative.
Many have figured out money isn't everything.
In regards to ID, look on OnX and tell me how many Californians own massive tracts of land. Hint: WA, MT, WY, OR...
You just have to realize not everyone thinks like you.
Take some pride in the fact that people are attracted to what your state has to offer.
Unfortunately, one of the other things that COVID has caused is many companies moving to "Work from anywhere" policies. If that stays permanent, you're going to see a lot of people that were previously tied to places like the Northeast, California, other expensive cities getting the hell out of Dodge and moving somewhere a hell of a lot nicer. And, that in turn, starts to ruin the nice places.

We live in a small house in what I'd call an entry level neighborhood north of Boston MA, not a high end town, I bet it'd sell in a week at close to $550/sf. Makes buying power go pretty far in nicer areas.
and if you netted that 500K, you could buy a small mansion in most western states outside of their biggest cities. That's part of what's making sense for people to move.
Been here in Ca, stayin here, some of us have to stay to keep fighting to vote the BS outta here. Ca is 85% rural and there is a bunch of good folks here, lots of hen/drake and drake/hen crap to avoid in the cities, most real people stay out of the city mess.
My son and I went dove hunting today, we saw two people, one was DFG, no kooks. Newsome Don't Surf, or Hunt!
I know there's lots a good folks there. They come up here to hunt and hardly have a good thing to say about Cali. All of my Cali guys hunting with us this year are voting Trump.
seeing a big influx of California plates and moving trucks here in montana.
Anyone else seeing refugees flee the big cities they destroyed?

Sure hope they leave their liberal BS where they left their houses!

This summer has been insane at Sun Valley Idaho,properties are selling sight unseen.
Random thoughts; not everyone from CA is "rich." Most are middle class but, it's all relative. Middle class here is making 100000, in Idaho that number may be half that.
A "starter home" here is 400k +.
Cheapest gas around currently is 3.25.
A great number of "Californians" leaving weren't born here.
Not all leaving are conservative.
Many have figured out money isn't everything.
In regards to ID, look on OnX and tell me how many Californians own massive tracts of land. Hint: WA, MT, WY, OR...
You just have to realize not everyone thinks like you.
Take some pride in the fact that people are attracted to what your state has to offer.

A lot of Californians are the descendants of Americans who came out of the Dust Bowl and they were just looking for a better life, they ended up in hobo jungles, were jailed under anti-vagrancy laws and were beaten by mobs of 'natives.' Thank god times have changed.....
This summer has been insane at Sun Valley Idaho,properties are selling sight unseen.

Man, I was in Ketchum 3 weeks ago and it is very different than it was in the mid 90s. That was my’s like Whistler BC now, so many annoying yuk yuks... I’m hoping at least the fall will be a little quieter after the kiddies are forced back into online school...I hope...

One thing I will say about everyone going online...I think thee will be a bubble to that too...once covid passes firmly companies will revert to traditional practices. Yes, there are some jobs that can be remote, but not all. Look at it this way...if you are a California resident and want to work your job from Idaho, why wouldn’t the company just take it one step further and hire from India?
This coming from a remote worker, mind you, but luckily my institutional knowledge of my industry is pretty deep.
Random thoughts; not everyone from CA is "rich." Most are middle class but, it's all relative. Middle class here is making 100000, in Idaho that number may be half that.
A "starter home" here is 400k +.
Cheapest gas around currently is 3.25.
A great number of "Californians" leaving weren't born here.
Not all leaving are conservative.
Many have figured out money isn't everything.
In regards to ID, look on OnX and tell me how many Californians own massive tracts of land. Hint: WA, MT, WY, OR...
You just have to realize not everyone thinks like you.
Take some pride in the fact that people are attracted to what your state has to offer.
Don't care how anyone else thinks. So long as they aint trying to change my way of life to match theres.
It's awesome people like what this state has too offer. Come on in and enjoy. P.s. leave it as is!
Have you folks who are not from CA actually talked with many folks who are leaving CA or are you just projecting your points of view onto them? Sounds to me like the latter.

I actually do live in CA and have talked to quite a few folks who are moving out of the Bay area, First, many aren't even moving out of state, just to lower cost of living areas like Sacramento. So the notion that people are fleeing the politics is generally off base.

Second, most of the people I know who are moving out of the area doing so primarily to cash in on high real estate values. In my zip code, the average home value is $1.5MM (1,500 sf 3/2 on a 6K sf lot) and folks are able to take those dollars to lower cost of living areas, buy ~2x the house for 1/3-1/2 the price, and have money left over to fund retirement. Conversely, I know a number of people who are leaving the area because they are simply priced out of the real estate market and want to own a home. I am sure there are things they will not miss about CA (they talk about taxes and traffic), but on the flip side there are many things they say they will miss (great weather, cultural and outdoor opportunities).

Third, there are lots of people in CA who are not originally from CA but who located here for for work. When they retire it is somewhat natural for them to leave as their connection to the local area was largely professional. A few of the folks I know are just going back to the places they came here from or where their extended family is located. A subset off those people are doing so due to COVID and employer WFH policies, as they have been given the latitude to keep their job (and in some cases the Bay Area salary) while living elsewhere. This again is more cost of living-related, not so much tied to the political climate.

I do have one friend who left the state due to politics, taxes, etc. but he moved to Reno, NV, which ironically is about as close to CA as you can be without still living here.

If you aren't the type of person who wakes up in the morning and the first thing you feel is liberal oppression, there is still a lot to like about CA.
really hope the stuff disgussed on here is left behind as they migrate out. Guess we will see.

Got family in Denver since the 80s. Spent lot of time out there over the years. Watching that place change was no fun. Even the little mountain towns aren't what they once were.
Funny watching it change my uncle.
Have you folks who are not from CA actually talked with many folks who are leaving CA or are you just projecting your points of view onto them? Sounds to me like the latter.

I actually do live in CA and have talked to quite a few folks who are moving out of the Bay area, First, many aren't even moving out of state, just to lower cost of living areas like Sacramento. So the notion that people are fleeing the politics is generally off base.

Second, most of the people I know who are moving out of the area doing so primarily to cash in on high real estate values. In my zip code, the average home value is $1.5MM (1,500 sf 3/2 on a 6K sf lot) and folks are able to take those dollars to lower cost of living areas, buy ~2x the house for 1/3-1/2 the price, and have money left over to fund retirement. Conversely, I know a number of people who are leaving the area because they are simply priced out of the real estate market and want to own a home. I am sure there are things they will not miss about CA (they talk about taxes and traffic), but on the flip side there are many things they say they will miss (great weather, cultural and outdoor opportunities).

Third, there are lots of people in CA who are not originally from CA but who located here for for work. When they retire it is somewhat natural for them to leave as their connection to the local area was largely professional. A few of the folks I know are just going back to the places they came here from or where their extended family is located. A subset off those people are doing so due to COVID and employer WFH policies, as they have been given the latitude to keep their job (and in some cases the Bay Area salary) while living elsewhere. This again is more cost of living-related, not so much tied to the political climate.

I do have one friend who left the state due to politics, taxes, etc. but he moved to Reno, NV, which ironically is about as close to CA as you can be without still living here.

If you aren't the type of person who wakes up in the morning and the first thing you feel is liberal oppression, there is still a lot to like about CA.
Realestate buddy in a rural Montana town by me ususally sells about 4 places a month. Since covy and all this nonsense. He currently has been selling about 20 a month and as of august doesn't even have anything left to sell. All from California. No idea for the exodus, just seems weird that for the first time in ages california isn't growing.

Besides that I had someone pull a pistol on me about 10 days ago. Cops ended up giving him a warning since he didn't point it at me. Wife did some digging on social media and tracked him down. Kinda what started this in my mind.

By no means was my intention to bash all of California. I live in mountains and travel interstate every day for work. Been seeing a bucket load possibly 2 of Cali plates.

Personally I dont blame them. Just really hope they leave the liberal stuff out there anywhere.
Im disgusted with and embarrassed my state (CA) but i refuse to leave and will fight to the last.
If we dont, bills like this will continue to pass

You should really read the bill. The pedo piece was already state law, this bill just provides equal treatment with consideration for sex offender registration between hetero's and homo's when a minor (under 18) and adult (18 or over) is involved. Prior law provided judges more latitude for consideration of sex offender registration for hetero's than homo's. Think of it more like correcting for the differential sentencing that used to exist between cocaine and crack - same drug but unjustifiably different treatment under the law.
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