Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

i can't wait for the reservoirs to freeze over so I can do some ice fishing
What's in the reservoirs that's bites through the ice? I've done more hunting than fishing in wyoming though I enjoy both and am not opposed to ice fishing. We rarely get the chance here it's just small ponds for pan fishwhen we do.
You do have to put up with the annual posts about how the wilderness law is unfair as a Wyoming resident.
I've read a few of those. I'm not really one to bristle much about laws in states I don't live in.
I kinda figure the law is the law....if you don't like it, move, run for an office that gives you the power to try to change it, pony up and file a suit, go through the channels to get a ballot initiative to change it...or do it the old fashioned, time honored way and smooze/bribe some current legislators to do your dirty work(otherwise known as "lobbying")

God knows I don't want to derail on that topic here. There are valid points on both sides but in the end, that's the current law until someone genuinely challenges and overturns or reaffirms it. Either way someone will be unhappy and venting about it on a forum goes life🤷‍♂️
-13F with 40 knot October.
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I came here to say I have no first hand experience with Wyoming but know about 25 or so people that have moved out there. Not one stayed.

We all thought one guy we all went to high school with was a bit of a hick and his family appeared to be poor trailer trash in Florida. Turns out his parents are massive cattle and land owners in like 5 states and pull money in hand over fist and just like living that way. Anyways they offered jobs to everyone I graduated with to go cattle ranch and about 20 guys took them up on it. Keep in mind this was mostly Florida kids from lower incomes that had never been north of the state line.

June through August was spent with all of them saying they were never leaving, it was incredible, and on and on. The one negative was they said everyone was just weird and shady, mind you I’d assume this line of work may draw some transient folks.

By September 15th half of them had left.

By October 1st all but one left.

I think the last guy got 2 or 3 feet of snow the second week of October and just quit on the spot when he was told he needed to check on the cows.

One guy I knew went to Cody on a wrestling scholarship. Said it was just a weird place and a lot of drugs. After graduating he said he planned to never return.

Knew a guy that was raised there, don’t think he’d even gone back to visit for 10 years he hated it so much.

Knew a girl doing the instagram influencer deal (and she had the looks for it) that moved there in September. Moved back in middle of October saying she had never been so miserable.
I came here to say I have no first hand experience with Wyoming but know about 25 or so people that have moved out there. Not one stayed.

We all thought one guy we all went to high school with was a bit of a hick and his family appeared to be poor trailer trash in Florida. Turns out his parents are massive cattle and land owners in like 5 states and pull money in hand over fist and just like living that way. Anyways they offered jobs to everyone I graduated with to go cattle ranch and about 20 guys took them up on it. Keep in mind this was mostly Florida kids from lower incomes that had never been north of the state line.

June through August was spent with all of them saying they were never leaving, it was incredible, and on and on. The one negative was they said everyone was just weird and shady, mind you I’d assume this line of work may draw some transient folks.

By September 15th half of them had left.

By October 1st all but one left.

I think the last guy got 2 or 3 feet of snow the second week of October and just quit on the spot when he was told he needed to check on the cows.

One guy I knew went to Cody on a wrestling scholarship. Said it was just a weird place and a lot of drugs. After graduating he said he planned to never return.

Knew a guy that was raised there, don’t think he’d even gone back to visit for 10 years he hated it so much.

Knew a girl doing the instagram influencer deal (and she had the looks for it) that moved there in September. Moved back in middle of October saying she had never been so miserable.
I typically love places that other people hate, but that's just me. :) I grew up in south LA/FL and south TX and will never return unless all the people who moved there leave.
Another reason to not move is how we fix roads - the out of state internet engineers howled loudly when this slide happened in the NW corner of the state and WYDOT simply made a temp road to the inside of the curve, and used some pretty basic off the shelf technique to rebuild the portion that slid off. If someone is sensitive about the the hyway department not feeling the need to spend months doing a gigantic design study and rebuilding at 10x the cost, this state may not be for you. Lol

Another reason to not move is how we fix roads - the out of state internet engineers howled loudly when this slide happened in the NW corner of the state and WYDOT simply made a temp road to the inside of the curve, and used some pretty basic off the shelf technique to rebuild the portion that slid off. If someone is sensitive about the the hyway department not feeling the need to spend months doing a gigantic design study and rebuilding at 10x the cost, this state may not be for you. Lol

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Sounds great until it's your loved ones who flew off the side and died.
Not sure if anyone mentioned wind yet but there's a reason there are suicide hotline signs along highways
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Not sure if anyone mentioned wind yet but there's a reason there are suicide hotline signs along highways
yes....yes I do believe the wind has been mentioned once or twice, but thanks for reaffirming that 🤣
Those bill boards aren't unique to WY by any means. See them all over the country but the state does have the highest suicide rate per 100000 in the US. The overall number is low, but when you put it in a per capita formula with the lowest population in the lower 48 it does look pretty bad....I dont think I put too much weight on those stats.
Those rates being figured at "per 100000" in a state with population of only about 584000 makes things look pretty skewed...I mean take Platte county for instance...population about 8400... 1 person in the county dies by suicide its a 84 per 100000 rate...which is off the charts.
Sounds a whole lot worse than "one person in the county died by suicide last year".
Only one county in the state with over 100000 people so I find it hard to judge things by the 'per 100000' rate.
Definitely a mental health/suicide problem country wide, I just don't think it's quite as grim as the stats make it out to look in super low population density states like WY and MT...especially if you are factoring in the much higher than average rates on most of the reservations...I have not been able to find info that says if the nationally advertised rates factor in data from reservation populations or not though.
I know a bunch of people who moved there from sodak and they all love it a couple been there over 20 years but only real difference is they have mountains we don’t and you can hunt elk every year there.
What if you were single, no kids. Maybe a dog.

Already have tons of back pain and don’t really care about medical facilities because you welcome the thought of dying young because you can’t stand thinking about living like this forever.

Have about $500 k or so in equity to bring.

Wouldn’t mind some dirt but plan to build a shop with and apartment.

Travel for work so it absolutely does not affect where I live at all. Literally all I would do is change my address online.

Would most likely head to AZ or some other warmer state often the last tag was punched.
And Elk hunting and shed antler hunting were the most important things to life?
What if you were single, no kids. Maybe a dog.

Already have tons of back pain and don’t really care about medical facilities because you welcome the thought of dying young because you can’t stand thinking about living like this forever.

Have about $500 k or so in equity to bring.

Wouldn’t mind some dirt but plan to build a shop with and apartment.

Travel for work so it absolutely does not affect where I live at all. Literally all I would do is change my address online.

Would most likely head to AZ or some other warmer state often the last tag was punched.
And Elk hunting and shed antler hunting were the most important things to life?
Wyoming sounds perfect. Do you drive or fly for work? What's up with the back? I ruptured a couple disc's and lived with it for about 12 years before having surgery.
Wyoming sounds perfect. Do you drive or fly for work? What's up with the back? I ruptured a couple disc's and lived with it for about 12 years before having surgery.
Mostly drive.

Idk the doctor asked if I was ready for surgery and I told him probably not, I don’t want any limitation on hunting.
So he said why bother with imaging
And as it’s mid back the conscience is they don’t have the mid back dialed in.

He said if it was high or low I’d say no problem, but mid is 50/50 at best.

Most of the time it’s not terrible pain. Mostly in the morning and it’s better after I get going.

The main thing that is so annoying is it’s just constant, every waking moment there’s some type of pain.

Hopefully in the next few they can get it really dialed in and can just kill the nerve with a laser or something.