Mass exodus

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Every high mountain lake you can only access for a few short fill the North Idaho FB group. Every hidden gem and out of the way place is publicized....which invites more travel. Maybe just enjoy it and STFU?

The questions I field from City folk (and some A plates from Idaho) floor me. Darwinism has failed in the urban sprawl. Fingers crossed
Every high mountain lake you can only access for a few short fill the North Idaho FB group. Every hidden gem and out of the way place is publicized....which invites more travel. Maybe just enjoy it and STFU?

The questions I field from City folk (and some A plates from Idaho) floor me. Darwinism has failed in the urban sprawl. Fingers crossed

Good point. Kinda like well meaning folks giving their hunting locations online and then wondering why it's no longer a honey hole. I always tell my wife if we go somewhere amazing FB posting is not allowed!
It's funny theres never any native Americans on these threads. Provably too busy hunting or laughing to point out the hypocrisy

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One-half Native American here. There was a joke years back about a mission to Mars, and the astronauts were collecting messages from a few people to put into a time capsule. They asked a Native American man if he wanted to send a message, and he said sure.

The message he wrote: "Watch out for these guys. They're here to take your land."
Best thing I ever did was leave one of the most populated areas of this country and move to a county of less than 50,000 in 92. Now we are 110,000 and its time to move again......looking @ a county of 12,000.

I question the conservative persons conservativism when that person lives in a socialist-non free state that embraces liberal ideology in every way and restricts freedoms. But that's just an opinion

Some people don't define themselves by their political beliefs and many desire for themselves and their children opportunities that simply don't exist in places like KS. Some also enjoy exposure to a diversity of backgrounds and opinions as a means to test and validate their beliefs and to share a different perspective with those who hold opposing viewpoints.

I don't expect a person whose strategy is to hide from all of that would understand, but I think you can understand we aren't all wired the same. Some people remain optimistic and resolute in trying to affect positive change, and some surround themselves with people who think just like they do and bitch about the outside world on the internet.
Some people don't define themselves by their political beliefs and many desire for themselves and their children opportunities that simply don't exist in places like KS. Some also enjoy exposure to a diversity of backgrounds and opinions as a means to test and validate their beliefs and to share a different perspective with those who hold opposing viewpoints.

I don't expect a person whose strategy is to hide from all of that would understand, but I think you can understand we aren't all wired the same. Some people remain optimistic and resolute in trying to affect positive change, and some surround themselves with people who think just like they do and bitch about the outside world on the internet.

Hiding? That's a laugh. Plenty of opportunities in Ks., one of the best states in America. Your living in a dream world, enjoy it.
I was born, raised and lived in an inner city for 25 years so I have befriended, loved and embraced many people of 'diverse' backgrounds. Probably puts your life experience to shame in that area.
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The locals in our small towns cannot afford homes where they grew up.....3rd and 4th generation Idahoans...priced out.
The housing issue always comes up. Housing prices are set by the seller and/or agent, not the buyer. If the seller or agent realizes the buyer is from CA and bumps the price because the buyer is potentially willing to spend more, who really is to blame? How many times have we read that agents in XYZ states are making a killing off CA buyers? How many local sellers are making huge profits from those moving in from out of state?
It sux but word gets out these days.
Lived in central FL. for 16 years and had all but given up on hunting
and resigned to be a Bluegill fisherman.
Found an absolutely awesome place full of HUGE Gills.
Fished it for 2 years and caught some of the biggest Gills of my life.
UNTIL....the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission listed their 10 best
Bluegill spots in the state. Yep, my little 4-5 acre hole was on their list.
In one year it was completely wiped out!!!! nothing,,,,nada.
Exactly. A “conservative” Californian is likely to still favor an assault weapons ban, or at least increased restrictions on them, be pro abortion, think the government “helps” by regulating everything they can get their hands on, etc.
You have defined most Californians, not Conservative Californians. The definition of a Conservative is the same in red states and blue states. Conservative is thrown around way too much. You can be a moderate and conservative in some areas. Most men I know and come across in San Diego are moderates.
It sux but word gets out these days.
Lived in central FL. for 16 years and had all but given up on hunting
and resigned to be a Bluegill fisherman.
Found an absolutely awesome place full of HUGE Gills.
Fished it for 2 years and caught some of the biggest Gills of my life.
UNTIL....the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission listed their 10 best
Bluegill spots in the state. Yep, my little 4-5 acre hole was on their list.
In one year it was completely wiped out!!!! nothing,,,,nada.
Sounds similar to Western state residents complaining about easterners over-hunting their game. Who is right?

That is the question!

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I took great pleasure in telling him he is safe because Newsome and cronies have made lending guns illegal. 😆
If you don't follow gun laws and other laws every week, you could wake up a felon. California is such a rotten crap hole.
Hiding? That's a laugh. Plenty of opportunities in Ks., one of the best states in America. Your living in a dream world, enjoy it.
I was born, raised and lived in an inner city for 25 years so I have befriended, loved and embraced many people of 'diverse' backgrounds. Probably puts your life experience to shame in that area.

Plenty of opportunities in KS? That's the laugh. Aside from comfortable politics, I struggle to see where KS holds a candle to CA from the prospect of economic opportunity. KS's 2016 GDP was $137B (33rd in the US), CA's was $2.3T (1st, ~17x greater than KS). We have multiple companies within a 15 minute drive of my house that generate greater annual revenue than the entire state of KS does GDP. The average median household income in KS is $58K, and it is $127K in my county (2.2x higher).

Setting aside economic opportunity, within an hour's drive from your home how many international airports are there? World class healthcare facilities, major universities, museums, zoos, wineries, microbreweries?

How many different beaches can you day trip to from your house? Ski resorts, theme parks, professional and college sports teams, concert venues, national forests, national parks, state parks?

And the beauty of CA is that it is such a large and diverse state that you can find small, rural towns with people with the same sorts of values you likely appreciate about your community. Not to mention sheriffs that outwardly defy the state in enforcing some of the ridiculous rules it has passed.

Despite the amount of effort that people are currently investing in splitting hairs to find differences between people and then magnifying them for their political agendas, we are not really all that different.
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