Mass exodus

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I blame the internet.

They need to stop doing top states, top cities, safest cities, etc, to move to.

I don't hate people from CA. What I do hate is when these small towns lose their small town feel and it feels like a city. In particular, when apartment complexes start popping up all over the place. Ag fields and ranches get replaced with housing, business, or apartment complexes. That soil will never be used again!

People are going to blame the dominant transplants for that which is typically Californians.
I blame the internet.

They need to stop doing top states, top cities, safest cities, etc, to move to.

I don't hate people from CA. What I do hate is when these small towns lose their small town feel and it feels like a city. In particular, when apartment complexes start popping up all over the place. Ag fields and ranches get replaced with housing, business, or apartment complexes. That soil will never be used again!

People are going to blame the dominant transplants for that which is typically Californians.

Absolutely. I live in a smallish beach town North of LA. Years ago I saw an article in a popular magazine that announced my town as one of the best "hidden" beach towns in the US. Well its no longer hidden, the local feel is gone, traffic is as bad as LA now, and every orchard or empty field is now being developed into condensed housing units. The developers and construction crews are not local, its pure greed. Charging the same price for those units as a single family home, plus you never actually own the dirt.
Its the same story for any hidden gem city, those paces are gold mines for developers and the greedy. And the consumer just hands over the cash without even thinking about it.
Which is why we need to be more protective than ever for our open spaces. Its the single greatest thing about our country, and if I can't hand down the forests that I love to my great grand children, then I did't fight hard enough.
Change can be uncomfortable for people.
Completely agree.

I think what is hard is people move to a location and they pick that location for what it is. If that area blows up or drastically changes and no longer resembles the way it was people get triggered. For which I understand.

I'm in that scenario now. My only option, when feasible is to relocate which I will probably do. Complaining doesn't help it only triggers more resentment. Life is too short to go down that pathway. There is plenty good where I live but I do prefer a more small town rural feel.
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Absolutely. I live in a smallish beach town North of LA. Years ago I saw an article in a popular magazine that announced my town as one of the best "hidden" beach towns in the US. Well its no longer hidden, the local feel is gone, traffic is as bad as LA now, and every orchard or empty field is now being developed into condensed housing units. The developers and construction crews are not local, its pure greed. Charging the same price for those units as a single family home, plus you never actually own the dirt.
Its the same story for any hidden gem city, those paces are gold mines for developers and the greedy. And the consumer just hands over the cash without even thinking about it.
Which is why we need to be more protective than ever for our open spaces. Its the single greatest thing about our country, and if I can't hand down the forests that I love to my great grand children, then I did't fight hard enough.

Yep yep. Most popular list, regardless of category, can be catastrophic for a hidden gem.
Exactly. A “conservative” Californian is likely to still favor an assault weapons ban, or at least increased restrictions on them, be pro abortion, think the government “helps” by regulating everything they can get their hands on, etc.

They are a cancer that has been spreading rapidly.

That is just dumb, please stop. If anything, California conservatives are more deeply entrenched in defending against attacks on the 2nd and in the philosophy of limiting government overreach because of the degree we have to deal with each.
That is just dumb, please stop. If anything, California conservatives are more deeply entrenched in defending against attacks on the 2nd and in the philosophy of limiting government overreach because of the degree we have to deal with each.
Agreed. We have no choice but to fight, constantly, to protect what we still have. While many bitch how long it takes to get their suppressor tax stamp, we're trying to eliminate the list of handguns we're allowed to purchase. There aren't many other states that fight for their 2A rights as hard as gun owning Californians. Because we have to.
I’m going to agree with the last two guys. My brother lives in CA and is as conservative as it gets. Fights like hell with everyone around him.
I’m just looking for people to recognize what caused them to want to leave where they are And not bring that stuff with them. Economic growth doesn’t have to depend on the real estate Market. That’s a short term proposition. Liking small government and person freedom/risk doesn’t mean a laid back lifestyle or anti urbanization. It just means we aren’t looking for everything to be handed to us via our tax dollars.
This is no surprise, the yuppies have been wussing out California for decades now, weakening the fabric of of the Population. Now the ME ME ME give it to ME generation has the numbers and the programmable mentality to be Driven like cattle. The people that are leaving are quality people, people the will not be herded but do not have the stomach to face what is coming. Concern for Family and future prosperity are big time issues.
My children are all grown and will have to make a decision on staying or going, for me I will not be driven out of my home this easily.
Texas, Florida, Arizona, Oregon and others are facing the same Issues and will be making the same stay or go decision. and most would ask allow us individually to shape what you think of us not the stereotype that California has formed of its population. We as Hunters and Sportsmen are the backbone of this great Nation and may be needed to save it at some point.
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Best thing I ever did was leave one of the most populated areas of this country and move to a county of less than 50,000 in 92. Now we are 110,000 and its time to move again......looking @ a county of 12,000.

I question the conservative persons conservativism when that person lives in a socialist-non free state that embraces liberal ideology in every way and restricts freedoms. But that's just an opinion.

When you have a conservative city and many liberal people move there to 'escape' the shithole's they were living in and the new place (for them) starts to emulate the place they fled......well the reason for that is obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills. You just cannot fix stupid and imo liberal thinking is about as stupid as it, there you have it. If these thoughts of mine offend you then just reflect on them for a bit because there is always the option to change....
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No surprises. Generalizations cast a wide shadow. People should be judged on their individual merits not the turf they live on.

That would save the world a lot of headaches. I’ve met people from all over the country, there are salt of the earth types and scumbags in every state. The problem for CA is, we’ve always been the holy land for the far left and all those like minded people flocked here and screwed this state up. I go back and forth all the time about bailing out but it’s easier said than done. I would say the urban/rural divide causes more drama than what state your from.
Asshole or not....I am very guardy of my location. I've met soooo many CA transplants in just the prior 3 weeks. EVERYWHERE. And it's frustrating and extremely difficult to not take personally.

The locals in our small towns cannot afford homes where they grew up.....3rd and 4th generation Idahoans...priced out.

It's an open carry state and I get you've been repressed in CA....but dial it back a touch. Not sure you need TWO handguns, 7 magazines and 4 knives to go to the store in a town of 3,000 people.
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