Mass exodus

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Got the opposite problem, people still flooding into Seattle area despite ongoing events.

In my neighborhood a 1972 non-remodeled house w/unfinished garage just sold for $998k within a couple weeks, absolutely insane...
Got the opposite problem, people still flooding into Seattle area despite ongoing events.

In my neighborhood a 1972 non-remodeled house w/unfinished garage just sold for $998k within a couple weeks, absolutely insane...

What till they put the garage on the market as a studio apartment at $3/mo.
It's been happening in Oregon for years and now look at what we've become. It used to be real friendly here and there was a joke about Californians not being welcome.
It's too late now. My hometown is now a glowing lamp to proverbial liberal moths.
It amazes me that people will leave somewhere and vote to turn their new home into what they left

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Yup, Ca sucks. No doubt about it. I'd love to move but nobody wants us, and I'd have to start all over with work/buying house/making friends/ect. The entire state keeps catching fire, high taxes, high fuel, high housing, over crowding everywhere you go, rampent homelessness, traffic, heat waves, liberals, pollution. I don't even think people take earthquakes into the equation. Wait till the big one hits, people are gonna shit their pants and flee the state at an epic rate never seen before.
seeing a big influx of California plates and moving trucks here in montana.
Anyone else seeing refugees flee the big cities they destroyed?

Sure hope they leave their liberal BS where they left their houses!

They definitely aren't leaving their BS, political views, attitudes...I loathe what Idaho is becoming. Even the conservatives that are moving here are ruining the state. I feel my blood pressure starting to rise so I am going to leave it at that and get back to work :ROFLMAO:
Unfortunately, one of the other things that COVID has caused is many companies moving to "Work from anywhere" policies. If that stays permanent, you're going to see a lot of people that were previously tied to places like the Northeast, California, other expensive cities getting the hell out of Dodge and moving somewhere a hell of a lot nicer. And, that in turn, starts to ruin the nice places.

We live in a small house in what I'd call an entry level neighborhood north of Boston MA, not a high end town, I bet it'd sell in a week at close to $550/sf. Makes buying power go pretty far in nicer areas.
Right know people are trying to get out of Milwaukee and Wauwatosa (place of constant liberal protesting, etc.).

Homes in the outer suburbs that go on the market at 8 am, state that all OTP's must be received by 5 pm that day. Seller's receiving multiple offers and usually get over list price.
Its frustrating, as a California residence your stuck between fighting back in the belly of the beast or jumping ship. The ones causing the problems never seem to self reflect, years ago the bay area folks started running into the valley and small mountain towns in search of cheaper housing and then turn those areas into the same shit hole they left. I firmly believe liberalism is a disease and any place it takes hold will rot.
Boybif that ain't the truth. Farmer right here in the central valley.
This thread reeks of privilege. Kudos to all of you for being born in the "right" place, though I bet the majority are transplants - so in that case in the right year. Either way, y'all are clearly very proud about something you had a whole lot less to do with than you inevitably credit yourself for.

Pretty sure every single one of you on here would sell your $1.5 million dollar home if you could buy an exponentially nicer one in an exponentially nicer place for 400K. The majority of these transplants you complain about are literally the exact same as you or your favorite neighbor 20-30 years ago.
I’m in the Chicago area. Daily, every day, I see the people who are bailing out of this sinking ship. Most are not the kind of people anyone who hunts, fishes or shoots would want as a neighbor and fellow registered voter in your district.

in my experience, many have an amazing logical disconnect.

I was at an event at a customer’s house and had a wealthy, liberal woman interrogating me about my ethics as a hunter...’Cause, you know, it’s normal and rational to profile, accuse and demand justification from any subset of society based on pop culture portrayals...

She then turned to politics to get her own straw poll of one of the great unwashed, little people. She began asking me about my feelings about yet another forthcoming tax increase and couldn’t understand that I would like to keep more of the money that I worked hard to earn. After what seemed like an eternity of her incredulity that I could be so selfish, I finally had more than I could take. I politely pointed out that, with her zip code, it was safe to assume that any increase in income tax would obviously have a greater impact on her household than mine.

Her response; “Oh. We’re not worried about that. We have a great tax attorney.”

I excused myself and left.

Prepare yourself for these people. They sincerely believe that the systems that they vote for do not apply to them... because they haven’t. They will continue to vote the same way. They will bring their politics with them.

And many of them are crazy. Oak Park, IL the boyhood home of Ernest Hemingway, was going to screen off an overpass to exclude roosting pigeons because of the problems of feces, rats that were attracted and their associated health concerns. Organized protests on the street and city council meetings followed.

Organized protests took place because some pigeons would be displaced.

I am doing my very best to get myself and my family out of here. I will not bring Illinois politics with me. I will not look to make whatever community I move to conform to me. And I will never protest pigeon displacement.
PA is getting the NY and NJ residents.

I just hope the vote the 'right' way.
Been here in Ca, stayin here, some of us have to stay to keep fighting to vote the BS outta here. Ca is 85% rural and there is a bunch of good folks here, lots of hen/drake and drake/hen crap to avoid in the cities, most real people stay out of the city mess.
My son and I went dove hunting today, we saw two people, one was DFG, no kooks. Newsome Don't Surf, or Hunt!
PA is getting the NY and NJ residents.

I just hope the vote the 'right' way.

Grew up in PA. Left for the free republic of Oklahoma 13 years ago. I am glad, went back last month to visit, can’t believe it. Like a freaking liberal Mecca.

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So Californians are welcome in Montana, but you are required to put a tag in your window like when transiting through Canada.......

Only being a smart arse. The guys on the forum and outdoor type guys don’t bother anyone coming, as they aren’t going to cancel trapping (Colorado), fight bear hunting, etc etc. It WILL be coming to the western states, Boise will grow so large it decides for the state like Seattle does for Washington, Bozeman and Missoula will decide for Montana even more than now.

The dakotas and Wyoming will be the last land standing. All I can say is that the the Californians coming from California, don’t forget the reasons you left and fight to keep it out as long as possible. Welcome to the secret we tried to keep......
Locusts. We’ve been seeing a lot of NY plates around here. One actually rolled her window down and proclaimed to my wife how beautiful it is here. Wife did the 😐 and kept walking. Should have told her we are all racist rednecks and go back to NY. We don’t need Cuomo values here.

And if I lived in Cali, I'd be leaving too. Check out their new protect the pedophile bill #145. If I'm 19, I can get it on with a 10 year old with no real consequences. Get me out of here!
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