Idaho Poaching Case

Sep 13, 2016
Pretty ugly look for Idaho's LAP tags. The exact reason they should be for the the specific ranch and not unit wide.

Prison time wouldn’t hurt my feelings either. Money clearly means nothing to this guy and he apparently has plenty to hunt whatever he wants any place on earth. Fines and a lifetime hunting ban probably wouldn’t phase him much. He’ll just go buy private hunts in other countries.
He is President of Electrical Operations for Quanta Services, which is one of the largest utility contractors in the nation. He built a company years ago and sold it to Quanta and then got put into his current role. His job is literally to oversee Powerline construction and maintenance where safety and rules are what save lives. Im sure it wont matter at all, but i went ahead and sent my thoughts to Quanta on the type of person he is, and why he should not be in charge of an industry where skipping rules gets you killed. As a Lineman, im very familiar with the industry and the company, and am sure he has been a POS his entire career, now he just has far more money to do it with. . This was my email to Quanta-

"Karl Studer, President of Electrical Operations, is currently charged with 5 felonies, and 15 misdemeanors in the state of Idaho. Blatant disregard for the law, and rules that govern everything to do with wildlife. He seems to believe he is above the law, and has infinite money to do whatever he wants. This is the person you choose to represent this company and the Electrical industry? As a Journeyman Lineman, and fellow NLC graduate just like Mr. Studer, I am sickened to see the downright disregard for the rules, and blatant over abuse of his power that these charges show.

How can a corporation allow a man to preside over an industry where rules and safety save lives, allow this individual to the be the President!? He shows blatant disregard for the laws unless he chooses to follow them. I expect much better from a corporation such as Quanta to allow this man to remain in the position of power that he has. It is a slap in the face of all men and women who work underneath his lead. "
This Dude buzzed my nephew and his hunting party with his helicopter last September while they were chasing big bulls! I almost didn't believe the story, but apparently my nephew had heard about this pos doing the same thing to others!!
This Dude buzzed my nephew and his hunting party with his helicopter last September while they were chasing big bulls! I almost didn't believe the story, but apparently my nephew had heard about this pos doing the same thing to others!!

I believe it.

A guy who used to manage a big ranch in central OR used to fly his helicopter around the public ground and push elk onto the ranch.
"i went ahead and sent my thoughts to Quanta on the type of person he is, and why he should not be in charge of an industry where skipping rules gets you killed."

Supremely good point, man. Culture matters, and that guy's lack of integrity would absolutely pollute anyone he comes in contact with. As you get at, it would definitely corrupt and corrode the culture of anyone and any org answering to him, all the way down to the guys on the ground.
Hopefully the fines result in a windfall for the conservation coffers that can go towards habitat & wildlife protection. Hit him in the wallet if found guilty.
This is a problem:

"LAP tags are offered to landowners with more than 640 acres via a drawing (owners of between 320 and 640 acres are eligible to purchase leftover tags). Only one LAP tag per landowner can be issued for deer, elk, pronghorn, and black bear, but that tag is good not only for that property but for the entire Big Game Management Unit (BGMU). . ."
Definitely hope they hammer him. Really makes me mad. Spent alot of time in 54. Similar situation that has been happening for years in unit 40. Havnt seen charges yet but I know F&G was investigating years ago. Yellow plane.
This shows that the LAP program is prone to abuse. Trying to get the legislature (a lot who are large landowners themselves) to go along with IFG and give up this program is pissing in the wind.
Dear God. If convicted, he could face 20 years in prison, all because of an insatiable appetite for killing big game. I can't understand that mindset. If you have that much money, go to Africa for a month and kill as much as you like legally.
or buy landowner tags legally all across the country.. I cant wrap my mind around it. Especially when you figure he had (2) super tags. blows my mind.
I'm shocked that some somebody abused the LAP system!!! Shocked, I tell you!!

But seriously, make them ranch only. I fear that one day we may see IDFG completely open up the market on them, a la NM. Then, start diverting more and more tags from the "public" quota into the LAP program.
This is a problem:

"LAP tags are offered to landowners with more than 640 acres via a drawing (owners of between 320 and 640 acres are eligible to purchase leftover tags). Only one LAP tag per landowner can be issued for deer, elk, pronghorn, and black bear, but that tag is good not only for that property but for the entire Big Game Management Unit (BGMU). . ."
I don’t think so. It dangles a pretty big carrot for the good actors. Terrain is so varied across Idaho this is almost a requirement IMO. If a guy has 640 acres in a prime wintering area out in the desert and he keeps a herd of elk happy on his pivot through the winter, why not give him a chance at a bull tag up in the mountains to go kill an elk in October. Eliminating the unit-wide stipulation would lose a lot of good will and help from the ranching community. Hunting would get worse for the regular hunter.