License Fraud help!

Just tell them you are a good friend of "deleted member". He has lots of pull throughout the country.
I seriously doubt you need a lawyer.

Idaho Residency Requirements

Proof of residency is required to buy any resident license. A resident is anyone who has been domiciled in this state with a bona fide intent to make this their place of permanent abode, for a period of not less than 6 months immediately preceding the date of application for any license, tag or permit. A senior resident is anyone age 65 and older who has lived in the state at least 6 months immediately preceding the date of application for a senior license or tag.

Pretty clear, and being a resident for the purpose of obtaining a hunting license is way different than being a resident of the state for a drivers license or school.
This is the way. The regulations define proof of residency for the states when managing the status of resident or non-resident. I am surprised so many people here are posting about having a house in one state, or multiple states. Took almost 100 posts before someone put it out there...... SMH.

From page 118 of the 2024 Idaho Big Game Seasons and Rules :
Idaho Residency Requirements
Proof of residency is required to buy any resident license. A previous year’s license is not proof of residency.
1. Drivers must present: A valid Idaho driver’s license and must have been domiciled in the state of Idaho for the last
six months immediately prior to purchasing a resident license, tag or permit. Owning real property or paying property taxes within the state of Idaho does not in itself establish residency. You cannot claim resident privileges in any other state or country if you intend to claim residency and purchase resident licenses in the state of Idaho.
2. Non-drivers must present: An Idaho identification card issued by the Department of Transportation; or a combination of two documents bearing your name and address but not issued by yourself.
Examples include:
• Home utility bills for the previous six months.
• Rent receipts or mortgage statements for the previous six months.
• Notarized statement from an employer on business letterhead.
• Proof of voter registration dated six months prior.
• For a minor child under 18, identification from a parent.
• Important note: Idaho residents without a valid Idaho driver’s license cannot purchase resident items through the online licensing system. Idaho residents with other residency AND PERMITS qualification documentation must purchase resident items at an in-person vendor location or Idaho Fish and Game office.

This is a summary of residency requirements, for additional details see Idaho Code 36-202(S) and 36-405; online at and or contact your local Fish and game office. Persons who do not qualify as residents must purchase a nonresident license

If one were to look at a different state, the would see different guidelines. For instance, Iowa:
To qualify as an Iowa resident for hunting and fishing licenses, customers must:
• Claim Iowa as their primary place of residency.
• Live in Iowa for at least
90 days immediately prior to purchasing licenses.
• Have an Iowa driver’s license or Iowa non-operator’s identification.

Take a look at another state, Wyoming, and it is (shocking!) defined differently:
To qualify for any resident game and fish license, preference point, permit or tag, a person shall be domiciled and shall physically reside in Wyoming for one (1) full year (365 consecutive days) immediately preceding the date the person applies for or purchases the license, preference point, permit or tag and the person shall not have claimed residency elsewhere for any other purpose (including, but not limited to, voting, payment of income taxes, purchase of resident hunting, fishing or trapping licenses, etc.) during that one (1) year period.
It's best you reach out to your lawyer first then he will know how to go about all of these. This thread isn't necessary
This. This thread could be considered an admission by you and hurt your case. You should delete it and contact an attorney.
This is the way. The regulations define proof of residency for the states when managing the status of resident or non-resident. I am surprised so many people here are posting about having a house in one state, or multiple states. Took almost 100 posts before someone put it out there...... SMH.

Que? I saw 4 posts telling the op to read the residency reqs before I posted a link to it in post 11.
Burden of proof is on the government, the government must proof you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt! You do not have to prove yourself innocent!

Seems like a lot of gray area, if you tried to explain this to a game warden he may have taken notes. Also, he may not have taken good notes. I would obtain a lawyer, make them prove that you were a NR, don’t clarify anything and maybe you can reach an amicable plea agreement. If not, roll the dice at trial and don’t take the stand.

FWIW I think they would have a hard time proving this case and keep your mouth shut. I can’t tell you the number of guys I rung up because they had diarrhea of the mouth! Good luck!
Local guy had a Washington and Idaho license as a resident in each. He was contacted by the Idaho warden. I told him he should sell everything he owns tonight because they're going to grab it soon.

They never prosecuted. Nothing happened.

Another local guy had Alaska and Washington licenses like above. Alaska didn’t play nice and came at him with a lacey act violation. He lawyered up and lost a bear and restitution.
I was taught we should rarely use the words “never” or “always” but…

NEVER put self-incriminating info on the internet. NEVER put info on any platform on the web unless you are prepared to explain your thoughts/intent/purpose of said info.

ALWAYS know the consequences of your actions and if you have doubts about rules or guidelines get the correct data IN WRITING! …preferably before you act.

NEVER discuss the details of an event (where you could be fined, detained or otherwise face punitive actions) with law enforcement until you have consulted legal counsel of some legitimate type. Rokslide forums would likely not be consider legit legal counsel. There is no disrespect of law enforcement intended here but you need to be sure you are protected before you go on record with a statement or discussion of any kind in these situations.
The amount of people that would just show up and take it or to talk to the ada or ask for resiliency. You're idiots. This guys has likely committed more than just this crime based on what he's posted.

Holy shit get a lawyer. Delete this thread now.
So .. why did you have to explain anything to the warden in the first place? Did you not have an Idaho DL?
In the 70s I had a similar circumstance. I was living and working part time in Spokane. I was going to U of I as a non- resident. However in the middle of that I paid Montana resident income taxes and Montana resident plates on my rig. Those were the two points that I moved along on until I graduated.

Then I took a fulltime job in Spokane and started buying a non-resident license Mt license. That next year I had a warden corner me for killing a Montana elk with a resident license. He was thrilled with his achievement untill he looked closer and discovered the elk was killed by my father- a Montana resident. He was further depressed when I showed him my non-resident hunting license - as yet unused.

It pays to know the laws and make sure your butt is covered.
I joined the military from one state, got out after 6 years in another state. And then rejoined from a 3rd states.

That was MT, WY, AK. Even though I only lived in Alaska for 45 days I was considered to be an Alaska resident for the 14 years remainder I did on active duty. Which sucked because I had no infrastructure there and I had it in Wyoming with my parents.

Some states treat military and college differently some do not. Sometimes you are a non-resident for tuition but a resident for hunting.

Alaska and Wyoming are probably the most unforgiving.

You are always guilty of breaking a law that you don't know about. Ignorance of the law means nothing.
It's best to keep your mouth shut until your day in court. Think about anything you've said that could have been documented or recorded. It will bite you. Sounds like you could prove your innocence if you haven't incriminated yourself already. All you have to do is prove you spent 6 months and one day in Idaho before you bought your license and maintained residency ( 6 mo. 1 day of each year) throughout the period in question. If you've already flipped over for them, you just need to own it. Judges hate being lied to.
You might be able to make a case with DL insurance, taxes, student in college, and your assumption of days lived in Idaho.

Most of the answers in your questions are no. Be fair to them plead the case, take the fine and restitution if you weren’t occupying the state.

I don’t think a judge of another state can penalize you for other states fines, but maybe with how that Idaho Washington border means almost nothing besides speed limit change.

Good luck and read the laws. I think your appearance and manners in court will help.
The sheriffs/ da/ courts treat fish and game as lessers, I have seen it first hand. You get a little slack in some circumstances. Not to say they won't throw the book at someone who they feel deserves it.


-does having broken the rule unintentionally help me in any way?

NO. If you bring this up as a defense, you will piss off the judge

-If a person moves from state A to state B, and is now not a resident of state A, but also has not lived in state B for the required 6 months, are they out of luck for purchasing a tag, or does old residency last until new residency is in effect?

You're no longer a resident of Idaho the day you move to Washington. If you use this as a defense you will feel 1" tall when you leave the court house

-does the fact that I barely used these tags, and harvested no game during these seasons effect anything?

If you ask the judge this question you will only make things worse for yourself. The above talking points is a sure way to get a big reality check from the judge.

-what is your best advice on how to proceed, or ideas on what this process will look like?

Answer the judges questions honestly. Don't lie.
Take responsibility and show it. That will help you more than anything.