You’re not far off - even I’d say it’s like the first 10 years repeated 5 times. Not much has changed from that first ten years. My best rifle doesn’t shoot any better than my best rifle then, inexperienced shooters today have the same issues they did then. Personal growth in the shooting sports happens in the same stages, and the same limiting factors apply to anyone shooting/ hunting long range.
Today, new shooters, rather than being taught how to shoot a rifle or pistol with recoil, how to train their brains to not react to recoil, they are taught to not try and don’t question why. You and others have enabled a generation to not try or fail on their own with anything with more recoil than yesteryears varmint guns.
Since you’re very keen on 9mm - how do you train new shooters with it? Sitting at any range across the country, it doesn’t take long to see shots hitting the ground many feet under 25 yard targets. Do you simply tell new shooters to avoid 9mm? I doubt it. You probably teach them how to handle the pistol and how to train to avoid flinching.