Questions for Form and other "small caliber for big game" folks

Grasp at straws much?
I’m a very caring person - just looking out for my fellow man. Castle rock, Form, Eric and others have confirmed that shotguns cause horrible flinching. Their words not mine. Just go up a page or two. After input from them, I’m more concerned than ever that shotguns are hurting peoples’ rifle shooting. Apparently, according to them, the average shooter should not even use target loads in a 20 or 12 ga. That sucks. Those of us that find that silly, enjoy shotguns.
I’m a very caring person - just looking out for my fellow man. Castle rock, Form, Eric and others have confirmed that shotguns cause horrible flinching. Their words not mine. Just go up a page or two. After input from them, I’m more concerned than ever that shotguns are hurting peoples’ rifle shooting. Apparently, according to them, the average shooter should not even use target loads in a 20 or 12 ga. That sucks. Those of us that find that silly, enjoy shotguns.

You continue to completely ignore the fact that shooting a shotgun and shooting a rifle take very different mechanics.

Also, just like with rifles, only the best shooters get better, or at least stay the same as the rounds go on. I wonder why?