For whitetail deer, Kansas and Iowa have draws for nonresidents. Kansas, for instance, issues around 22k tags for 27k apps. Missouri, Arkansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan are all OTC with no cap. Turkey in KS, MO and AR are OTC with no cap. So bunch of good populations that can support it. Access isnt as great compared to the public lands in the West. Although KS does good with WIHA programs and MO and AR have fair amount of public land in parts of the state.I dont hunt out of state and am admittedly very ignorant of regulations outside of my home state. What is the non resident tag allocation in places like the midwest or the moose allocation split in Maine or alligator in florida?
I grew up in MN and recall looking at the moose odds as a kid and realizing I'd likely die before ever getting to hunt which point I became real interested in hunting Alaska