Points planing 2 year, 5 year 10 year and beyond sharing my thoughts

Used to be relatively easy to plan ahead several years. Those days are gone due to several factors.

The reality today is low drawing odds and likely changes to the draw systems in the next couple of years make planning ahead more than a year or two kind of futile.

Said differently: You are wasting your time. Kind of like posting on any of the threads about point creep, wilderness areas, tag allocations, or point application strategies. Oh, wait, that’s what I’m doing right here! ROFLMAO.
Yep… spot on
Arizona is 15+ for a good tag if you’re hunting rifle nonresident (trophy hunts)
I plan for the upcoming year, nothing more. Odds are out from this year and 2025 is already 80% done. The remaining 20% is just picking random draw hunts in a cpl states where I don't have the points to be sure I'll draw.
It’s good to have a plan like the OP. Seems like a lot of people buy points with no plan. Also, it’s difficult to make plans as a NR when states keep moving the goal post every couple of years. I’ll be done with points in the next 5 years or so for the most part, and at that point my kids will be old enough to buy points for at youth pricing. That’s my plan.
This is the problem though. There are no secrets or hard earned knowledge anymore. The spread of this information on a limited resource has jacked demand, I think circa 2012 or so and western hunting demand is going through the roof, along with population booms in the Rocky Mountain West. Unfortunately all this “great info” only puts more strain on opportunities and results in less opportunity for all and pits a lot of R vs NR issues, which in turn makes guys dive deeper into structured plans on certain hunts certain years… the ultimate self-licking ice cream cone if you will.
(This isn’t directed at any individual, more so at the general state we find ourselves in)
I agree and disagree. The largest population of hunters live in the "east" so most of the demand is for NR tags. However if most people are honest with themselves they have the ability to hunt 1 maybe 2 tags out west every year. With current tag demands that is very feasable. I think anyone should be able to get 2 tags every year between deer, elk and antelope without going to the same state for the same animal two years in a row. Gone are the days of hunting the same area 10 years in a row though, if you do want that then become a resident of the state you want to hunt the most.
I agree and disagree. The largest population of hunters live in the "east" so most of the demand is for NR tags. However if most people are honest with themselves they have the ability to hunt 1 maybe 2 tags out west every year. With current tag demands that is very feasable. I think anyone should be able to get 2 tags every year between deer, elk and antelope without going to the same state for the same animal two years in a row. Gone are the days of hunting the same area 10 years in a row though, if you do want that then become a resident of the state you want to hunt the most.
This has a lot of truth to it, yet I think you underestimate the demand that other westerners have for hunting ie utah’ans, also boat loads of fellas from TX and Cali come out every year, yes it is feasible to get a tag or two every year most likely
This has a lot of truth to it, yet I think you underestimate the demand that other westerners have for hunting ie utah’ans, also boat loads of fellas from TX and Cali come out every year, yes it is feasible to get a tag or two every year most likely
I would love to see someone come out with a overall hunting numbers report showing each state and how many total licenses they sell and how many go to R vs NR. Then break it down further and add how many go to bow vs gun hunters. How many "repeat" hunters there are or people that hold multiple tags per year.
I would love to see someone come out with an overall hunting numbers report showing each state and how many total licenses they sell and how many go to R vs NR. Then break it down further and add how many go to bow vs gun hunters. How many "repeat" hunters there are or people that hold multiple tags per year.
That would be an interesting data set, it would seem we have the technology to do it these days, a lot of my haunts in Co see little of easterns, mostly Midwest and southerners