
Squats 185x8, 205x8, 225x3, 225x1, 185x5
6 rounds 135 lbs
15 secs zercher lunges
15 secs zercher squats
15 secs zercher hold
15 secs rest
well Tiny Elvis and I were out the day early today (nice to be working part time!) and instead of 90 degrees we were treated to mid 50's- world of difference! we got 6 miles and a couple of thousand feet of gain
had time this afternoon so hit the gym

Wendler week four (recovery week)

deadlifts 5/5/5
overhead press 5/5/5
lunges 3x30 yds
chinups 3x12
we (TE and I) were out the door early again this morning- was greeted to 55 degrees at the trailhead (going to be low 90's again here today!!!)- got a nice 6 mile loop in with about 1500' of climb
was out early again this morning- easy choice between low 60's early or 90's in the afternoon :D 5 miles with Tiny Elvis and met a buddy I haven't seen in awhile; fun to catch up
hit the trails early again today (and by the looks of it for awhile longer)- 6 miles with Tiny E

summer is officially my least favorite season!
4 mile hill workout with Tiny E, home by 7:30 AM- we're supposed to be flirting with a 100 degrees today :(

4 mile hill workout with Tiny E, home by 7:30 AM- we're supposed to be flirting with a 100 degrees today :(

I'm impressed by your early morning hikes. We're supposed to have 103° today so I'm glad its Sunday! Tomorrow is gonna be nailing pirlons on a shop and our nail gun is broke...
At least the humidity is <50% and close to 10% in late afternoon.
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Less than 1000 to go?????


Was watching a video on Dick Prenekee and he said he wore a pedometer one year and logged something like 3300 miles
strength train (in the air conditioning!)

squats 5/5/5+
bench 5/5/5+
pullups 3x10
dips 3x30
at the trailhead at 4:30 with my headlamp for 4 miles- saw a bobcat this morning, luckily Tiny Elvis didn't :)
took a few weeks off from training ( didnt realize how much i needed it) but im 90 days out from Colorado so i did 1 mile of interval sprints on the treadmill this morning with pushups and pullups before and after. weighted incline walk tomorrow !!