What's your favorite caliber?

Favorite caliber?

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I've killed deer with a .44 mag Marlin, 30-06, and most recently a .243. I shot my buck this past year with 100 gr .243 American Whitetail. Hit him right behind the shoulder at 20 yards. I didn't find a single drop of blood until I found the deer. Thankfully it was in the snow so the tracking was easy. Upon further inspection, the entrance hole was smaller than my pinky and there was no exit wound. I love that gun and it drives tacks, but I feel like I need to go to a larger caliber next year.
When i got a single shot .357 rifle, thought it was gonna ba a plinker. Next thing ya know it is shooting respectible groups st 100 yds and leveling whitetails. A very underrated caliber.

Went and got a Ruger m77-357 and shoot it out to 225 yards now. Crazy tought lil round. No recoil, very soft bark.
I like it for handgun hunting during our gun deer season. The area I hunt doesn’t allow for long range shooting anyway. I just enjoy it more than a rifle, even though I can shoot an arrow more accurately beyond 40 yards. Even with a revolver, the recoil isn’t bad with that round. Can’t say that it’s a soft bark though! I had an ear ringing a bit after shooting a buck this year.
I like it for handgun hunting during our gun deer season. The area I hunt doesn’t allow for long range shooting anyway. I just enjoy it more than a rifle, even though I can shoot an arrow more accurately beyond 40 yards. Even with a revolver, the recoil isn’t bad with that round. Can’t say that it’s a soft bark though! I had an ear ringing a bit after shooting a buck this year.
Kudos for using the wheel gun on a buck! Handgunning takes it to another level. Im getting 1900-2000 fps with my 357 long guns.
I hunted mostly wide open country when I first started out. I used 270s, 30-06s, 7mm and 300 magnums. After a while, the 7mm Remington Magnum made the most sense. Flat shooting, great in the wind, good penetration on deer and elk. It may have been unnecessarily powerful for deer, but it made hitting them really easy. Now that I hunt in places where 300 yards is about as far as it will get, the 7mm-08 and 7x57 get used a lot.
Some of its not just the caliber but the rifle/scope setup itself. I have used all kinds of calibers for whitetail through the years. Most recently for Minnesota Northwoods hunting have used a savage lightweight storm in a 308 winchester with a 2-7 leupold scope . 150 grain reload accubond . Kill's em dead without lugging a heavy rifle around for a less than a 100 yard shot. I'm getting old and lazy
First rifle I bought was a beat up looking used Remington 788 in 6mm. It shot little tiny groups with 100gr coreloks and I have killed literally hundreds of deer and hogs with it. I have have a handful of other rifles but that is by far my favorite.
Where I hunt in KY you don't shoot over 100 yards. I like the 30 06. This year I changed to a Kimber 270 due to it being lighter weight.