What’s the coolest thing you found in the back country

Pic is of a hole in a rock caused by lightening I believe. Its about fist sized.

Ive also found a few old cabins while out prospecting. Old mining equipment all over. The frame a revolver all rusted out, so far gone I left it. Too many mylar balloons.

I know two people who have found meteorites at the bottom of holes just like that. Go back and dig it out.
This one Buck knife. Handle was all Nylon/Polymer. Never saw that model before. The pocket clip was dumb. Wasn't angled in to touch against the body of the handles, so probably why is fell out of someones pocket.

There's this whole school bus on the side of the Mountain in a steep area up by Alberhill in D15 in CA. I just can't figure out how they got a school bus up South Main Divide road that far. And it looked like it had some trees growing thru it so it'd been there a bit.

Keep finding where a**holes stack rocks in places for no other reason than to shout "I was here!" so I always kick those down whenever I see them. And I'm not talking anything that's like a trail marker. Read an article once about how people doing this stupid sh*t in some popular river banks has jacked up the ecosystem in those places. Wish people would stop doing this sh*t. Leave it as you found it!

Last year on a hike with the fam for Father's day.... to a popular hike destination.. some a**holes brought up a beat to hell Table-top style Charcoal BBQ. AND... AND... these a**holes left their elotes and busted 375ml bottles and chones (boxers) there. But the worst part was they dumped the ashes on like a deadfall tree with a 6" trunk! And if you saw this area you'd see just how extremely dangerous and foolish that act was. Me and the boy used the multitude of bags and empty containers they left around to make sure those coals were watered dead. That first splash of water... over what LOOKEd like just a bunch of dead coals?.. A Devlish HISSSSSS!!! from the underlying still burning embers! In that location it would have caused a ginormous huge fire!

After I was sure the whole thing was totally extinguished... Mama and the boy carried trash, I carried out that BBQ so some other dumba**es would try that sh*t again.

The level of STUPID was off the charts on that one. I'm thankful I didn't happen to walk-up on 'em pulling this sh*t. Because I would have laid into with the look of the Devil in my eyes.. and if they have tried to talk smack? I'd have beat'em like a red-headed step-child.
My kids and I stacked some rocks in the middle of nowhere in WY when they were very young. We had hopes that some day in the future we would go back and see them. 24 years later and some azzhole has kicked it over.
I can only imagine what it took to get this vehicle where I found it but always cool to find stuff like that and think about the story behind it.


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Most of my “back country” time is in Michigan where I seem to only find trash or junk. I have found some fossils and old miners stuff. The only arrowhead I’ve ever found was in the middle of Indianapolis as a kid digging in the vegetable garden. Points and petroglyphs are what I am really interested in finding but the odds of those where most of my time is spent are low.
This one Buck knife. Handle was all Nylon/Polymer. Never saw that model before. The pocket clip was dumb. Wasn't angled in to touch against the body of the handles, so probably why is fell out of someones pocket.

There's this whole school bus on the side of the Mountain in a steep area up by Alberhill in D15 in CA. I just can't figure out how they got a school bus up South Main Divide road that far. And it looked like it had some trees growing thru it so it'd been there a bit.

Keep finding where a**holes stack rocks in places for no other reason than to shout "I was here!" so I always kick those down whenever I see them. And I'm not talking anything that's like a trail marker. Read an article once about how people doing this stupid sh*t in some popular river banks has jacked up the ecosystem in those places. Wish people would stop doing this sh*t. Leave it as you found it!

Last year on a hike with the fam for Father's day.... to a popular hike destination.. some a**holes brought up a beat to hell Table-top style Charcoal BBQ. AND... AND... these a**holes left their elotes and busted 375ml bottles and chones (boxers) there. But the worst part was they dumped the ashes on like a deadfall tree with a 6" trunk! And if you saw this area you'd see just how extremely dangerous and foolish that act was. Me and the boy used the multitude of bags and empty containers they left around to make sure those coals were watered dead. That first splash of water... over what LOOKEd like just a bunch of dead coals?.. A Devlish HISSSSSS!!! from the underlying still burning embers! In that location it would have caused a ginormous huge fire!

After I was sure the whole thing was totally extinguished... Mama and the boy carried trash, I carried out that BBQ so some other dumba**es would try that sh*t again.

The level of STUPID was off the charts on that one. I'm thankful I didn't happen to walk-up on 'em pulling this sh*t. Because I would have laid into with the look of the Devil in my eyes.. and if they have tried to talk smack? I'd have beat'em like a red-headed step-child.
Hunted South Dakota this past September and found a bunch of rocks stacked up about 6 feet high on top of boulders scattered around that we thought some hippies made just for fun and thought about kicking them over. Then a local rancher came up to our camp and was telling us history on the area. He said his Grandfather was a sheep herder back in the early 1900s and they would stack up those rocks out of boredom just watching the sheep herd all day. He called them “Stone Johnnies”. I hope no one ever kicks them over now and found a new appreciation for them I guess
Hunted South Dakota this past September and found a bunch of rocks stacked up about 6 feet high on top of boulders scattered around that we thought some hippies made just for fun and thought about kicking them over. Then a local rancher came up to our camp and was telling us history on the area. He said his Grandfather was a sheep herder back in the early 1900s and they would stack up those rocks out of boredom just watching the sheep herd all day. He called them “Stone Johnnies”. I hope no one ever kicks them over now and found a new appreciation for them I guess
Naw these are just little things... at most 3-4 high. If it looks old and staunch in construction and has obviously been there a while I'd assume it serves a purpose and leave it.
My kids and I stacked some rocks in the middle of nowhere in WY when they were very young. We had hopes that some day in the future we would go back and see them. 24 years later and some azzhole has kicked it over.
My dealio is... around here...I'm talking like it's something done near trailheads and near where trails cross waterways. Those are just from wannabe zen woke vegan people the types that feel you should leave all animals alone types. The types that feel it incumbent upon themselves to remove the flag tape I put up so I'd no where I gotta turn in to find the right spot to attempt crossing a waterway at butt-thirty in the night when I'm hiking back outta there. I've since taken to judiciously using the reflective thumb-tacks. So far soo good with those. Since you figure only hunters are hiking out in the pitch black like that.

And I had to try marking tape and then the thumbtacks because I tried arranging some rocks on the ground in the form of an arrow to alert users that here is that spot where you can cross. But that was removed as well. So lesson learned, those reflective thumbtacks are best. And... if you place them just right... they can look like a scary set of reflecting eyes looking back at you in the black of night! ;)
I found an AR-15 in a nice hard case. I rode my horse a couple miles up the canyon and asked a guy at his camp if he lost one. It was his. He hadn’t noticed it missing because he had another dozen rifles with him. He was pretty thankful though.

Had a deer tag in a unit that had a large wildfire that summer. We saw something across the canyon just before sunset that was GOLDEN. Like metallic gold. Knew there was a gold mine about 20 miles south, but there's no way it could be a giant nugget or vein exposed. We talked about it the whole back that night and headed up there first thing in the morning. We didn't believe it could actually be gold, but we were planning our retirements that whole night.

....it was a balloon (picture attached). The wind must have carried it to the top of the mountain. I'm still working :(
I've found close to a dozen mylar balloons over the last 5 or so years.. have found plenty of mining stuff but I don't consider any of that to be unusual or cool for the most part.

This past year while hunting elk in a wilderness area I was walking through an area and those thoughts of "I wonder if anyone else has ever walked through here before" were bouncing around in my head which at that moment I looked down to see a 4 ft piece of rebar sticking out of the ground.
I found an AR-15 in a nice hard case. I rode my horse a couple miles up the canyon and asked a guy at his camp if he lost one. It was his. He hadn’t noticed it missing because he had another dozen rifles with him. He was pretty thankful though.
Hope he at least bought you a beer (or 6)! That was a good thing you did.
My wife and I found a cache, that judging from the expiration date on some items, had been buried for over 20 years. In addition to the food and toiletries, there was a full box of Russian made AK47 ammo.


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Hahahah, was she wearing them at the time?
My wife and I found a cache, that judging from the expiration date on some items, had been buried for over 20 years. In addition to the food and toiletries, there was a full box of Russian made AK47 ammo.
Some prepper is pissed that someone found his cache, lol. What are the brown sealed bags?