What’s going on everyone, I’m looking for some advice and figured here was a good place to start. A little background, I am 25, currently live in NJ and I am getting married at the end of 2025. Me and my future wife rent an apartment, no kids and no debt, just a well trained dog and a cat that rely on us, so nothing really holding us back. For years I have wished to move to the west, and I feel as though I am the luckiest man on earth to have a woman who is willing to follow me anywhere and is just as eager to get off the east coast and move to the mountains. Here is where my dilemma comes in.
I currently work in LE, been in for a couple years now. While I like my job, I feel as though it’s time to make a change due to political climate, inconsistent schedules etc etc. I wouldn’t change my time in the field for anything, but as I am looking to start a family soon I feel it’s time for a change. So here I am, with a girl who’s willing to move with me anywhere in the country, a 4 year degree and the desire for a career change. The prospect of leaving LE and searching for something new has been daunting, so with that does anyone have any advice on what I could be looking for? Some top contenders for the move are Wyoming, Colorado, Montana and Utah, but again anywhere is open. Colorado is probably the leader at the moment as it’s the only place off the east coast we have some friends and family already residing there.
Thanks for reading and any responses I get on this thread.