What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

"Don't pass elk to hunt elk." - Cory Jacobsen (I think, at least that's where I first heard it). Self explanatory, but if you see animals hunt them, even if a shooter is not immediately visible.

"Never stop hunting." - My distillation of how @stan_wa hunts, who might see nothing for 9 days then kill something in a clutch moment on the 10th. He never disengages or gets demoralized. Hard for me because I'm a world renowned pessimist, but I've seen it enough times to believe it works. All it takes is one good opportunity, and you have to put in the work and be there for it, even if it's on the last day of your hunt. Yesterday's failure has no bearing on today's success.
I don’t know that anyone ever gave me this advice but I gave it to myself.

“Don’t tell yourself no. Let others tell you no.”

Just ask for things you want. You never know. I have a pretty sweet job that I got by walking into a guys office, saying “I am interested in the job you have posted but I can’t do it for what your paying. Here is how much I would need to make.” Nearly double what they had listed. He told me to apply. I did and they offered me 7000 more than I said I needed.

Would have been really easy to tell myself “they wouldn’t go for it.”
My old man taught me a million things but a few things he said have always stuck with me.
"Keep your ears open and your mouth shut."
"Always act like you've been there."
He built award-winning homes and I have been lucky to win some awards for my landscape designs. Always been humble about it.
"Always admit when you're in the wrong. You screwed it, own up to it."
Over four years ago I was blindsided and absolutely devastated when my now ex-wife emptied our house and bank accounts while I was on a hunting trip. Never even got to say goodbye to her or our two dogs. I swore that no woman would ever get that close to me ever again.

A long time friend (female) asked me for all of what your ex took from you are you really going to let her take away your future happiness and ever loving another woman again? That hit home. I haven’t found that person yet and it’s taken me awhile to even consider that but at least now I’m open to finding her. I’ve decided to be better over bitter.
I have vast experience in divorces, but I never encountered a female evil and brave enough to take my dog. That's low.
Never ask you people to do anything you wouldn't do yourself.

3% of your people are going to be 97% of your problems.