What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week
Nobody likes this one but I’ll say it….

“There is nothing more dangerous to a bull elk in the rut than a good turkey hunter who can tell what way the wind is blowing….”
Over four years ago I was blindsided and absolutely devastated when my now ex-wife emptied our house and bank accounts while I was on a hunting trip. Never even got to say goodbye to her or our two dogs. I swore that no woman would ever get that close to me ever again.

A long time friend (female) asked me for all of what your ex took from you are you really going to let her take away your future happiness and ever loving another woman again? That hit home. I haven’t found that person yet and it’s taken me awhile to even consider that but at least now I’m open to finding her. I’ve decided to be better over bitter.
"Slack is evil." (Fishing)

"When there's lead in the air, there's hope." (Hunting - joke)

A grumpy old man once told me that "Fishing is an assassination of time." I was on my way out the door to go fishing so that one didn't stick. :)

"Just because you're shooting a rifle doesn't mean you're a rifleman."

"Rubber side down."

"Drive fast. Take chances."

I have a retired neighbor who is a Vietnam war Marine who like to remind me of his mantra back in the day. "If it smells like fish, do as you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone."
Work smarter, not harder.

You can use your back or you can use your mind.
Best compliment (intended as an insult) I ever received was a guy telling me that I had a strong back but a weak mind after lifting and carrying a loader battery out to my truck instead of using a dolley.
My father always said - Nobody owes you anything. His may have had a swear and double negative in it, but you get the point. I often think of this when hunting, mother natures owes me nothing. I'm simply a visitor there and have to work for everything, and sometime there are zero rewards for hard work.

Another is "You don't have to be better that you were yesterday, you just have to suck less"
Whatever you want to learn, find the best person in the world at it that you can find, and do exactly what they tell you. No more, no less
“You can always make more money, you can never make more time”.

Said to me by my uncle who was never afraid to hang the “Out on business” sign in his office window and head out with his bird dogs. Sadly he left us last week, out of time and short of getting to hunt several states for several birds he was always planning to chase.
"Nothing worthwhile comes from a position of comfort"

-Professional and personal growth suck, because you have to dig in to find weak areas and expose them.
-Taking chances or risks can be terrifying and leave you on your ass.
-the best views, best hikes, best hunting spots, etc are always going to take some work getting to