What’s the coolest thing you found in the back country

Where is this? Roughly, if you don't want to say exactly.
El Dorado NF, California.

The early C models are easily distinguishable from the later models by the small tail and side gunner blisters. This one also had the 'meatballs' in the center of the white star.
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I know some of you guys have found way more and way cooler, but these are some of my most prized possessions. Top is Kansas bottom is Montana.
I am so glad someone started this thread, I found a knife about 20 years ago in Tennessee couple miles from nothing. It belong to a USMC service member and has i guess what is his service number on it. I have been told based on the number the guy served in Vietnam or earlier. I will post the number when I get home tonight. Maybe someone can help me get it to its rightful owner or if he has passed his family. My boys have fought over this knife for years but never let either of them use it didnt seem right.

Also found a wallet once returned it to its owner.
This is story ...
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My best find was more of a scene/story than a particular object. I was hunting a small basin a couple miles below a mountain pass with a steep trail. The basin is overgrown with Christmas tree size pines but you can tell it used to be open. As I made my way through the trees I started seeing big bleached bones, bigger than anything wild that lives around that valley. Then I came to a little fire ring surrounded by old liquor bottles and finally an old pair of canvas bags from a pack horse.
It wasn’t hard to imagine a horse panicking on the steep trail above and running down into the basin where it fell. The horsemen came into the basin to put it out of its misery and unload the bags. Then they spent the night next to their dead horse, drinking around the fire in the open air. The bottles were old and the trail at the pass is almost gone. Guessing this would have taken place in the 60s or earlier.

Another time I walked into a big marijuana growing camp on public land. It was old and not in use anymore, but still spooky.

On a summer scouting trip once I found a mysterious trail that was covered in brush off the side of a closed road. I followed it for miles into the alpine where I found a tent site and a salt lick with game cameras around it. Someone put in a lot of work to hunt that spot!
Found these rocks in plumas national forest, the were several rocks in this area that had these mortar-like dishes dug into them. I had to climb on top of the six foot tall rocks ro find them. A particularly beautiful area.


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I saw this same table, got some pics of it. IIRC there wasn't any road or even decent trail up there anywhere.
I really rough trail that probably supported whatever took it up there originally. But hadn’t been used in a long time by the looks of it.
Pic is of a hole in a rock caused by lightening I believe. Its about fist sized.

Ive also found a few old cabins while out prospecting. Old mining equipment all over. The frame a revolver all rusted out, so far gone I left it. Too many mylar balloons.


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Carr5vols, you can request military info thru NPRC, file Standard Form 180. May take awhile due to the plandemic.
Carr5vols said:
Attached are the numbers. 2006831. Someone help me find this guy.
Still have not been able to locate this guy if anyone can help.
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I have found a pile of cool things, arrow heads, various native american tools, fossils, etc... One that really stands out to me was something I found while turned around on my second ever elk hunt. In a small, maybe 1 acre clearing, we found a very large amount of petrified wood. I have always wanted to go back but haven't taken the time to try to find it again. Maybe some who hunt elk area 9 in Wyoming have stumbled upon this area?
This one Buck knife. Handle was all Nylon/Polymer. Never saw that model before. The pocket clip was dumb. Wasn't angled in to touch against the body of the handles, so probably why is fell out of someones pocket.

There's this whole school bus on the side of the Mountain in a steep area up by Alberhill in D15 in CA. I just can't figure out how they got a school bus up South Main Divide road that far. And it looked like it had some trees growing thru it so it'd been there a bit.

Keep finding where a**holes stack rocks in places for no other reason than to shout "I was here!" so I always kick those down whenever I see them. And I'm not talking anything that's like a trail marker. Read an article once about how people doing this stupid sh*t in some popular river banks has jacked up the ecosystem in those places. Wish people would stop doing this sh*t. Leave it as you found it!

Last year on a hike with the fam for Father's day.... to a popular hike destination.. some a**holes brought up a beat to hell Table-top style Charcoal BBQ. AND... AND... these a**holes left their elotes and busted 375ml bottles and chones (boxers) there. But the worst part was they dumped the ashes on like a deadfall tree with a 6" trunk! And if you saw this area you'd see just how extremely dangerous and foolish that act was. Me and the boy used the multitude of bags and empty containers they left around to make sure those coals were watered dead. That first splash of water... over what LOOKEd like just a bunch of dead coals?.. A Devlish HISSSSSS!!! from the underlying still burning embers! In that location it would have caused a ginormous huge fire!

After I was sure the whole thing was totally extinguished... Mama and the boy carried trash, I carried out that BBQ so some other dumba**es would try that sh*t again.

The level of STUPID was off the charts on that one. I'm thankful I didn't happen to walk-up on 'em pulling this sh*t. Because I would have laid into with the look of the Devil in my eyes.. and if they have tried to talk smack? I'd have beat'em like a red-headed step-child.