What’s the coolest thing you found in the back country

Found this on my brothers property in western Montana. IDK if it’s a natural formation or not, but it doesn’t look natural to me.




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You're the guy leaving all that flagging in the woods!

I always take that stuff down unless the trail is impossible to mark accurately on the gps. I figure if the other hunters aren't good enough to navigate without it, they shouldn't be hunting there ;) .
"all the flagging" = Nope! Just this one spot where I wasted like 10-15 minutes in the middle of the cold foggy night one time on the way back out trying to find that spot where I need to turn in. Unlike others... I rarely pull out my GPS. Years and years of Desert riding have made me damn good at knowing where I'm at. Only been two times I've ever had a minor oopsie re: directions from a missed turn. That spot... and coming out of D11 one time, I bothered to turn on the GPS because I didn't wanna backtrack a bunch and wanted to check if I could just pioneer it over to the line I needed to be on.
Not in the backcountry but I was tuna fishing 15 years ago or so and saw a big dragger that seemed to be all tangled up in something I got closer and saw a wing of a small plane out of the water, it was a small sesna or something like that, they pulled it on deck to get the gear untangled. Fast forward a few years I’m winterizing a dudes boat, old Italian guy straight off the boat broken English, I asked what he did because he said he was retired. Told me he ran the XYZ dragger I said no shit I saw that thing tangled up in a small plane years ago, he couldn’t believe I witnessed it. I asked him What happened with it I never saw it on the news was there anybody in it? He just smiled and said all I can say they had really nice luggage. This dudes house didn’t really align with his career, I’ve always wondered what was in that plane.
Not exactly the back country, but several years ago while archery antelope hunting I find a new tire laying in the middle of a two track road. Every other hunter I came across I inquired if they had lost a tire and that it would be sitting outside my camp for someone that lost it. Fast forward several months and I'm buried in a snowdrift bad while out coyote hunting. I mean I run up on hard snowpack and had to dig out the entire undercarriage of truck to get out. While digging out the rear of truck it seems there is more room under there than normal. Then it hits me, I have no spare tire. The tire I found months earlier and tried to give away and now in my garage was mine.
Found this on my brothers property in western Montana. IDK if it’s a natural formation or not, but it doesn’t look natural to me.




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Natural, a lot of rock formations like that all along/around the South Platte river in Colorado.
Found this on my brothers property in western Montana. IDK if it’s a natural formation or not, but it doesn’t look natural to me.




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I believe that is a dolmen / megalith formation, and they are caused by glacial processes. I’m no geologist, but Montana has a few of those.

But, it also reminds me of that formation in a scene from the movie Conan the Barbarian, where Conan escaped those dogs that were chasing him. If you recall, Conan climbed the formation and fell through a hidden entrance where he found that king’s tomb and sword which allowed him to embark on his mythic journey. If I were you, I’d go back and poke around the formation on your brother’s property... May be a king‘s tomb with vast riches, or some other significant archeological stuff buried in there just like Conan found. If it is, and you decide to embark on your own mythical journey, I hope you’ll keep us all posted of your adventures as it’s a long time before next hunting season.


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This thread kept me entertained for an hour this morning. Awesome stuff! I can't say I've ever found an airplane while hunting but when I was a kid I saw just the two tiny feet of a bird on a barbed wire fence. My best guess is lightning hit the line and the rest of the bird exploded.
The hole in the ground could be someones root cellar, you find them out on the prairie in eastern Co. The ones out east are usually built up above the ground with logs and sod a bit as well as dug in to the ground.
This is the little draw that had the bunker/mine. I don't think its a root cellar. I'm not sure why it was built there.

About 2 miles to the East are some mine shafts that go under black rocks similar to this. They go pretty deep though. Maybe this has something to do with them.


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One year out moose hunting. We were trying to cut a new trail down to a river to save us an hour travel on wheelers. We are several hours ride from any road and way off any trail. While taking a break and trying to figure our next move I looked down and saw something poking out of the ground. I pulled on it and it was an old dog sled. Rotted wood frame, iron runners complete with square bolt heads and a 15” spruce growing right through the middle of it. Since we were on a mission, we didn’t spend a lot of time digging around there. Later we were wondering the back story on how someone could have lost his sled? Did he pass away there? Was there a bunch of old camping gear there? I would love to be able to find that spot again and try a metal detector. Just where it was at on the side of a hill in thick woods really makes me wonder. Pretty rare to leave your sled behind in a area that gets extremely cold in the winter. Unfortunately I don’t have gps coordinates and it would be like the whole needle in a haystack thing to locate it again.
The Ranch I hunted on in Northern NM was family owned for several generations. I found an old jaw type trap that had no visible markings on it. The Ranch owner said no one in his Family has ever trapped on the Ranch. I displayed it on the hearth of my fireplace until Katrina came along and took it.
There was also a rock formation on the Ranch that had Petroglyphs, but I didn't take any pictures. I wish I had, because I don't hunt that Ranch anymore.

I am amazed by the Petroglyphs, and how they have lasted through the years. Most are exposed to the outside (sun, wind, rain, etc), and they are still legible. What type of fruit/vegetable matter did they use that is so permanent? I have to paint my house every 10 years, and I buy the best paint available, but the petroglyphs have lasted 10 times that. Maybe someone could make a paint as durable.
The petroglyphs are created when the artist chips through the oxidized surface of the rocks , exposing the unoxidized surface beneath. it takes rocks thousands of years to oxidize So the lighter under color shows though. No paint or pigment involved.
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The Ranch I hunted on in Northern NM was family owned for several generations. I found an old jaw type trap that had no visible markings on it. The Ranch owner said no one in his Family has ever trapped on the Ranch. I displayed it on the hearth of my fireplace until Katrina came along and took it.
There was also a rock formation on the Ranch that had Petroglyphs, but I didn't take any pictures. I wish I had, because I don't hunt that Ranch anymore.

I am amazed by the Petroglyphs, and how they have lasted through the years. Most are exposed to the outside (sun, wind, rain, etc), and they are still legible. What type of fruit/vegetable matter did they use that is so permanent? I have to paint my house every 10 years, and I buy the best paint available, but the petroglyphs have lasted 10 times that. Maybe someone could make a paint as durable
If it has pigment I believe what you’re describing is a pictograph. A petroglyph is carved in the rock like this. Not trying to be a know it all ( I didn’t know the difference until recently) just thought it might be of interest.


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This is the little draw that had the bunker/mine. I don't think its a root cellar. I'm not sure why it was built there.

About 2 miles to the East are some mine shafts that go under black rocks similar to this. They go pretty deep though. Maybe this has something to do with them.
Is this off like Hwy 40 heading out of Barstow? Lotta terrain right there that looks like that.
If it has pigment I believe what you’re describing is a pictograph. A petroglyph is carved in the rock like this. Not trying to be a know it all ( I didn’t know the difference until recently) just thought it might be of interest.

Thanks for the clarification. It didn't seem to be carved into the rocks (I didn't want to touch it), it appeared to be painted on
The petroglyphs are created when the artist chips through the oxidized surface of the rocks , exposing the unoxidized surface beneath. it takes rocks thousands of years to oxidize So the lighter under color shows though. No paint or pigment involved.

Thanks, that does make sense.
Is this off like Hwy 40 heading out of Barstow? Lotta terrain right there that looks like that.
No sir. Southern Utah. I drove through Barstow quite a bit on my way to and from Bakersfield but never spent any time in the hills there. When I was off work I was headed home to Utah.

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