Do you feel the edge?

went to Europe once.
Was walking around an outdoor flea market kinda thing.
Crowded, prolly couple thousand people.
One of the vendors calls me out "Hey - You, English, White Collar!!!!"
Trying to sell me something.
Guess I wasnt blending very well.
We have an assortment of bums here in my part of like never before. My observation is that there’s a direct correlation between the amount of northerners relocating and opening these “missions” and the number of bums that air and then stay. Makes sense really. I was digging a ditch the other day across the street from a place where the bums were eating a free lunch in a party tent with multiple AC units next to a spot where they get free clothes and had to constantly deal with them coming over and asking me and my guys for money. These aren’t disabled folks either. Just bums who could otherwise work like the rest of us if they weren’t given everything for free.
I've had folks notice that i wasn't a local in some small towns before. How it goes.

Most folks just ignore, or are friendly. Depends on where you are at.
It’s always been that way for me. I am extraordinarily hot so the chicks have a hard time not being on edge around me. It’s not easy, but you learn to live with being objectified.
Johnny Bravo, is that you?!

Whenever I go to a new place I just walk right in and say "Hi, I'm from out of town, how do you like me so far"? That always puts folks at ease.
Whenever I go to a new place I just walk right in and say "Hi, I'm from out of town, how do you like me so far"? That always puts folks at ease.
Not bad. My goto is usually "Who's the toughest guy in here? Cuz he's gonna kick their ass." And I point to whoever was unfortunate enough to be with me that day.
went to Europe once.
Was walking around an outdoor flea market kinda thing.
Crowded, prolly couple thousand people.
One of the vendors calls me out "Hey - You, English, White Collar!!!!"
Trying to sell me something.
Guess I wasnt blending very well.

Ha! When I was in Kenya, rolling through the rural areas, it is very common to hear from the younger kids , “Mzungu!!! Mzuuunngguuuu!!!” Mzungu is how East Africans refer to outsiders/europeans, etc. they don’t see mzungus very often where we were. As a matter of fact we rolled through a little village that is off limits to the average safari and the kids stopped a soccer game to see us. Funny stuff.

The older kids will often follow mzungu with “Give me some money!” That is a relic from the colonial days when the white settlers threw around money like water.
Retail stores are all seeing record theft. Wy wife does store inventories, and they are seeing millions in loss. People are literally walking in with shopping carts, filling them and leaving. My son lives in Philly. He sees people just grabbing as much as they can carry and walking out. Nobody does anything. They know the law won't be enforced and they will be sued. Some think they are entitled to it as reparations. We are the ones paying for it all. Walmart will just pass it on to the consumer.

One thing I see more is how awful people treat each other. I think it's getting worse. People yelling at cashiers, receptionists. Anyone in a service job just gets abused. Another thing that is out of hand is how people drive. I've commuted for over 20 years and I've never seen so many road rage incidents and super aggressive driving. I think between the frustration of covid and all the political propaganda, they have everyone ready to kill each other. It's hard but, try to be more patient and kinder.
Since 2020, are you aware that A LOT of people working at cash registers (retail, grocery, c-stores…) have a bluetooth speaker in one ear and are often talking to someone on their phone while they ring you up?

They may not talk while waiting on you… but they are preoccupied by someone on the other end.
Facts around here.
Face to face interactions are normal to good, but customer service in general has gone to $hit for the most part. What I notice the most is how terrible driving has gotten since COVID.

Between illegals without licenses/insurance to kids being taught driver's ed by their parents only, to entitled folks expecting you to let them in at the last moment after roaring up to the front after seeing a lane closure, I could go on and on. Driving in the city sucks and I'm from Des Moines originally. Just blessed to have my "fortress of solitude" 80 miles from the city and 4 miles from town.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the folks that hold up the traffic at every green light while they dick around on their phones. Nothing gives me more pleasure than laying on the horn for those jackasses.
^^^ We've got the same driving issues. A big part of the problem is we have near zero traffic enforcement since covid and the vaccination mandates hit. We lost all a ton of officers and I'd say most all of our motor cops. Occasionally you'll see one or two (motor cops) and then nothing again for months. We are still way down on police capacity even though they say they are hiring. I think that says no one (police candidates of a certain political persuasion ;) ) wants to work for a progressive toe the party line mayor.
I travel all over the country throughout the year, and no I don’t feel the edge. From California, to Texas, to Minnesota, and everywhere in between, nearly all of my interactions with people of all kinds are generally great.
You just ruined this entire bitch fest of a thread.

Please go punish yourself approximately

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I work in several places as a fill in guy. My hometown I am getting to where I can’t stand the people that walk in the door… 95% of them are assholes from the get go before we even give any bad news or an estimate…

Sent one guy packing out the door before he even walked in good about a month ago. Conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere but down hill

One of the big cities I fill in it’s a mixed bag of kittens ..1/3 of clients super nice … 1/3 of clients are over acting purple haired drama queens and 1/3 are assholes. They apparently had to call the cops on a guy this weekend for clearing off the counter after he was told his dog had to have major surgery for a “simple wound””

Story behind the scene .. was far from a simple wound .. leg was dangling only by a tendon.. axillary nerve roots were showing and there was a penetrating wound in the chest

Some people are just too stupid for even common sense

Then I go to the town my other job is in and for the most part people are social/ friendly so who knows
Face to face interactions are normal to good, but customer service in general has gone to $hit for the most part. What I notice the most is how terrible driving has gotten since COVID.

Between illegals without licenses/insurance to kids being taught driver's ed by their parents only, to entitled folks expecting you to let them in at the last moment after roaring up to the front after seeing a lane closure, I could go on and on. Driving in the city sucks and I'm from Des Moines originally. Just blessed to have my "fortress of solitude" 80 miles from the city and 4 miles from town.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the folks that hold up the traffic at every green light while they dick around on their phones. Nothing gives me more pleasure than laying on the horn for those jackasses.

Other than the "roaring" to the front, which is probably just what it seems like when you're backed up in the stop-and-go line of early-mergers, zipper-merging is the correct way to do that and is better for everyone than everyone trying to get in at once at the "lane closed in 1/4 mile" sign.

Zipper Merge
Lane splitting became legal here awhile back. I have no problem with it in general. My problem is with the ones that split lanes at a stop light and then F around when the light changes making you sit waiting on them to move. I holeshot past one of them one day and man oh man was he pissed. 🤣