I totally agree with this statement. Cutting excessive carbs and sugar along with portion control is the only thing that tends to produce results for me.It is all about clean eating and calorie deficit. Unless you are born with a high metabolism or good genes it is the only way! Cut out sodas and alcohol and it is amazing what that will do alone.
Your an a$$I'm still trying to gain a few to get up to where I want to be for the 20lbs I'll lose this coming elk season.
Feel lucky that you made it to 40 before it slowed down lol....I feel like it happened in my late 20s. I remember a day that I could smash 3 full plates of food a Chinese buffet and didn't put any weight on. I did go from a really physical job to an office job though.Thanks for sharing. Hitting 40 soon. Dealing with a change in metabolism. Doing the same things I’ve always done isn’t working as well as it used too. Seems like eating healthy and being active everyday is much more essential than it used ti be!
Imagine asking that question to a caveman. Me and @5MilesBack must be the only fools actively trying to gain weight on a daily basis in the off season, with my metabolism if I wanna lose weight I just go hunting for a couple days.
I have replaced a lot of the carbs that I loved with cauliflower. We use it in casseroles instead of noodles and mash up instead of eating mashed potatoes. The cauliflower rice isn't bad either. There is even a pizza shop near my house that offers a cauliflower crust pizza that is really tasty. Cutting carbs way back and sugar took me from 193 lbs at my heaviest down to 173 lbs for last elk season. I will do a desert every once in awhile but it is a big improvement over making a dozen break and bake cookies or brownies every other night.I’m 38 and I’ve stayed a consistent 190lbs for pretty much the last 10 years but I’ve noticed in the last year or so I just don’t feel is good as I used to. So I’ve cut out all cokes, most sugar except for maybe one dessert on the weekend, and trying to eat better and workout 4 days a week. I was trail walking/jogging about 2.5 miles every morning but In the last week I’ve also started using a kettlebell, so I’ll see how that goes. Snacking is my nemesis, I work from home and it’s so easy to just walk to the fridge and grab something. So I’ve been keeping almonds at my desk or getting an apple. I haven’t lost any weight yet but I feel better, my goal is to be under 180.
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I picked up a Garmin watch, and it has been a huge help for me as well. I did not realize how inactive I was on some days.Hit a morning walk for 45 minutes with the dog. I'll hit another 45 minute walk at lunch time. I picked up an Apple watch and have been in competitions with my brother and oldest daughter. As much as I hate the technology, this has been a huge help in keeping me going.
Very true, but not all of them. Buddy of mine was looking for a new O/U shotgun, respectable price range but nothing fancy. Sales guy was trying to upsell a gun in a completely different price range due to it being a couple ounces lighter. My buddy's response: "For that price if I was that worried about a couple ounces, I'd take it off the chassis." Like many of us, former mid level competitive athlete now career, dad, weekend warrior.Something I heard that stuck with me:
"People will spend hundreds of dollars more on a piece of gear to save ounces of weight while at the same time being 30 pounds overweight."