This is it! Diets are short term fixes for a longer-term problem. Change your eating habits and that will last a lifetime. After a while, fast food doesn't even sound appealing.elk hunted at 252, backslid a bit and was around 258 at the end of 2023. I’m at 240 and feeling great currently, my body composition has changed a ton over the last 2.5 months even though I’ve only lost 15 pounds.
I’m running about 20 miles a week and lifting 3-4 days a week. I’ve worked down from 2800 calories to 2300 calories with 36% protein, 31% carbs, 33% fat. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds on keto if I count all the times I’ve lost and gained it. I’m focused this time on losing weight slow on a balanced diet(~1 pound per week) and building a better relationship with food. I hope to find a nice balanced maintenance calorie diet coming out of this. I would like to be around 190.
Good luck everybody! At my current path I could be around 210 this September and much stronger/fitter than I was at 255 this past September. Its an exciting for me to think about being more capable.