Weight Loss For Hunting in 2024


Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for bumping. I am currently 234. I drew a decent elk tag so I’m hoping to be sub 215 by sep 1. Still lifting four times per week and running 20 ish miles. Still focused on losing ~1 pound per week.
I made it to 215 before my elk hunt. Performed much better being 40 pounds lighter. Didn’t kill one, but my physical abilities had nothing to do with my inability to get in bow range of a bull.

I now want to be 185 next September, I am running a half marathon in January and im
Shooting to be under 200 for that.

I have to have a crazy extensive physical for my job every year, my resting heart rate is down around 20 BPM, blood pressure is down 15 or so on top and bottom number, and I scored excellent in all the fitness categories they have, the 40 pounds has really given me a whole new confidence and outlook on my own health.


Jun 22, 2020
Thats awesome man, glad to hear you are back on track. You will be thanking yourself I'm sure
My weight loss journey started when I couldn’t keep up on drives in bear season two years ago. I thought it was ridiculous that I was 30 and I could barely keep up and I was kaput after the first day. I couldn’t believe I let my relationship with food get as bad as it was. So I swore every year I would be better and lighter than the last one come bear season.