What does everyone do for a living?

Field “engineer” in the power industry doing new plants and outages. Our seasons for work are spring and fall which makes hunting difficult at time
Adult babysitter. Foreman in a heavy equipment shop for mining industry
Are you ever causally talking about work with friends and they start complaining about their bosses and saying they work for a-holes? And then you start agreeing with what the their boss did and start explaining the boss was right or had a reason? Some people just don’t understand the decisions managers have to make.
I hate whining. I never knew adults could whine and complain more than my kids.
I clicked on this thread and realized it was started in 2012! How many people that replied in this thread are still on this forum?

I’m an electrician.
Are you ever causally talking about work with friends and they start complaining about their bosses and saying they work for a-holes? And then you start agreeing with what the their boss did and start explaining the boss was right or had a reason? Some people just don’t understand the decisions managers have to make.
I hate whining. I never knew adults could whine and complain more than my kids.
That doesn’t bother me as much as I expected