
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

  • Total voters
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I think we're talking about different things. Houston is far from the "healthiest city" in the world. What it does have however, is one of the finest medical centers in the world. Kind of ironic really.
Yes, I understand your point...I was just also finding it so ironic.
I'm going to hold out on taking it until we have a million dead, and 90% of our small businesses are shuttered....because nobody's gonna tell this macho man what to do....
If 90% of our small businesses are shuttered, it certainly won't be because of will be because of the government's "reaction" to Covid (state and local).

Over-riding liberty in America because of a crisis is like over-riding classified information because of a crisis. That's why our Founding Fathers founded our nation as they did with all the foundational ensure that no matter the crisis, "we the people" would still have and keep our liberty from an over-reaching government. We start with and keep liberty regardless of the circumstances or the matter what. Similarly......when we get a security clearance and crisis hits in your life, you don't look for ways to violate that clearance and the classified information that you keep. You keep it out of the wrong hands at all costs going into it.........and also when a crisis arises. You don't pick and choose when you do that, just like "we the people" and the government don't get to choose when we have liberty and when we don't........regardless of the crisis. We always have it, and the government doesn't get to decide when we have it and when we don't.
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I voted no but I’m guessing the liberals will start requiring a vaccination in order to be eligible for our constitutional rights. I’ve already seen how some airlines are talking about requiring vaccinations to fly with them.

As to why I won’t take it, covid has a 99% survival rate, no need to get vaccinated. I also don’t care about other people’s health, that is their responsibility and if they feel they are vulnerable, it is their right to get the vaccine. People need to take responsibility for themselves, not expect others to do it for them.
My thoughts exactly.
Nope won't get it. I also don't wanna hear I need to do it for the greater good of the "the community"..give me a break and take that virtue signaling somewhere else. "The community" where 65% of the people can't put down a Big Mac to reduce their chance of obesity related issue killing them. Last time I checked heart disease still kills over 650k a year but I am supposed to shoot some ramped up experimental drug into me for their protection? No thanks.
This is exactly why I am and will always be against state run healthcare. People can't take care of themselves so at some point the state will try to regulate what I do based on what others do.
The rankings are put out by the WHO are we ignoring those now, but taking their COVID numbers as gospel?
By the way we are now down to 37th.
Measuring Overall Health System Performance for 191 Countries (
That’s pretty close to my point. I don’t think the WHO is correct about Covid, and I’m even less inclined to believe our healthcare ranking if the WHO is the source.

Or said another way, for those who (understandably) question the input from medical experts on the vaccine, I would think it would be consistent to also question any study which purports to rank countries’ healthcare systems, especially when the countries are very different. (By the way, I’m not arguing we are #1, I just think it’s harder to quantify.)
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I'll get it. There are possible long term side-effects of COVID and the vaccine and I'd rather take my chances with the vaccine.

I also have an international hunt that has been postponed and I will have to test negative right before I leave. My chances of a negative test are greater if I have been vaccinated which is one less possible curveball to trainwreck the hunt.
That’s pretty close to my point. I don’t think the WHO is correct about Covid, and I’m even less inclined to believe our healthcare ranking if the WHO is the source.

Or said another way, for those who (understandably) question the input from medical experts on the vaccine, I would think it would be consistent to also question any study which purports to rank countries’ healthcare systems, especially when the countries are very different. (By the way, I’m not arguing we are #1, I just think it’s harder to quantify.)
Your right its all interpretation and to be taken with a grain salt. My wife and I have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world and there are definitely some countries that trump us when it comes to healthcare and its not even close
If 90% of our small businesses are shuttered, it certainly won't be because of will be because of the "reaction" to Covid.

Over-riding liberty in America because of a crisis is like over-riding classified information because of a crisis. That's why our Founding Fathers founded our nation as they did with all the foundational ensure that no matter the crisis, "we the people" would still have and keep our liberty from an over-reaching government. We start with and keep liberty regardless of the circumstances or the matter what. Similarly......when we get a security clearance and crisis hits in your life, you don't look for ways to violate that clearance and the classified information that you keep. You keep it out of the wrong hands at all costs going into it.........and also when a crisis arises. You don't pick and choose when you do that, just like "we the people" and the government doesn't get to choose when we have liberty and when we don't........regardless of the crisis.
Really? Have you ever held a clearance? Having held a TS//SCI clearance I can say that how classified information is protected is itself classified (and varies compartment to compartment), so if you did hold a clearance you just violated your NDA with that little comparison, that or the comparison is invalid. Unfortunately the classified nature of the discussion precludes any further analysis of the validity of the comparison as I don't intend to violate my NDA.

The Founders understood that rights are a balance, simple evidence of this is how they could affirm the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while implementing capital punishment and imprisonment for certain crimes. It is valid to say a situation does not carry enough gravity to override a right; however, there is no jurisprudence I'm aware of that argues a right is absolute in all situations.

Personally, I think some measures have gone further than can be justified and would not stand up under strict scrutiny (a constitutional law concept). But, even if I am right it does not make the argument you just made valid. Suspending liberties during a crises (right or wrong) has a long history in this country and is even enshrined in law and jurisprudence. That does not make the restrictions right in every case, but it does require more nuanced arguments to defend liberty.
Really? Have you ever held a clearance? Having held a TS//SCI clearance I can say that how classified information is protected is itself classified (and varies compartment to compartment), so if you did hold a clearance you just violated your NDA with that little comparison, that or the comparison is invalid. Unfortunately the classified nature of the discussion precludes any further analysis of the validity of the comparison as I don't intend to violate my NDA.

The Founders understood that rights are a balance, simple evidence of this is how they could affirm the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while implementing capital punishment and imprisonment for certain crimes. It is valid to say a situation does not carry enough gravity to override a right; however, there is no jurisprudence I'm aware of that argues a right is absolute in all situations.

Personally, I think some measures have gone further than can be justified and would not stand up under strict scrutiny (a constitutional law concept). But, even if I am right it does not make the argument you just made valid. Suspending liberties during a crises (right or wrong) has a long history in this country and is even enshrined in law and jurisprudence. That does not make the restrictions right in every case, but it does require more nuanced arguments to defend liberty.

Really? Have you ever held a clearance? Having held a TS//SCI clearance I can say that how classified information is protected is itself classified (and varies compartment to compartment), so if you did hold a clearance you just violated your NDA with that little comparison, that or the comparison is invalid. Unfortunately the classified nature of the discussion precludes any further analysis of the validity of the comparison as I don't intend to violate my NDA.

The Founders understood that rights are a balance, simple evidence of this is how they could affirm the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness while implementing capital punishment and imprisonment for certain crimes. It is valid to say a situation does not carry enough gravity to override a right; however, there is no jurisprudence I'm aware of that argues a right is absolute in all situations.

Personally, I think some measures have gone further than can be justified and would not stand up under strict scrutiny (a constitutional law concept). But, even if I am right it does not make the argument you just made valid. Suspending liberties during a crises (right or wrong) has a long history in this country and is even enshrined in law and jurisprudence. That does not make the restrictions right in every case, but it does require more nuanced arguments to defend liberty.

The founding fathers “understood” that the rights/liberty’s mentioned were ordained of God... not granted or “balanced” by the state. It’s been all the “nuanced” arguments that have moved us into almost complete confusion.

Capital punishment isn’t an argument for said balance... it’s a “punishment” for not recognizing someone’s right to life.
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Cool story...

I was thinking about things like smallpox. But like I said, I'm not an infectious disease expert. You?
I've done enough research to question the narrative.

I trust the experts like I trust gas station sushi.

It's all about the Benjamins..

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LOL, no, it provides the information to make a decision. What you are doing is the equivalent of demanding a police officer know if a perps gun is loaded or not before he can use deadly force. The odds are good there are not long term effects, just like the odds are good that if someone points a gun at you they intend to use it.
No, it doesn't provide a shread of information regarding the long term effects of this vaccine. But you have convinced me smallpox vaccines are safe and I should shoot anyone who points a gun at me.
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