
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

  • Total voters
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"Protect us, o God, from the diphtheria." was the opening line in a book I read about being a doctor in the early 1900s. Diptheria is a respiratory disease caused by a bacteria. You basically suffocated to death. It could cause epidemics.
Does anyone on this forum remember learning about the Iditarod and the "Great Race of Mercy" with Togo (and Balto) to get diphtheria antitoxin to Nome, AK in 1925?

I voted yes and am a physician(internal medicine). I am office based so do not see the covid19 patients in the hospital but see them when ( if) they are discharged home. I have also been diagnosing an increasing number in the office. Until recently, I had nothing to offer patients except advise but now the monoclonal antibody treatments are available.

Here are some thoughts of mine

The deaths from covid 19 range around 1.8%-3.4% total. But a graph of the deaths by age appears logarithmic to me, or at least very curvilinear.
deaths by age range
45-54 yo range 0.5%-0.8%
55-64 yo range 1.4%-2.6%
65-74 yo range 2.7%-4.9%
75-84 yo range 4.3%-10.5%
85 and older 10.4%-27.3%
So hats off to all you young bucks, but as someone who is 64 yo, I have a different perspective on risk.

Regarding the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, there are over 40 in human clinical trials and over 150 were in preclinical trials worldwide. Researchers had a head start on vaccine development due to past experience with SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV vaccine trials. Both of these have the spike protein similar to the SARS-CoV-2.

How a vaccine gets developed
Preclinical trials: done on mice, then primates with specific criteria monitored

Phase I clinical trials: done on healthy human volunteers, usually < 100, with primary objective of safety. Over time, higher doses are given. Volunteers are monitored daily. Halting (no go) rules are in place.

Phase II clinical trials: involve several hundred volunteers with continued attention to safety and the goal immune response.

Phase III clinical trials: determine if the vaccine works to prevent infection. Volunteers either receive the vaccine or a placebo. This can involved > 30,000 volunteers.

For covid 19, Phase I, II, III trials were often combined which sped up development.

Vaccine types
Inactivated whole virus
live attenuated( less pathogenic) virus
recombinant proteins--viral proteins produced in a lab
vector virus- other nonpathogenic viruses are used to introduce the genetic material to stimulate the immune response
DNA -use plasmid DNA
RNA-these are produced completely in vitro

All vaccines in human trials had side effects: fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pains.
I believe the Moderna vaccine lists this at about 10%.
Although the first human trials were started back in March, there has not been enough time with phase III to assess for any long term side effects.

Vaccination of enough individuals will allow for "herd immunity".

Most of the vaccine information above, I adapted from

BTW, our hospital system is offering the vaccine but it is not mandatory.

The founding fathers “understood” that the rights/liberty’s mentioned were ordained of God... not granted or “balanced” by the state. It’s been all the “nuanced” arguments that have moved us into almost complete confusion.

Capital punishment isn’t an argument for said balance... it’s a “punishment” for not recognizing someone’s right to life.
Capital punishment is depriving someone of their God ordained right to life. It is justified by their violation of someone elses right, but it does not change the fact that it violates theirs. Hence, it is balancing their right with the rights of others. Contrary you what you argue, God given rights do not evaporate at the wim of the state because it feels the need to punish. The Founders also recognized this with the 8th Amendment.
If it doesn't have the implanted coding it wont do any good for your freedom. Unless they can track your every move and insure you are where they want you to be it was not the correct vaccine
I will gladly take it when the data show that the vaccine actually matches the active strain. Currently, you will need different vaccine every few months as strain develops assuming the vaccine development is fast enough. Also the 90 or 95% effectivness is an absolute joke if you actually read how the trials where performed.
For me it’s all about what kind of tail I will grow from the vaccine. If it’s a usable tail like a monkey, I am fine with that. If I could squeeze a hoochie mama with the tail while pulling my bow back that would be a welcome side effect. Now if it’s a dog tail or something useless and flaccid it’s a hard pass.
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Is anyone else noticing that the actual health care workers on this thread are the ones saying how dangerous this disease is and how the vaccine should be taken? While the average Joe’s are the ones sowing doubt and dismissing the seriousness? That’s very telling to me! I’m going to listen to the pro’s on this one. Seems like a better source of info than the random internet hunter that turns a crank for a living.
Wasn't supposed to be a chest pounding, my opinion is better than yours thread, although I saw it coming. I have been having this discussion with a diverse set of political backgrounds and the consensus is most do not want to get the vaccine, which I thought was interesting... What is also interesting is how many on this site are willing to get it, I didn't expect it.

I will not be getting it, 99.9999% of people like me that get the virus get the sniffles, period. I never get the flu vaccine and never will either.
If it’s good enough for the docs, nurses, and military, stick that vaccine in me and let’s get on with things. Hope I can get it before summer season but I have a feeling I will be low on the list.
Wasn't supposed to be a chest pounding, my opinion is better than yours thread, although I saw it coming. I have been having this discussion with a diverse set of political backgrounds and the consensus is most do not want to get the vaccine, which I thought was interesting... What is also interesting is how many on this site are willing to get it, I didn't expect it.

I will not be getting it, 99.9999% of people like me that get the virus get the sniffles, period. I never get the flu vaccine and never will either.
Why are you surprised by how many people are willing to get it? It’s a 46/53 split currently, seems pretty similar to many issues. Folk on here are probably just a fairly representative population of the country.
I will wait as long as I possibly can, them not knowing for sure if it truly works, and for how long it works. Plus what kind of side effects., there is no way they know what they will be at this time, it will take years to see. And shoot the side effects could take out more of us then the virus What if in Two , three years down the road they find it causes liver failure or some cancer or something else, and there is a class action lawsuit ,( like that don’t happen enough) it’s a little late to decide you should not have gotten it.
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Don't need the Vaccine. I caught it... BAD.. back in February thru til April. Just toughed it out at home with the right kind of meds for the symptoms, and also a ZPac to help keep the other Bacterium in there at bay while the CoVid was putting me thru the wringer.
Why are you surprised by how many people are willing to get it? It’s a 46/53 split currently, seems pretty similar to many issues. Folk on here are probably just a fairly representative population of the country.

Seemed like the democratic on the site would lean heavy to the no side.
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