Snakebit dog - vaccine PSA

Well, we went to the avoidance training today. He did well, and seemed to know what the snake was. We have long suspected he has encountered them and avoided on his own. FOR SURE he will avoid them now.

The most interesting part of it was as we were headed back for the second exposure he was jumping on me and physically trying to block me from going closer.

By the time we got to the porcupine he was suspicious of everything and only got a small correction. On the second pass as soon as he smelled the pocupine he turned and headed rhe other way.

It was a confusing event for him but he learned to avoid these smells, sights and sounds. Kind of subdued tonight, but more or less himself.
Did they use a dead porcupine. I have thought about picking one up I see on the road and use it. Should have the smell I would think it would get the point across