Unfollowing Hunting Social Media Will Make Hunting Better: Matt Rinella Essay

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Mar 14, 2017
I find it really comical how many people have a problem with people shooting more then they can personally eat......

So giving away the spoils of a successful hunt to friends and family who weren't fortunate enough to shoot an animal that year, or giving it to friends who don't hunt is somehow bad?

How dare Randy Newberg and Cam Hanes provide nutritiously dense wild meat to their friends and families. Those friends and family members should go to the store and spend their hard earned money on factory farmed grain fed animals? What are we talking about here? Am I missing something or is this just the typically jealous guys hating here?

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Jun 16, 2016
if you and cam pulled up on the same animal to shoot and he says i am shooting this to give it to my friends because my freezer is full would that bother you if your freezer didnt have any game meat in it? Also he is making a show which he is going to gain a pile of money from.

I'd bet cam would be the 1st to step aside and let you shoot it..and then prolly help you pack it out


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
Old guy thoughts…..why do I hunt because it is in my blood and long before social media I hunted, took photos, shared photos and there was a time for a decade I was shooting 1-3 bulls and a deer a year….this was shared with family and close friends and all got eaten….personally I’ve never worried about multiple animals being shot by someone if they are legal and have the tags….more power to them…..why did I do it because I could and it was my passion….never got into facebook but like Instagram and share many photos success trail cams shed hunting time with my lab basically anything outdoors…..I follow many hunters and have deleted the ones not for me either as noted they get me to follow and unfollow, I don’t play that game or simply not similar to what I enjoy….…..I like to post and review photos as it is a good way to discern reality, experience, knowledge, and credibility from the players and key board wannabees…..to each their own and I don’t worry about others hardly ever in the mountains….good luck 🍀 and on to 2022🤙

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Old guy thoughts…..why do I hunt because it is in my blood and long before social media I hunted, took photos, shared photos and there was a time for a decade I was shooting 1-3 bulls and a deer a year….this was shared with family and close friends and all got eaten….personally I’ve never worried about multiple animals being shot by someone if they are legal and have the tags….more power to them…..why did I do it because I could and it was my passion….never got into facebook but like Instagram and share many photos success trail cams shed hunting time with my lab basically anything outdoors…..I follow many hunters and have deleted the ones not for me either as noted they get me to follow and unfollow, I don’t play that game or simply not similar to what I enjoy….…..I like to post and review photos as it is a good way to discern reality, experience, knowledge, and credibility from the players and key board wannabees…..to each their own and I don’t worry about others hardly ever in the mountains….good luck 🍀 and on to 2022🤙


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Big Tech needs to hurry up with this whole virtual reality thing so we can get all these city slickers back into their city apartments and experiencing “nature” from their google headset!
How big is the town when people are considered city slickers?


Feb 26, 2013
I find it really comical how many people have a problem with people shooting more then they can personally eat......

So giving away the spoils of a successful hunt to friends and family who weren't fortunate enough to shoot an animal that year, or giving it to friends who don't hunt is somehow bad?

How dare Randy Newberg and Cam Hanes provide nutritiously dense wild meat to their friends and families. Those friends and family members should go to the store and spend their hard earned money on factory farmed grain fed animals? What are we talking about here? Am I missing something or is this just the typically jealous guys hating here?

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There is only so much opportunity to go around.

Most of those folks who are talking about "giving it away to friends" etc. etc. are only doing that because they need a way to justify killing a bunch of shit each year because they need "content".

So, while I'm certainly not against sharing the spoils of the hunt, I am firmly against shooting a bunch of animals just for "content" and then justifying it by saying you gave some away.
Jun 3, 2020
Eagle River, AK
So, while I'm certainly not against sharing the spoils of the hunt, I am firmly against shooting a bunch of animals just for "content" and then justifying it by saying you gave some away.
exactly. if they werent getting some monetary value (shooting shows/content driving some social page) do you really think they would be out there hunting that many animals. They are making money off of animals that you could be eating your self just to line their pockets.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
There is only so much opportunity to go around.

Most of those folks who are talking about "giving it away to friends" etc. etc. are only doing that because they need a way to justify killing a bunch of shit each year because they need "content".

So, while I'm certainly not against sharing the spoils of the hunt, I am firmly against shooting a bunch of animals just for "content" and then justifying it by saying you gave some away.

Yeah, this is where I’m at. Of course folks can argue and make justifications, but if you look at what compels this content and you have interactions with contemporary hunting culture, it’s not a stretch to make some judgments here on who is hunting for “content” and what their motivations are vs. people taking pics of their hunting experience and sharing with friends and interested parties.


Mar 14, 2017
So I will say that this is not some mountain I am willing to climb and die on here justifying "hunting celebrities" shooting more then they can eat. It's just my perspective. It doesn't bother me personally, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or say anyone else point of view is wrong.

With that being said.

Do we really think that Cam Hanes going to whatever private ranch he is going to in Utah to hunt and shoot elk is taking away opportunity from someone else?

If I could do nothing, but hunt all season long in multiple states and NOT get paid to do it, that would be my dreams come true. If I could make money doing it, then great.

I find it hard to believe that wouldn't be the same for most guys on here. These guys were obsessed with OTC public land hunting long before they were famous and making money doing it on private ranches.

If they weren't famous and making money doing it, I truly believe they would be out there as much as they possibley could, time permitting, hunting as much as could.

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May 24, 2020
Cam Hanes has posted numerous times about how he gives away meat to his neighbors and co workers. And I don’t really think it matters if he got it from a otc unit, a limited draw unit or a private ranch. As hunters we need to stop talking shit about, trying to silence and hating on other hunters that have a large platform and use it to promote hunting with a positive image. There’s no reason for it. We’re just shooting ourselves in the foot. For Matt Rinella to talk as much shit about Rogan as he did, just makes him sound like a whiny elitist bitch. And does nothing to help the hunting community.

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Feb 29, 2012
exactly. if they werent getting some monetary value (shooting shows/content driving some social page) do you really think they would be out there hunting that many animals. They are making money off of animals that you could be eating your self just to line their pockets.

Elkshape was shooting 2 or 3 elk per year long before he started elkshape. He saw the last of Idaho pre wolf.

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Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Cam Hanes has posted numerous times about how he gives away meat to his neighbors and co workers. And I don’t really think it matters if he got it from a otc unit, a limited draw unit or a private ranch. As hunters we need to stop talking shit about, trying to silence and hating on other hunters that have a large platform and use it to promote hunting with a positive image. There’s no reason for it. We’re just shooting ourselves in the foot. For Matt Rinella to talk as much shit about Rogan as he did, just makes him sound like a whiny elitist bitch. And does nothing to help the hunting community.

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It’s interesting that you preach not talking shit about other hunters and then throw Matt throw matt under the bus….

On that front, I’m over this “hunters blindly supporting other hunters BS.” If social media has taught me anything it is that there is no shortage of absolutely garbage, pathetic excuses for human beings who happen to share this hobby of hunting. We even have such examples as members on this very forum. These are the very folks who have a very tight set of standards of beliefs and, if you don’t align almost exactly with their every detail of belief, political persuasion, philosophy of life etc, are quick to pronounce you their enemy. You know what? Screw these people. I have no use for them. I don’t care if they hunt. A douchebag is a douchebag. A terrible person is a terrible person.

Let’s make some very real admissions about modern hunting: it’s a hobby. You can blah blah blah about deep seeded inspiration, but the reality is, it’s a hobby and we are all recreationalists who kill animals, and many of us spend absurd amounts of time and money to do so. That’s it. In the grander scheme, it’s meaningless. Some folks attempt to roll this into a very overt religious aspect and it’s quite frankly silly. Thanking the lord for the 12 point buck you killed is akin thanking the lord for winning a t-ball game. It’s not as if your family was starving and will now survive the winter because You killed a 12 point bucks on a food plot with multiple trail cam pics through the years as you assessed its genetic potential. These are examples of people using religion to mask their own Narcissism and It’s pathetic.

Telling me I’m supposed to go out in the world and defend people who exhibit these very fundamental examples of narcissism masked with religion for the sake of what amounts to a hobby and then they make unapologetic, monetized content from it? You’re kidding yourself if your believe these examples prioritize hunting over content and monetization. The relationship is actually the inverse for the vast majority of people monetizing hunting via content. And the people who happen to share this hobby who are also just shitty people, they deserve one another and they keep keep jerking each other off under tenants of religion, politics and whatever other system of beliefs they attach themselves to because their lives otherwise hold little to no meaning: it ain’t for me, they aren’t my people, they might even be my enemies.

Hunting as hobby says very little about the quality of one’s character. There are garbage people who also hunt and there people who mask this level of low quality existence by attaching exterior systems of beliefs to their hunting. It’s pathetic.


Sep 6, 2014
If I had the means to hunt 3-5 states a year and kill several animals a year, hell yes I'd do it. The main dudes mentioned have been doing that well before social media.


Dec 6, 2021
I deal with teenagers for my job. I have a natural resources class and I had them read and respond to Matt's article.

They had some good points, being hormonal teenagers, but the one that reverberates around my brain is this; most of the 'avid' young hunters have said they look at the trophy photos on Instagram and pass up the young whitetails because they want to manage the local heard to produce mature deer. When I was their age... if it was legal, I took it.
Dec 14, 2021
I’ve seen the topic of social media and influencers discussed on Rokslide frequently, but an essay by Matt Rinella posted on the Free Range American website does a really great job of discussing just why social media and influencers have such a negative effect on hunting.

Matt makes great points about hunting pressure and hunter numbers related to social media, too.

Apparently, the essay was taken down - but you can still access it via the following link:

Thanks for posting this! Great read.


Sep 13, 2016
I wasn’t totally sure what a “social media hunter” was so I checked it out on Instagram. Good god, there are some absolute clowns out there. Honestly, if that’s who is driving recruitment and shaping future hunters then just let it die quietly. I had no idea how bad it was. These dudes are parasites.
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