Sorry guys...I've been completely wrong ...I decided to read the article...traditional hunters or hunters that are more "pure" deserve to have an experience in the mtns like it used to be back before the crowds...lets stop hunter recruiting...lets take away our biggest avenue to have a voice...lets dictate how much someone can eat in one year ? Or how much meat they give away to family & friends... Lets promote looking down at one another until we are all "pure"....this way I will finally be successful
It never guys will never find what your looking for...if influencers deleted accounts tomorrow...the very next day it would something else on why "traditional huntser" aren't getting the experience they want...wolves..Indians...long range hunters...archery hunters...less pure hunters
I know this cuz yal were bitching prior to instagram too
There's some awesome hunting to be had if you stop waisting your time blaming others