Were they, or just in his view because he didn't kill an elk down there? When you make your entire living and identity off being an elk killer and then are unsuccessful on a hunt, I can see how excuse-making and accusations creep into the conversation to explain your lack of success. Perhaps he's as salty as he claims Matt Rinella is?
It'd be one thing if it was an isolated incident, but this isn't the first time he's taken to the airwaves to piss and moan. What about him bitching about the antelope hunters in Nevada this year because there was too much hunting pressure and some guy was hunting "his waterhole?" Didn't he bitch about some guys the year before or couple years prior on another hunt doing "illegal things" and turning them in? Bitching about some hunter on the Rich Outdoors podcast a couple years back that called him out on an elk hunt? Come to think of it, a lot of his content involves some sort of bitching about other hunters. What's the common denominator here?
With regard to his method of helping and educating hunters, we've had "grinding", "hammering", working out, eating right, bugling and shooting arrows out to 100 yards shoved so far down our throats as an influencers' contributions to the hunting community we are choking on watered-down, repeated information. Want to make a real difference about all the animals you're not seeing or hunter crowding using your platforms? Educate people on how they can volunteer with RMEF, the Mule Deer Foundation, NWTF, etc. Post "content" of you out volunteering yourself doing those things, going to your state legislature and lobbying for public lands and wildlife management. How many YT videos does he and other content creators have on those topics? Any at all? If they do, what's the proportion of the volunteering and advocacy posts/videos/podcasts to the shirtless Crossfit content? I've never seen Randy Newberg post one video of himself shirtless, power squatting then chasing down a protein shake in the name hunter recruitment and public lands, and I hope I never do (no offense, Randy).
Even through a squint it should be clear to see which hunters in the social media space are out for their own ego, monetary gain and hubris, versus the ones that use their platform to truly enhance hunting and opportunity. I imagine this is the frustration Matt Rinella is largely speaking to.