I am not a lawyer, but I must be thinking of a "different" Citizens United where an attempt was made to shut down the free speech by a nonprofit organization that happened to be presenting information unfavorable to Hilary Clinton...and a decision that left individual contribution limits and campaign finance reporting laws unchanged.
Even you progressive leaning folks must see the hypocrisy in all of this. I am for total exposure, gov't accountability, and simply for more free speech (however that occurs), but not for the gov't picking winners and losers through intimidation or by whatever means...and yes one has to spend their own money to get information out to the people if you don't have the gov't or media apparatus at your fingertips. The next thing you know, you guys will want to control the internet...oops, that is already being tried.
I would like to see federal politicians get paid more, but put in jail for personally benefitting from anything beyond their own salaries. I would like to see solutions, not knee jerk reactions and ideas which only create other problems. Like, hey we can get rid of corruption by the gov't controlling free speech, or we can get rid of crime by keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Whether that is how it is meant or not, it is really insulting to me as a free American to hear these arguments.
Here is just one example of many, many, many that illustrates the hypocrisy and the danger of too large and controlling of a federal gov't, one who has become our master instead of our servant. Private citizen Dinesh D'Souza being put in jail for an open relatively small personal contribution in an effort to support the ideals of this country of freedome of speech, getting back to the Constitution, etc., while Hilary Clinton does "speeches" for hundreds of thousands of dollars so that money can go to a foundation that she directly benefits from...and then those people who bought her speeches just happen to benefit from the gov't picking them as a winner. Let's wake up people and address the real problems.
I think my campaign finance law would go something like this and I think it would pass Constitutional muster..."Any politician or his or her familiy who benefits monetarily from their time in office (while in office and for 7 yrs after leaving office) will immediately be thrown in jail pending trial. And any free American can donate however much and to whoever they want openly. Every donation would be open to the light of day. And any campaign that trys to hide foreign money transfer into the campaign from countries like Saudi Arabia for instance would automatically forefeit those moneys and if knowingly accepting said money from a foreign source be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."