Trump on Public Lands

Maybe some day Public Lands will be the least of my worries. I certainly hope so.

Be careful what you ask for. IMO people deserve what they're asking for. But I want nothing to do with what they are asking for because they can't see the forest for the trees.

A candidate could be proposing free beer for everyone for the rest of their lives, yet want to end this country as it was founded. And the masses would vote for that candidate for the beer. Sad really.
IMO......there are MUCH more pressing issues regarding the Constitution (or lack thereof) and this election, than just land ownership. Kind of like giving away the farm to save the pig, when in the end you lose the farm and the pig.

Our country is headed in a direction where in a few years many of you won't be able to afford to hunt and won't even care to hunt because of all the other issues becoming such a problem, that hunting and public land will be the least of your worries. When you've lost all your freedoms, rights, and liberties your perspective will change.

The 2nd Amendment while a big issue, is also just a small piece of the overall liberal puzzle. And most people for whatever reason can only see a piece here and there, but for the life of them either don't care what the finished puzzle looks like.....or just can't see it at all. I believe people are blinded to the big picture.

In some ways it's a lot like Economics. People are very short-sighted and only see the immediate. Economics takes time. People will applaud a President for doing such a great job in some area of something, yet the Economic policy from 8 years earlier is what actually made that change. And the effects of the changes and policies of the current President are even yet to be seen. So in a vicious cycle people play the blame game, and don't have any idea what they're talking about.

We are still reeling today by some of Jimmy Carter's actions as President. And absolutely reeling from some of FDR's actions.

Could you clarify these end of day scenarios you keep bringing up?
Once again, the conversation will move on from public lands down some partisan rabbit hole.

Sorry Matt , to me public lands is very important, I was just curious as what was so much more important that I should completely disregard a candidates stance on public lands.

Back on track
No worries. I was just pointing out that is the intent of Public Lands Opponents. They want to change the discussion.

They want the narrative to be: "If you support federal public lands, then you are ignorant sheeple that love government and hate freedom. Now lets talk about something else so you forget about those public lands."

It is the Big Lie of the movement.
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Once again, the conversation will move on from public lands down some partisan rabbit hole.

The existence of our country as it was founded should absolutely NOT be a partisan issue. Patriotism should be paramount, but unfortunately people seem to be intentionally choosing to end it as it once was. Perhaps we should just end this slow death quickly, and vote in Hilary and appoint whatever Justices they nominate that will tear up the Constitution and defecate on it right in front of everyone's eyes........and the country will stand and applaud. It is absolutely sickening what's happening in this country today. A country of immoral pansies we've become. But hey.......we have our public lands.
Proponents of transfer would prefer to move the conversation from public lands to some other issue. They want to make it partisan, so people can say, "Yah, we lost our public lands ... but we still have our FREEDOM!"

I say its a smokescreen. Public Lands are not a partisan issue. Transfer has broad opposition from both parties, as well it should. In MT we have a Republican House Rep. and Democrat Senator that have both strongly stood up to transfer attempts. I am glad for it.

Maybe some day Public Lands will be the least of my worries. I certainly hope so. That day is not today, however.

Wish I had more thumbs up. Spot on.
Reading some of the comments on here makes me think there is still some hope left. Great insights guys !