Trump on Public Lands

Why should we have to trade our lands to protect the rights we already have?

We shouldn't. But that's the state of affairs we're in today. We aren't trading, it's just one of the issues that's around today. Kind of like all the stupid riders that are attached to bills that they know have to get passed. We shouldn't have to trade, but with Trump you're potentially trading Constitutional guarantees for public lands. That's not my first choice.
Even if they are two completely different things, you are saying I should give up my privileges to keep my rights. How are our rights even on the table?
Even if they are two completely different things, you are saying I should give up my privileges to keep my rights. How are our rights even on the table?

I'm saying "I" am willing to give up my privileges if that means keeping my rights. Everyone has to make their own choices. But I still believe that any and all true Americans should absolutely be 100% FOR protecting, preserving, and defending ALL provisions in the Constitution at all costs. THAT should be our #1 priority in every election opportunity. Electing people to support and defend a Constitution that these people don't even believe in, is a disgrace and embarrassment to our nation. We have to elect officials that also have this #1 priority.

If folks don't believe in or want the full provisions of the Constitution, then why are they even here? Why do you think so many people attempt to flee from Communist countries? Because they don't agree with the principles of that country. If that's the case, why don't we see more people fleeing a country that was founded with freedom, liberties, and rights as the foundation if they don't agree with those principles. Makes no sense at all. Except that maybe we have strayed so far away from those principles, that we really aren't a country with freedoms, liberties, and rights anymore.
Trump has made it very clear on the following;
- Stop illegal immigration
- Tighter monitoring of legal immigration and even stopping to make sure we are letting in the right people.
- Pro hunting.
- Pro gun rights.
- Pro public lands.
- Kicking China's ass for taking American jobs. He understands currency manipulation, tariffs, subsidies and the other instruments that our politicians have put in place to assist China. He wants manufacturing back in the US.
- He is self funding therefore not indebted to special interests to push an agenda

He speaks his mind whether you like it or not. Whether it is politically correct or not. I like that and am personally sick of the non-comital responses from lifetime politicians. Trump has lost it all and gained it back. That takes guts and leadership. I'll take him at this point over the status quo lifetime politicians who HAVE to payback special interest favors once in office.

As far as Sander's goes, socialism. Enough said.
Hillary? Please. The truckload of crap she drags behind her is a mile long. If she escapes prosecution for the classified information she took home it will be shocking since we rung up Petraeus for the same charge with less evidence!!!!
Trump has made it very clear on the following;
- Stop illegal immigration
- Tighter monitoring of legal immigration and even stopping to make sure we are letting in the right people.
- Pro hunting.
- Pro gun rights.
- Pro public lands.
- Kicking China's ass for taking American jobs. He understands currency manipulation, tariffs, subsidies and the other instruments that our politicians have put in place to assist China. He wants manufacturing back in the US.
- He is self funding therefore not indebted to special interests to push an agenda

He speaks his mind whether you like it or not. Whether it is politically correct or not. I like that and am personally sick of the non-comital responses from lifetime politicians. Trump has lost it all and gained it back. That takes guts and leadership. I'll take him at this point over the status quo lifetime politicians who HAVE to payback special interest favors once in office.

As far as Sander's goes, socialism. Enough said.
Hillary? Please. The truckload of crap she drags behind her is a mile long. If she escapes prosecution for the classified information she took home it will be shocking since we rung up Petraeus for the same charge with less evidence!!!!
He's also a xenophobic bigot or at least panders to that crowd.
Trump has made it very clear on the following;
- Stop illegal immigration
- Tighter monitoring of legal immigration and even stopping to make sure we are letting in the right people.
- Pro hunting.
- Pro gun rights.
- Pro public lands.
- Kicking China's ass for taking American jobs. He understands currency manipulation, tariffs, subsidies and the other instruments that our politicians have put in place to assist China. He wants manufacturing back in the US.
- He is self funding therefore not indebted to special interests to push an agenda

He speaks his mind whether you like it or not. Whether it is politically correct or not. I like that and am personally sick of the non-comital responses from lifetime politicians. Trump has lost it all and gained it back. That takes guts and leadership. I'll take him at this point over the status quo lifetime politicians who HAVE to payback special interest favors once in office.

As far as Sander's goes, socialism. Enough said.
Hillary? Please. The truckload of crap she drags behind her is a mile long. If she escapes prosecution for the classified information she took home it will be shocking since we rung up Petraeus for the same charge with less evidence!!!!

Believe what you like, but virtually all of those positions held by trump currently, were not held by him 10 years ago. I don't know about you, but as a general rule, by the age of 50, most folks are pretty set in their ways, and trump has apparently reversed his previous position on multiple issues after the age of 60.

To my eye's, it's pretty simple. He's pandering to what he thinks people want to hear, but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and will do whatever benefits himself rather than the American people if in office. Just look at his track record, not what he's said over the last year to six months, it paints a vastly different image.
Believe what you like, but virtually all of those positions held by trump currently, were not held by him 10 years ago. I don't know about you, but as a general rule, by the age of 50, most folks are pretty set in their ways, and trump has apparently reversed his previous position on multiple issues after the age of 60.

To my eye's, it's pretty simple. He's pandering to what he thinks people want to hear, but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and will do whatever benefits himself rather than the American people if in office. Just look at his track record, not what he's said over the last year to six months, it paints a vastly different image.

Are you really saying a man can't change his stance based on life experience?
Even if they are two completely different things, you are saying I should give up my privileges to keep my rights. How are our rights even on the table?

Unfortunately if push comes to shove you may need to decide. I know where I stand and my constitutional rights are more important to me than any piece of ground. Your rights are on the table due to liberalism. The constitution is old and dated and no longer applies and therefore needs to be changed or ignored (like in the case of Obama) in their minds.
We fully understand that. But we aren't myopic and see only this issue. Like I said, if you take the picture as a "whole", the land transfer issue is a tiny % of the overall issues in our country today.

My statement about state land takeovers was not directed at the presidential candidates. I was just making the statement more to those that support states taking over federal lands. Here in Utah they are fighting for control of lands and I dont support it. I agree that it is a small % of the issues to consider in this election.
Personally.... If any Republican just so much as slightly opposes the Obama, Reid, Pelosi, McConnel, Boehner, Ryan collaboration it will be a move in the right direction.
We can both state our opinions and perhaps have to agree to disagree but we can do that without worrying about our doors being broken down in the middle of the night because of what we say!

One of my greatest concerns is how much longer will this remain a reality. How much longer before knocking down our doors for the things we say is a reality? It's easy to assume that can't happen in America, but the reality is it isn't that far of a stretch from where we are now.

Just take a look at so called equal rights, the liberal's cry of their own self righteousness. It's already clear that equal rights is not what a lot of folks want but instead "special rights". And their rhetoric alone shows their desire to tell me what is ok to not only say, but what I can think and teach my kids.

I want to be positive and assume that the right president can turn this thing around. I'll still vote, taking into consideration some topics that are key for me and what I consider the whole picture, for who I think has the best chance to do just that, but my concern is not as much with the president as the electorate. It's clear that there were enough fools in the country to vote Obama in twice, and I haven't witnessed the electorate growing any wiser. Maybe disgusted with how some things are going, but not wiser. In fact, a large percentage of people will vote for whoever is more likely to give them a handout.

We have somehow raised up several generations of people that somehow have a sense of entitlement instead of a sense of work ethic or willingness to work to make themselves better. How else could a purely Socialist candidate like Bernie Sanders even have a chance at being nominated in this country. There is no clearer path to dumbing down America than Socialism.

The sad state of affairs at our liberal universities is an indication of the generation that we have to look forward to.
Buy ammo. Even if you think you have enough.

Well this went in an expected direction.

As far as public lands go, it's not difficult to see who has taken positions siding with a state land grab. The dissonance this creates for voting party members who care about federal public lands is no small dilemma.
These days look alot like pre-nazi Germany. I'm probably looking into it way to deep but the resemblence is disturbing.
I fear for my country. F all politicians.
Sorry just venting.