Trump goes all KGB on EPA

So your chart shows that these cycles have been happening for the past 400k years. Ok.

It shows that CO2 levels affect temperature. It shows that in the past 400,000 years, the maximum CO2 concentration was 300PPM......we have been above that for a long time, and are now over 400PPM.

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It shows that CO2 levels affect temperature. It shows that in the past 400,000 years, the maximum CO2 concentration was 300PPM......we have been above that for a long time, and are now over 400PPM.

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C'mon we have no time for "facts". It's all about feelings. Nobody cares that the vast majority of scientists around the world have come to the conclusion humans have contributed to the rapid increase of CO2 and global warming. They are all in cahoots with the liberal moneyed elite to control the sheeple. Good thing 'ol Donny will MAGA. Besides, don't they say plants love it when you talk to them? All that extra CO2 they say we put out is just being really nice to plants. Won't anybody think of the plants? We already have an excellent control device against the masses. It's called actual religion (and money).
One of the strongest El Nino's on record last year was suppose to bring massive rainfall to California, but it didn't happen. This year was predicted to be a dryer than normal year and there has been cases in parts of California of over 400% of normal precipitation already this year. So we can't predict from year to year what will happen, but we do know for a fact that in exactly 1000 years the Pacific ocean will be exactly 17 millimeters higher than it is right now.
I wish i had the self control to stay away from threads like this! lol

I come to Rokslide for fun and information about things that make me happy, not to be reminded about sad things like the state of politics, environment, and education in this country. I wish I could ban myself from these kinds of threads.... I really just want to read about backpacks and new sights!!!!
Well when Yellowstone blows I'm pretty sure all the data collection and assumptions will be worthless.
- Say for the sake of arguing that global warming is real,what do we do?

- Another question is who gets the money generated from this carbon tax and how does this money help the problem?
I have been asking proponents of climate change this for years and have yet gotten an answer for either question.
Good lord.
Talk about stupidity. "Trump goes all KGB on the EPA"?? Seriously? How about "the EPA goes KGB on the American people"?
People like the family here in Idaho that couldn't build their house because there was a man-made puddle with cat-tails coming out of it that the EPA deemed "wetlands"...the EPA was demanding $50K a day from that family while they worked there. PHUCK THE EPA and its supporters here!

Me thinks that we have a bunch of Bernie supporters here, surely several of these guys didn't vote for DJT. Maybe they were FOR HER.

And to be clear, I built my home using sustainable resources....cork flooring, wool carpets, no-VOC paints and stains. Even my wood stove is catalyzed for clean burning. My point is I care about using things I find better for me, my family and my surroundings, based on MY OWN COMMON SENSE, not some peer-reviewed, colluded leftist journal. Many of us care deeply for the environment but we aren't buying the AGW religion,
time and time again proven to be collusion and lies--a follow-the-money carbon tax scheme. The U.N. would love to take charge. SCREW THEM.

Anyone that thinks the EPA hasn't strong-armed the American people needs to put down the crackpipe.
Disappointing to see how guys here embrace leftist garbage. Ducks Unlimited and the Birdforum are over there ----->>>>>>>

EDIT...arrow should point L E F T <<<<<---------------------------
Somebody thinks they have CO2 levels and temperature data from 400,000 years ago, and you want to talk about "facts". LOL.

I'm going to assume you think dinosaurs are not real either or that the world is only as old as the Bible tells you it is.

You act like there is not data, then when your presented with it you act like it's not real, these threads are pointless.

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- Say for the sake of arguing that global warming is real,what do we do?

- Another question is who gets the money generated from this carbon tax and how does this money help the problem?
I have been asking proponents of climate change this for years and have yet gotten an answer for either question.

Seriously?? Are these actual meaningful questions? Who do you think benefits from that money? Bureaucrats! The U.N.!
And a portion would go to groups claiming to be oppressed by warming from big bad capitalist countries like the U.S., groups like Syria and Somalia. Rogue states claiming AGW caused their wars and discord. And the leftist scum will appropriate that money forthwith.

This ain't rocket science, if it smells like it's rotten, it IS.
I'm going to assume you think dinosaurs are not real either or that the world is only as old as the Bible tells you it is.

You act like there is not data, then when your presented with it you act like it's not real, these threads are pointless.

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Yep, same tired "young Earth"..."God told me the Earth was 2000 years old" bullsh!t....Same crap I deal with when I debate the real and educated hard-core AGW religious followers.
Come back when you have something substantive. We can talk about NOAA and NASA's BS and data manipulation. Weather station sensor manipulation...or complete lack of it yet data reporting from those non-existent points!

It's horsesh!t.
Yep, same tired "young Earth"..."God told me the Earth was 2000 years old" bullsh!t....Same crap I deal with when I debate the real and educated hard-core AGW religious followers.
Come back when you have something substantive. We can talk about NOAA and NASA's BS and data manipulation. Weather station sensor manipulation...or complete lack of it yet data reporting from those non-existent points!

It's horsesh!t.

Is there data from anyone that you would believe?

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I'm going to assume you think dinosaurs are not real either or that the world is only as old as the Bible tells you it is.

You act like there is not data, then when your presented with it you act like it's not real, these threads are pointless.

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I read my Bible daily, I don't recall anywhere in the Bible saying how old the earth is.
Actually, I did vote for Bernie. I'm not sure what that has to do with Ducks Unlimited or the bird forum.

One could surmise that respectful conversation and debate isn't necessarily an esteemed value?

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Is there data from anyone that you would believe?

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Of course...I watch the weather some nights I see what's going on. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But anyone that thinks that the aforementioned groups (NASA et al), or groups of peer-reviewed scientists are full of integrity are nuts. These guys are in it for power, money, position. It is precisely why we have seen several accounts of released, hacked emails with these same people colluding to change data and bs the public. And of course, the left has answers for all of it.
In the 70's and 80s scientists swore we were on the verge of an ice age:
Want some "proof" of that?
These sources should get you started:

1970 - Colder Winters Held Dawn of New Ice Age - Scientists See Ice Age In the Future (The Washington Post, January 11, 1970)
1970 - Is Mankind Manufacturing a New Ice Age for Itself? (L.A. Times, January 15, 1970)
1970 - New Ice Age May Descend On Man (Sumter Daily Item, January 26, 1970)
1970 - Pollution Prospect A Chilling One (The Argus-Press, January 26, 1970)
1970 - Pollution's 2-way 'Freeze' On Society (Middlesboro Daily News, January 28, 1970)
1970 - Cold Facts About Pollution (The Southeast Missourian, January 29, 1970)
1970 - Pollution Could Cause Ice Age, Agency Reports (St. Petersburg Times, March 4, 1970)
1970 - Scientist predicts a new ice age by 21st century (The Boston Globe, April 16, 1970)
1970 - Pollution Called Ice Age Threat (St. Petersburg Times, June 26, 1970)
1970 - U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic (The New York Times, July 18, 1970)
1970 - Dirt Will Bring New Ice Age (The Sydney Morning Herald, October 19, 1970)
1971 - Ice Age Refugee Dies Underground (Montreal Gazette, Febuary 17, 1971)
1971 - Pollution Might Lead To Another Ice Age (The Schenectady Gazette, March 22, 1971)
1971 - Pollution May Bring Ice Age - Scientist Rites Risk (The Windsor Star, March 23, 1971)
1971 - U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming (The Washington Post, July 9, 1971)
1971 - Ice Age Around the Corner (Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1971)
1971 - Danger: Ice age may lurk in dusty skies (The Christian Science Monitor, July 12, 1971)
1971 - New Ice Age Coming - It's Already Getting Colder (L.A. Times, October 24, 1971)
1971 - Another Ice Age? Pollution Blocking Sunlight (The Day, November 1, 1971)
1971 - Air Pollution Could Bring An Ice Age (Harlan Daily Enterprise, November 4, 1971)
1972 - Air pollution may cause ice age (Free-Lance Star, February 3, 1972)
1972 - Scientist Says New ice Age Coming (The Ledger, February 13, 1972)
1972 - Ice Age Cometh For Dicey Times (The Sun, May 29, 1972)
1972 - Ice Age Coming (Deseret News, September 8, 1972)
1972 - There's a new Ice Age coming! (The Windsor Star, September 9, 1972)
1972 - Scientist predicts new ice age (Free-Lance Star, September 11, 1972)
1972 - British Expert on Climate Change Says New Ice Age Creeping Over Northern Hemisphere (Lewiston Evening Journal, September 11, 1972)
1972 - Climate Seen Cooling For Return Of Ice Age (The Portsmouth Times, ‎September 11, 1972‎)
1972 - New Ice Age Slipping Over North (The Press-Courier, September 11, 1972)
1972 - Beginning of new ice age (The Canberra Times, September 12, 1972)
1972 - Ice Age Begins A New Assault In North (The Age, September 12, 1972)
1972 - Weather To Get Colder (Montreal Gazette, ‎September 12, 1972‎)
1972 - British climate expert predicts new Ice Age (The Christian Science Monitor, September 23, 1972)
1972 - Scientist Sees Chilling Signs of New Ice Age (L.A. Times, September 24, 1972)
1972 - Science: Another Ice Age? (Time Magazine, November 13, 1972)
1972 - Geologist at Case Traces Long Winters - Sees Ice Age in 20 Years (Youngstown Vindicator, December 13, 1972)
1972 - Ice Age On Its Way, Scientist Says (Toledo Blade, December 13, 1972)
1972 - Ice Age Predicted In About 200 Years (The Portsmouth Times, December 14, 1972)
1973 - New Ice Age coming? (Popular Science, January 1973)
1973 - The Ice Age Cometh (The Saturday Review, March 24, 1973)
1973 - Believe new ice age is coming (The Bryan Times, March 31, 1973)
1973 - 'Man-made Ice Age' Worries Scientists (The Free Lance-Star, June 22, 1973)
1973 - Fear Of Man-made Ice Age (The Spartanburg Herald, June 28, 1973)
1973 - Possibility Of Ice Age Worries The Scientists (The Argus-Press, November 12, 1973)
1973 - Weather-watchers think another ice age may be on the way (The Christian Science Monitor, December 11, 1973)
1974 - Ominous Changes in the World's Weather (PDF) (Fortune Magazine, February 1974)
1974 - Atmospheric Dirt: Ice Age Coming?‎ (Pittsburgh Press, February 28, 1974)
1974 - Support for theory of a cooling world (The Canberra Times, May 16, 1974)
1974 - New evidence indicates ice age here (Eugene Register-Guard, May 29, 1974)
1974 - Another Ice Age? (Time Magazine, June 24, 1974)
1974 - 2 Scientists Think 'Little' Ice Age Near (Hartford Courant, August 11, 1974)
1974 - Climate: A Key to the World's Food Supply (NOAA, October, 1974)
1974 - Ice Age, worse food crisis seen (Chicago Tribune, October 30, 1974)
1974 - Imminent Arrival of the Ice (Radio Times, November 14, 1974)
1974 - Making a BBC Science Special [The Weather Machine] (New Scientist, November 14, 1974)
1974 - The Weather Machine (BBC, November 20, 1974)
1974 - New ice age 'could be in our lifetime' (The Canberra Times, November 22, 1974)
1974 - Believes Pollution Could Bring On Ice Age (Ludington Daily News, December 4, 1974)
1974 - Pollution Could Spur Ice Age, Nasa Says (Beaver Country Times, ‎December 4, 1974‎)
1974 - Air Pollution May Trigger Ice Age, Scientists Feel (The Telegraph, ‎December 5, 1974‎)
1974 - More Air Pollution Could Trigger Ice Age Disaster (Daily Sentinel, ‎December 5, 1974‎)
1974 - Scientists Fear Smog Could Cause Ice Age (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 5, 1974)
1975 - Climate Changes Called Ominous (The New York Times, January 19, 1975)
1975 - Climate Change: Chilling Possibilities (Science News, March 1, 1975)
1975 - B-r-r-r-r: New Ice Age on way soon? (Chicago Tribune, March 2, 1975)
1975 - Cooling Trends Arouse Fear That New Ice Age Coming (Eugene Register-Guard, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 - Is Another Ice Age Due? Arctic Ice Expands In Last Decade (Youngstown Vindicator, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 - Is Earth Headed For Another Ice Age? (Reading Eagle, March 2, 1975)
1975 - New Ice Age Dawning? Significant Shift In Climate Seen (Times Daily, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 - There's Troublesome Weather Ahead (Tri City Herald, ‎March 2, 1975‎)
1975 - Is Earth Doomed To Live Through Another Ice Age? (The Robesonian, ‎March 3, 1975‎)
1975 - The Ice Age cometh: the system that controls our climate (Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1975)
1975 - The Cooling World (Newsweek, April 28, 1975)
1975 - Cooling trend may signal coming of another Ice Age (The Sun, May 16, 1975)
1975 - Scientists Ask Why World Climate Is Changing; Major Cooling May Be Ahead (PDF) (The New York Times, May 21, 1975)
1975 - The Armadillos Are Heading South; Ice Age Coming? Chilling Thought for Humanity. (Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1975)
1975 - Summer of A New Ice Age (The Age, June 5, 1975)
1975 - In the Grip of a New Ice Age? (International Wildlife, July-August, 1975)
1975 - Experts ponder another ice age (The Spokesman-Review, September 8, 1975)
1975 - Oil Spill Could Cause New Ice Age (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 11, 1975)
1976 - Deadly Harvest [Film] (Starring: Kim Cattrall, Clint Walker, 1976)
1976 - The Cooling: Has the Next Ice Age Already Begun? [Book] (Lowell Ponte, 1976)
1976 - Ice Age Predicted (Reading Eagle, January 22, 1976)
1976 - Ice Age Predicted In Century (Bangor Daily News, January 22, 1976)
1976 - It's Going To Get Chilly About 125 Years From Now (Sarasota Herald-Tribune, January 23, 1976)
1976 - Worrisome CIA Report; Even U.S. Farms May be Hit by Cooling Trend (U.S. News & World Report, May 31, 1976)
1977 - Blizzard - What Happens if it Doesn't Stop? [Book] (George Stone, 1977)
1977 - The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age [Book] (The Impact Team, 1977)
1977 - The Ice Age Cometh... (New York Magazine, January 31, 1977)
1977 - The Big Freeze (Time Magazine, January 31, 1977)
1977 - Has The Ice Age Cometh Again? (Calgary Herald, February 1, 1977)
1977 - Space Mirrors Proposed To Prevent Crop Freezes (Bangor Daily News, February 7, 1977)
1977 - Sunspot lull may bring on new ice age (The Christian Science Monitor, March 30, 1977)
1977 - We Will Freeze in the Dark (Capital Cities Communications Documentary, Host: Nancy Dickerson, April 12, 1977)
1978 - Ice! [Book] (Arnold Federbush, 1978)
1978 - The New Ice Age [Book] (Henry Gilfond, 1978)
1978 - Winter May Be Colder Than In Last Ice Age (Deseret News, January 2, 1978)
1978 - Current Winters Seen Colder Than In Ice Age‎ (The Telegraph, January 3, 1978)
1978 - Winter Temperatures Colder Than Last Ice Age (Eugene Register-Guard, Eugene Register-Guard, January 3, 1978)
1978 - International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere (The New York Times, January 5, 1978)
1978 - Little Ice Age: Severe winters and cool summers ahead (Calgary Herald, January 10, 1978)
1978 - Winters Will Get Colder, 'we're Entering Little Ice Age' (Daily Record, January 10, 1978)
1978 - Geologist Says Winters Getting Colder (Middlesboro Daily News, January 16, 1978)
1978 - It's Going To Get Colder (Boca Raton News, ‎January 17, 1978‎)
1978 - Another Ice Age? (Kentucky New Era, February 12, 1978)
1978 - Another Ice Age? (Reading Eagle, ‎February 13, 1978‎)
1978 - The Coming Ice Age (In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy, May 1978)
1978 - An Ice Age Is Coming Weather Expert Fears (Milwaukee Sentinel, November 17, 1978)
1979 - A Choice of Catastrophes - The Disasters That Threaten Our World [Book] (Isaac Asimov, 1979)
1979 - The Sixth Winter [Book] (John R. Gribbin, 1979)
1979 - The New Ice Age Cometh (The Age, January 16, 1979)
1979 - Ice Age Building Up (Daily Record, June 5, 1979)
1979 - Large Glacial Buildup Could Mean Ice Age (Daily Chronicle, June 5, 1979)
1979 - Ice Age On Its Way (Lewiston Morning Tribune, June 7, 1979)
1979 - Get Ready to Freeze (Daily Chronicle, October 12, 1979)
1979 - New ice age almost upon us? (The Christian Science Monitor, November 14, 1979)

Next year "climate change" will mean it's going to get colder. They don't know what the hell will happen.
Climate does change, everyone believes that, but man's influence on it is debatable.