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The EPA picks battles easily won, whether they make any real impact or not. Before long I'll be wielding a 30lb, 4 stroke chainsaw because they can pick on the little guys and stay in the pockets of the big guys.Just a Jee wiz piece of info. As of 2016 there is only one company making diesel motors for fire trucks. Why is that? It is regulations on the motors for emissions passed down by the EPA not jiving with the needs of a fire truck motor vs an over the road truck. The companies simply lose money making a motor for a fire truck trying to get it to meet emissions. Now if you look at the number of fire trucks vs. all the other diesel trucks in this country is is an incredible small percentage. Yet the EPA won't let it slide or have concessions for them. Which now means if you buy a fire truck it's going to have a Cummins in it. But how long until Cummins finds it unsustainable to keep making these motors. Thats just one small little price of a big picture but it illustrates how a regulation has kind of taken over common sense.
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense - Scientific American
these are just 2 examples , I could probably fill up the entire rokslide server with citations. and I am sure you will discredit NASA and probably scientific america as biased stooges who want to profit off the downfall of gas and coal.
Dot, I dig most of your posts on here but you sound ridiculous. Its not the fact that the earth is getting warmer, it is the rapidness at which it is happening.
There is a SHIT load of things that you don't need 1000 years worth of data to prove scientific theories, if that was the case we would never use science for anything, smoking would still be "healthy" and everyone would be eating lead paint. People wouldn't need Rad cards when working around radiation and concussion issues would still be unassociated with brain trauma.
I am not even sure that you understand how tenure works or what it is, as a single publication does not warrant tenure. Its EXTREMELY difficult to receive tenure in our current landscape and a couple simple written works about any topic does not guarantee tenure, and in fact several states are pushing to do away with tenure all together.
Show me cold hard facts that this IS a natural cycle for our planet? i wait in anticipation of a hockey stick warming chart debunk.
I agree that not having bias is nearly impossible, but acting like that is a new phenomena is also fool hearty. what makes a good scientist is his ability to work through his bias and maintain integrity within his given project. This is bolstered by peer reviews, blind tests and using multiple source data for a given subject.
Its said that 98% of the scientific community believe in climate change. That includes scientists that have ZERO to gain from it actually being real. so are they just lying to bolster their buddies opportunity at tenure? I think not.
True. But this is the source of the problems with our economy. His job acts as a maintenance cost and therefore adds no value. The problem is that we are a nation of consumers and spenders not producers and savers. The only way to achieve real growth is through captial - capital are produced goods and savings. Consumerism does not equate to economic growth. Sure he can feed himself but if you look at it from the long term it is a net drag on the economy. It has to be good for the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. Long, I know but here is the essence of what non productive jobs do for the economy:
"Suppose there is a very small barter-based economy consisting of only three individuals, a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker. If the candlestick maker wants bread or steak, he makes candles and trades. The candlestick maker always wants food, but his demand can only be satisfied if he makes candles, without which he goes hungry. The mere fact that he desires bread and steak is meaningless.
Enter the magic wand of credit, which many now assume can take the place of production. Suppose the butcher has managed to produce an excess amount of steak and has more than he needs on a daily basis. Knowing this, the candlestick maker asks to borrow a steak from the butcher to trade to the baker for bread. For this transaction to take place the butcher must first have produced steaks which he did not consume (savings). He then loans his savings to the candlestick maker, who issues the butcher a note promising to repay his debt in candlesticks.
In this instance, it was the butcher’s production of steak that enabled the candlestick maker to buy bread, which also had to be produced. The fact that the candlestick maker had access to credit did not increase demand or bolster the economy. In fact, by using credit to buy instead of candles, the economy now has fewer candles, and the butcher now has fewer steaks with which to buy bread himself. What has happened is that through savings, the butcher has loaned his purchasing power, created by his production, to the candlestick maker, who used it to buy bread.
Similarly, the candlestick maker could have offered “IOU candlesticks” directly to the baker. Again, the transaction could only be successful if the baker actually baked bread that he did not consume himself and was therefore able to loan his savings to the candlestick maker. Since he loaned his bread to the candlestick maker, he no longer has that bread himself to trade for steak."
Replace credit for jobs "created" by regulatory agencies that are non productive and you can see the long term problem of appreciating jobs created by regulations and bureaucrats. Same goes for the U.S. Government - they produce nothing and only redistribute the wealth they steal from others.
Pretty funny I think, especially since the blackout is suppposed to be lifted within a week. We have a new administration and things will change but doubt we see a change back to the 1800's.
I personally would like to see the removal off emissions systems for diesels that allow for inefficiency in consumption and over use of resources to burned out a canister. It amazes me that the EPA would prefer we used 25% more fuel, useing up more resources that really has hardly any impact on clean air.
I didn't say I don't agree there is climate I'm jus t saying there is zero facts as to why or if it is normal or not considering the sat collection period of time vs the period of time our planet has existed.
According to Wikipedia, our EPA is costing us 8 billion dollars per year and consists of over 15,000 employees. How many inefficiencies is the new administration likely to find there?
Do you believe that CO2 and warming do not merely correlate, but CO2 is the causation of temperature spikes throughout our planets history?
You nailed me...hardcore Austrian Economics here...I suppose you are of the Keynesian school of thought? The good thing about it, is Trump or not, the Keynesians will be proven wrong when the debt is finally liquidated. Under your line of thinking, should we follow Krugmans advice and prepare for a war with Aliens in order to boost the economy?
Also, how many Keneysians warned of the housing bubble caused by central planning and ultra artificially low interest rates? Plenty of Austrians did.
I don't believe there is enough to tie natural vs man made changes in CO2 or methane and its effect on the planet.
Sorry to dig up old posts, but can't help but clarify:
There is enough evidence. There is no addenda. Anthropogenic climate change driven by elevated green house gases is a fact.
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Yes and the planet can naturally produce more co2 than humans can fathom. The earths climate has been changing forever. Crooked people finally found a way to cash in a sell their chicken little scheme to the lemmings.