Trump goes all KGB on EPA

I was 27 here yesterday morning and it's 50 + out right now ! I am at work though and cannot enjoy it, or wash the road salt off my truck, but it's going to snow again in a couple of days ??
Just saying Socialism is not always a good or bad thing. Most libraries, fire departments, etc. are ostensibly socialist concepts. Socialism exists in most Americans' every day lives. It is not communism...or Nazism, since you decided to go down that road. Also, Socialism has nothing to do with what anyone thinks of the shape of our planet.
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It was a simple analogy, I think you get my point. :) 'Earth shape' and 'Nazism' notwithstanding.
Some programs are necessary, LEO does a great job in this country imho. So do many others.

The big picture is that we have far too many gov't programs already, and it is why DJT is potus, frankly....33 states said 'enough already.'
Full blown socialism with a trillion in 'free' student debt would crush us.
It was a simple analogy, I think you get my point. :) 'Earth shape' and 'Nazism' notwithstanding.
Some programs are necessary, LEO does a great job in this country imho. So do many others.

The big picture is that we have far too many gov't programs already, and it is why DJT is potus, frankly....33 states said 'enough already.'
Full blown socialism with a trillion in 'free' student debt would crush us.

Alright alright, I'm gonna hopefully not redistribute my wealth with patriots and the under what's everyone else thinking?

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The article that started this thread is essentially portraying the decision the president of the US made as being a poor decision. There have been a number of threads on this forum with back and forth on Trump being either good or bad. The entertainment level is awesome - Trump has been in office two weeks and you'd swear the world was ending. Obama lost at least 44 times at the Supreme Court level unanimously. The EPA has lost major battles at the Supreme Court Level even with all the liberals appointed there by Clinton & Obama for overreach of regulations. Those are facts. That isn't something debatable. Google will show you the money.

Climate change modeling is certainly debatable. There have been numerous findings that data has been corrupted so federal funding could continue to flow into an entity or organization. That is also a fact.

LAMAR SMITH: NOAA's climate change science fiction - Washington Times

I won't waste the time or space to provide a long list of supporting links - you can do your own research. I sat back for eight years and didn't protest, cry, threaten to leave the country - I definitely did a little whining - like the crap that is going on in the country right now about a successful man that is now president. If four years from now the country is ruined and the long line of bodies are there for all to see then you have every right to attack. If you think Trump is the problem you need to do some deep soul searching because the guy just started the job. So far he is doing exactly what he promised to do. How many Federal level politicians have done that in the last 40 years.

For the individuals who want to bash Trump continuously, don't expect us to sit here and not say anything. I think what people like most about Trump is he doesn't take it on the chin without replying. The beauty of forums is the flow of information. If you are going to put something out there that is debatable don't expect us to just sit here and be silent. If you don't want to participate in political debate then don't. The site owners just put out the rules for being nice - they are pretty clear. There has been quite a bit of interest in this thread so I guess it can't all be bad. Besides, it snowing outside and the glaciers are safe for another day.:D
Climate change modeling is certainly debatable. There have been numerous findings that data has been corrupted so federal funding could continue to flow into an entity or organization. That is also a fact.

Alternative fact, I think you mean.
I would have to agree with U Broomd. There is a lot more Bernie and Hillary supports on here.. Than I ever imagined. Jason didn't U just admit U voted for Bernie? What did U want for free? To bad he sold out to old Hillary...

Why would you automatically assume I want something for free? Please show me where I have ever asked for or demanded something for free? In fact, the last time I checked, I work hard, pay taxes, support local businesses, and give quite freely to my community. Maybe you know something I don't know? Would you please share that omniscient knowledge?
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Politics has really ruined this site

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I should let this go, but I feel this needs to be said. Political discussions don't ruin a site. What ruins a site are people that cannot act with civility and respect towards those they disagree with. I have absolutely no problem politely agreeing to disagree with someone, and I've seen other folks do the same on this forum. I don't think that having civil conversation is or needs to be a lost art. Labeling stuff "leftist spew" certainly isn't going to fall within the realm of civil conversation.

When did it become okay to stereotype someone based on a single factor, and to espouse your own arbitrary judgmental standards on them? I really don't care what anyone one this forum thinks of me, nor do I anticipate that will change in the future.

Voting for Bernie does not make one a socialist, voting for Hillary does not make one a gun-hater, and voting for Trump does not make one a bigot. We all have our own unique personal reasons for voting for whatever candidate we chose to vote for. I have more respect for someone voting for Hillary than I do for someone choosing not to vote at all. No one will ever agree on everything politically, and that's just fine. It's why we vote.
I should let this go, but I feel this needs to be said. Political discussions don't ruin a site. What ruins a site are people that cannot act with civility and respect towards those they disagree with. I have absolutely no problem politely agreeing to disagree with someone, and I've seen other folks do the same on this forum. I don't think that having civil conversation is or needs to be a lost art. Labeling stuff "leftist spew" certainly isn't going to fall within the realm of civil conversation.

When did it become okay to stereotype someone based on a single factor, and to espouse your own arbitrary judgmental standards on them? I really don't care what anyone one this forum thinks of me, nor do I anticipate that will change in the future.

Voting for Bernie does not make one a socialist, voting for Hillary does not make one a gun-hater, and voting for Trump does not make one a bigot. We all have our own unique personal reasons for voting for whatever candidate we chose to vote for. I have more respect for someone voting for Hillary than I do for someone choosing not to vote at all. No one will ever agree on everything politically, and that's just fine. It's why we vote.

Great post, I voted Trump for my own reasons but respect your choice. Just glad you're not out rioting I mean protesting 😜
Great post, I voted Trump for my own reasons but respect your choice. Just glad you're not out rioting I mean protesting 

No worries about that, I'm too old:cool:

I personally do not view Donald Trump as a person of humility, honor, and integrity. Maybe I'm wrong, and I sincerely hope I am. I will admit I like his pick for the Supreme Court justice seat.
I hope you're wrong and he does prove it but doubt the public ever sees humility from him.. I've worked for 2 billionaires during my career and they are a different type of person that most would consider to be jerks until they get to know them. I think Trumps biggest weakness is he has never had to answer to anyone but himself, that has now changed.

It's nice to see him keep his word on his campaign promises and there is honor in that when most never expect a politician to keep 10% of what they ran on. Even if you don't like his views/positions/politics he has kept his word so far much more then any president in the last 30 years and he's only been in the office 2 weeks.
I should let this go, but I feel this needs to be said. Political discussions don't ruin a site. What ruins a site are people that cannot act with civility and respect towards those they disagree with. I have absolutely no problem politely agreeing to disagree with someone, and I've seen other folks do the same on this forum. I don't think that having civil conversation is or needs to be a lost art. Labeling stuff "leftist spew" certainly isn't going to fall within the realm of civil conversation.

When did it become okay to stereotype someone based on a single factor, and to espouse your own arbitrary judgmental standards on them? I really don't care what anyone one this forum thinks of me, nor do I anticipate that will change in the future.

Voting for Bernie does not make one a socialist, voting for Hillary does not make one a gun-hater, and voting for Trump does not make one a bigot. We all have our own unique personal reasons for voting for whatever candidate we chose to vote for. I have more respect for someone voting for Hillary than I do for someone choosing not to vote at all. No one will ever agree on everything politically, and that's just fine. It's why we vote.
Get over it! This is a sub-forum you chose to participate in.
Reads like I got firmly in your dome over this. That isn't on me, it is on you. This is an internet forum for G*d's sake.
I gotta say, I'm shocked at this forum. Always loved the 'slide, great guys and great stuff on a variety of topics. And I've always been one of the good guys here and will continue to be. Yesterday was the first day I've ever discussed politics here.
But 'hunters' here politically joining hands with people who want to fundamentally change the way we live as Americans via Socialism is unacceptable to me as a sportsman and as an American. I can't imagine guys could be so naive as to vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, it boggles the mind.
Trump has been a clown throughout, I realize that. But his Supreme Court choice in of itself can single-handedly keep this country on the path to the freedoms we have enjoyed.
Your choice of POTUS would have changed that and likely my freedom of gun ownership, along with myriad other anti-American programs and that my friend is unforgivable. I'll never know, but you likely voted for Obama too, and likley several others here.
I'd fix your flat tire on a deserted gravel road for you in a second if you were in a bad way, I'd help drag your big buck off the mountain if I met you there if you needed it, but I'm not going to condone your anti-hunter politics here, "opinion " be damned.

How you juxtapose scripture on your profile and voting for an advocate of abortion is outrageous. That, my friend, is true ignorance and probably the worst transgression of all.
I can't imagine guys could be so naive as to vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, it boggles the mind.

There's more than a few of us.... and, trust me, I'm also boggled that I have to vote for Hilary Clinton because the republicans ran a primary full of nut jobs.

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There's more than a few of us.... and, trust me, I'm also boggled that I have to vote for Hilary Clinton because the republicans ran a primary full of nut jobs.
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G*d, how can you reason that woman with your gun rights? Seriously? At least those 'nut jobs' espoused gun rights, sanctity of human life, border security.

Good lord.
Hey, I give you credit for having some balls, and I mean that. At least you admit it.
Get over it! This is a sub-forum you chose to participate in.
Reads like I got firmly in your dome over this. That isn't on me, it is on you. This is an internet forum for G*d's sake.
I gotta say, I'm shocked at this forum. Always loved the 'slide, great guys and great stuff on a variety of topics. And I've always been one of the good guys here and will continue to be. Yesterday was the first day I've ever discussed politics here.
But 'hunters' here politically joining hands with people who want to fundamentally change the way we live as Americans via Socialism is unacceptable to me as a sportsman and as an American. I can't imagine guys could be so naive as to vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, it boggles the mind.
Trump has been a clown throughout, I realize that. But his Supreme Court choice in of itself can single-handedly keep this country on the path to the freedoms we have enjoyed.
Your choice of POTUS would have changed that and likely my freedom of gun ownership, along with myriad other anti-American programs and that my friend is unforgivable. I'll never know, but you likely voted for Obama too, and likley several others here.
I'd fix your flat tire on a deserted gravel road for you in a second if you were in a bad way, I'd help drag your big buck off the mountain if I met you there if you needed it, but I'm not going to condone your anti-hunter politics here, "opinion " be damned.

How you juxtapose scripture on your profile and voting for an advocate of abortion is outrageous. That, my friend, is true ignorance and probably the worst transgression of all.

In my dome? I don't think so. What's on me, your behavior?

I think it's equally outrageous that Trump is an ardent supporter of the death penalty. I've yet to see many candidates perfectly align with my religious views. Also despite my personal beliefs, I strongly believe in separation of church and state.

And no, I didn't vote for Obama. Any other foolhardy predictions?

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Please make this stop.

Make what stop?
What is the problem here with some of you guys?
If guys don't want to read political banter here, DON'T VIEW THIS THREAD. Good grief.

Moving on here. No minds will be changed.
In the end, I'm glad I saw this thread and had these exchanges, it is a sad, stark reminder to me that being a hunter and sportsman is no guarantee of conservative or simple traditional American-values thinking.
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