For all the "preppers" out here

If these dudes spent as much time trying to do a good job at their day job they wouldnt need to worry about being "content creators" or "influencers"
My "day job" provides more than enough for my family, I don't create things as an "influencer" purely for entertainment and knowledge based. But like the other goon above, good try at trying to downplay what I was trying to do here.
This thread reminded me of a conversation I had with an employer years ago. It was an old German Baptist man. He was a farmer and ran cattle. I had recently bought a ar-15 and it rode around with me checking cattle. The old man made a comment about my gun. He asked "why would I waste my money on that" I told him I liked guns. His response was "why don't you save that gun money and invest in silver"? (This man was always buying silver) I said "why would I do that when you are doing it for me?" Really confused he asked what that meant. I said "when I need some silver I will take this here gun and go get your silver?" He just stared at me with the most puzzled look on his face for the longest time and finally said "huh, interesting" and walked off. Never spoke about guns or silver again.
Nope, put out a video on a subject not many folks have talked about and figured I would start a thread in hopes that people would build on it and we see where that has gone. But I appreciate the attempt at downplaying what I was trying to do here. (y)
But your video made absolutely no sense.

Nothing wrong with preparing for hard times, but buying random bags off Amazon does nothing to help you
God, you guys are dorks. Are you really discussing hypotheticals about robbing/killing your neighbors to get the expired MREs they may or may not have in there basement? How about put some of that energy into improving your community instead of fantasizing about the downfall of society.
Words of wisdom, thank you!!!!
I'm not a prepper per se, I just tend to be an "over gatherer". I have freezers full of game meat, fish, crab, razor clams, veggies and fruit from the yard (no apples, that's just gross), mushrooms, etc. Most all of it killed, caught or grown in the yard or foraged. We also typically have 10-15 cases of home canned food from when we get low on freezer space. I also keep usually about 30 gallons of spare gas around. Our vehicles also have probably double that on average. If a true SHTF scenario broke out, the dehydrators, smokers and canners would go 24-7 until all the freezers and fridges were empty. I also have 3 or 4 of those buckets full of freeze dried food too.

Oh wait, maybe I am a prepper

The only way that bag is gonna help you is to put bullets or seeds in it for safe keeping.
Appreciate your contribution (y)
But your video made absolutely no sense.

Nothing wrong with preparing for hard times, but buying random bags off Amazon does nothing to help you
They. Are. Just. A. New. Piece. Of. Gear. Added. To. My. Go. Bag.

I felt like that made pretty good sense. If you dont understand it or like my approach on the thread/ video.....then enjoy your day (y). I feel like all I've done is go back and forth with you, first it was you trying to make it seem like I had no understanding of what an EMP is or what causes it. Now we're here pissing in the wind over you not understanding why I made the video. 🤷‍♂️
Words of wisdom, thank you!!!!
The "community" discussion has been a back and forth thing in a lot of conversations because you have to think about, do yall have enough supplies/ skills to sustain everyone in your settlement/ group? Do yall have enough to do that for an extended period of time? When supplies starts to run out or there are more consumers than contributors is when things start to go downhill.
This thread reminded me of a conversation I had with an employer years ago. It was an old German Baptist man. He was a farmer and ran cattle. I had recently bought a ar-15 and it rode around with me checking cattle. The old man made a comment about my gun. He asked "why would I waste my money on that" I told him I liked guns. His response was "why don't you save that gun money and invest in silver"? (This man was always buying silver) I said "why would I do that when you are doing it for me?" Really confused he asked what that meant. I said "when I need some silver I will take this here gun and go get your silver?" He just stared at me with the most puzzled look on his face for the longest time and finally said "huh, interesting" and walked off. Never spoke about guns or silver again.

Those bags look to be easier to deal with than putting your e-stuff in an ammo can......thanks for the video.
Btw, whistles make a great non-e way to communicate. The vc and nva used them often to coordinate things.
I think the main problem would be food. I'm guessing the vast majority of folks don't have more than 1-2 weeks worth of food in there homes. If the food supply is cut off, that's when things really go down hill.
Those bags look to be easier to deal with than putting your e-stuff in an ammo can......thanks for the video.
Btw, whistles make a great non-e way to communicate. The vc and nva used them often to coordinate things.
Glad you found some kind of substance from it! Very inexpensive and something else easy to take around with you if need be.
I think the main problem would be food. I'm guessing the vast majority of folks don't have more than 1-2 weeks worth of food in there homes. If the food supply is cut off, that's when things really go down hill.
Sooo many folks are widely dependent on their grocery store trips that you're correct, after that first week when the panic sets in then the violence goes up because folks are having to turn on their neighbors to survive.
I think most folks do not have a full weeks worth of food at home if you do not include the freezer stuff....H2O is also a strong consideration, have some or at least a few different good quality filters on hand.
The only way that bag is gonna help you is to put bullets or seeds in it for safe keeping.

Put it over your head so you don't have watch "The End"...
Very similar to putting your head between you legs during a plane crash...Just go ahead and kiss your ass goodbye.
Interesting to see during start of covid how when everyone runs to the grocery store at the same time, what they run out of. And it happens fast.

I did start keeping some extra food like rice, beans, etc. Along with the normal canned meats and vegetables. Not exactly prepping, but if public scare stuff happens again I won't be the one pushing and shoving my way into the grocery store like animals.
During the great toilet paper scare after covid started, I witnessed a woman with 960 rolls of toilet paper at Costco. That was epic. I saw other things happen at the grocery stores too. I was in our local Fred Meyer one time and the store looked like it had been looted. People do crazy things in crazy times.