Trials bike are not pleasant to trail ride. Had one and tried it. Won’t do it again. The lack of seat is the big deal breaker.
those that recommend an xt, that bike is smaller than a dirt bike, but not much. Maybe 7/8 sized. Would still need to be lowered to fit. My wife rides ones and it’s a good trail bike.
maybe a crf230/250 or ttr 230 may work, but they are pretty heavy. Not sure why no one makes a light small trail bike. The technology is there.
those that recommend an xt, that bike is smaller than a dirt bike, but not much. Maybe 7/8 sized. Would still need to be lowered to fit. My wife rides ones and it’s a good trail bike.
maybe a crf230/250 or ttr 230 may work, but they are pretty heavy. Not sure why no one makes a light small trail bike. The technology is there.