To the people of Wyoming...

Can't believe guys are still defending this guy. I guess the BHA kool-aid is strong. Google Patagonia's attempt to stop the bison hunt and look at the grizzly debacle. He is no friend of hunters. Also shooting a few birds on a corporate retreat does not make you a hunter

You know, he mentioned Sweden’s relatively relaxed trespass laws, called there “every mans right”. I learned about this when I was there in 1998 - it’s interesting. I wonder how he’d feel about a bunch of folks camping on his land without asking?
As far as climate change goes the earth was once covered in ice and the temperature once averaged 8 to 14 degrees hotter than it is today long before we were prevalent on earth. Five of earths mass extinctions have been caused by volcanoes. We just so happen to have one of the worlds biggest super volcanoes right here in the US.
Like I said when I see a hunting photo in a Patagonia catalog or Yvonn with an actual big game kill that he shot and posts I might believe his b.s. Until then its ridiculous that people think he is some friend to hunters because he spoke at a BHA rendevzous

It’s interesting his story about his son running hogs into the surf then knifing them. He took great pleasure in telling that story and the inference that his son was seeking a more pure type of pursuit.

Yes, I’d love to see a full-color pictorial in his catalog of that.
So how do you have the knowledge that the earth was once covered in ice... or that there were mass extinctions... or how hot or cold the planet was estimated to be at a given time...?

Science provided those answers.

So why do you pick and choose which bodies of scientific work you believe, and based on what?
So how do you have the knowledge that the earth was once covered in ice... or that there were mass extinctions... or how hot or cold the planet was estimated to be at a given time...?

Science provided those answers.

So why do you pick and choose which bodies of scientific work you believe, and based on what?

I think when scientific results are used as mass money gathers and pointed to as a source of all that ails us including social issues, people tend to be leery of them.

However, I think the scientific community is not doing enough to quell the hysteria. I recently read a ton of stuff from NOAA on climate change and NONE of it sounds like what you hear on the news or social media - none. At some point, and whether they technically should have to or not, the sources of the information have to At some level frame the tone of the conversation. Cliff Mass at the University of Washington, who is a very level-headed guy, has been lambasted for dispelling the hysteria and being pragmatic.

As much as people want to believe that science is this untouchable truth, impervious to twists and opinion, by the time it gets to the people, that’s just not the case. It’s not infallible, nor is it immune to being manipulated for ideological ends.
I think most people agree that science shows the earth has gone through periods of time both hotter and colder than our current time. I think where the debate is lies in just how much on an impact man makes on these changes, and what we can (or cannot) do to keep the earth in it's current state.

Below is derived from something I read, that I felt helped explain my thoughts on the matter....

Truth Matters.
it is obvious that the Earth, a living system, is constantly heating or cooling. We should not deny that fact.

People Matter.
Even if we can establish beyond doubt that global warming is real and it is caused by humans, that does not mean it is bad and that we should cripple ourselves or our posterity in devising “solutions” to it. Our goal should be human flourishing. Unfortunately, some think human destruction is the solution to global warming. “Population management” is the euphemistic phrase for the advocacy of mass abortion, euthanasia, and other forms of population control aimed at reducing human population to numbers not seen in centuries.

Compassion Matters
Whether we see many more storms or fewer storms, whether they are the result of global warming or cyclical climatological events, one thing is certain: They will continue to produce victims who will need our help. Compassionate action relieves the suffering of victims and we should all help where and how we can.
Like I said when I see a hunting photo in a Patagonia catalog or Yvonn with an actual big game kill that he shot and posts I might believe his b.s. Until then its ridiculous that people think he is some friend to hunters because he spoke at a BHA rendevzous

Pardon the hijack but I don't think the lack of social media hunting presence or not posting grip and grin photos makes someone any less of a hunter. I know plenty of stone cold deer and elk killers that never even consider taking a hero pic and would never post anything online.

The guy is a clothing salesman and he is into "conservation" to the degree it can benefit his company sales with the demographic he is targeting.
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Pardon the hijack but I don't think the lack of social media hunting presence or not posting grip and grin photos makes someone any less of a hunter. I know plenty of stone cold deer and elk killers that never even consider taking a hero pic and would never post anything online.

The guy is a clothes salesman and he is into "conservation" to the degree it can benefit his company sales with the demographic he is targeting.

No he is a pretender that has sabotaged more hunts then ones he has done. He is not a friend of hunters and shouldn't be touted as one.
I'm not a fan of the Us against Them. Maybe that is more American? No shots just talking.

There so many facets to politics/conservation/rights that it is hard to just make two teams.

I have a great friend from University but he is not a hunter and owns no guns. He loves nature and everything about it. He loves the idea of eating meat and wild edibles but does not understand hunting for fun. The result is that we have some very different political and environmental views.

Should I be enemies with my friend? Should I yell at him and degrade him for his beliefs? He is fine with no one hunting grizzlies, he prefers it. He is fine with no one in Canada owning a handgun or "assault rifle". He will support political parties and environmental groups that are against those things because of the other good stuff they do. I don't think my friend is stupid or uneducated, I have a lit of respect for him. Creates good conversation even though I think he is wrong.
Does your friend have 100’s millions of dollars and political influence to shut down hunting seasons and ban firearms??

Does he fly around the world on his private jets and lecture nations like disobedient children not to use carbon based fuels for transportation and energy??

Does he use ignorant bigoted racist terms like “ redneck” to denegrate and demean classes of people??

I'm not a fan of the Us against Them. Maybe that is more American? No shots just talking.

There so many facets to politics/conservation/rights that it is hard to just make two teams.

I have a great friend from University but he is not a hunter and owns no guns. He loves nature and everything about it. He loves the idea of eating meat and wild edibles but does not understand hunting for fun. The result is that we have some very different political and environmental views.

Should I be enemies with my friend? Should I yell at him and degrade him for his beliefs? He is fine with no one hunting grizzlies, he prefers it. He is fine with no one in Canada owning a handgun or "assault rifle". He will support political parties and environmental groups that are against those things because of the other good stuff they do. I don't think my friend is stupid or uneducated, I have a lit of respect for him. Creates good conversation even though I think he is wrong.
Is "redneck" that offensive of a term? Not trying to stir the pot... I've just not thought of it as that derogatory, and certainly not a racist word? There are a lot of self-identified rednecks around. Even restaurants with it in the title in my area? Anyway...

I understand that we need fossil fuels, and everybody likes to travel quickly and 'comfortably' on airplanes (unless you are tall). But, we are aware of the consequences of using these energy sources, and they are finite. Isn't it a good thing to try and transition towards something more sustainable? How are we going to get there? As a new father, these things have been on my mind more and more.
Is the problem people have with Chouinard that he is against grizzly/predator hunting, or because he is very active in pushing a 'climate awareness agenda' so to speak? Because to me the two issues are very separate from one another. One is particularly narrow and local, the other is global.
Is "redneck" that offensive of a term? Not trying to stir the pot... I've just not thought of it as that derogatory, and certainly not a racist word? There are a lot of self-identified rednecks around. Even restaurants with it in the title in my area? Anyway...

I've never heard a black man called a redneck in my life. And I'm friends with a lot of country ass black men.
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I understand that we need fossil fuels, and everybody likes to travel quickly and 'comfortably' on airplanes (unless you are tall). But, we are aware of the consequences of using these energy sources, and they are finite. Isn't it a good thing to try and transition towards something more sustainable? How are we going to get there? As a new father, these things have been on my mind more and more.
The sustainable energy argument pushed by the media and the likes is utter nonsense. Until they want to start talking nuclear energy production then it is not about true sustainability, it's about control and power.

Yvonn is a typical mega rich liberal. They've forgotten what it is to be the common man with common man problems, and therefore see common people as beneath them. As a hunter, I trust a rattlesnake more than his pompous rear end. I do appreciate what Rinella is trying to do here though. People need to be receptive to hearing more viewpoints than their own, especially those they don't agree with.