There is two types of "conservation". The REAL conservation that is understood by hunters and managed by states based on science and individual populations and then the conservation that Yvon gives the majority of his money to. He gives whole bunch of money to organizations that are doing all they can to take away hunting. That's just a little too much for me to want to warm up to the guy.
BHA, First Lite, Meateater, and everyone else these days scream about your public lands being transferred into state control as the greatest threat to hunting in today's world when not a single acre has gone from federal to state control. While they have told everybody what to think, those other "conservationists" have slipped in and actually taken away hunting rights with hunters not even so much as making a sound. In the last five years we have lost the right to hunt black bears in New Jersey, trap in California, and hunt grizzlies in BC (also the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem if you count that as a loss. I do).
Other anti-hunting actions include preventing the delisting of the wolf in the great lakes area, not being able to hunt with dogs or bait for bears in Colorado, no spring hunt for bears in Colorado, practically no predator hunting of any kind in California, the list could go on. Where was (is) the outrage when these things happened (are happening)?
I just say be careful who you get into bed with. The sierra club used to support hunting at one point too. While I understand public land is crucial for our way of hunting out west, don't get so one dimensional about preserving the tradition of hunting. Hunting is being attacked from more than just the public land route, and if it keeps going the way I see it today, we are gonna end up with a whole lot of public land and no hunting. Kinda defeats the purpose.