To the people of Wyoming...

He seems like an elitist hypocrite. Nothing wrong with working hard and becoming a billionaire, though. I don't think anyone here criticizes him for being rich. Bill

From the original post:

"The fine folks of Wyoming must be doing something right if that anti-hunter, elitist, billionaire, thinks it's a lost cause. I sure hope it stays that way!"

Sure sounds like JWP is using the fact that he's a billionaire to try to turn people against him.

One thing I know is that he'll do more in his lifetime for conservation than everyone on this thread put together. Not because he cares anymore than most of us, but because he's positioned himself in life to be able to.
From the original post:

"The fine folks of Wyoming must be doing something right if that anti-hunter, elitist, billionaire, thinks it's a lost cause. I sure hope it stays that way!"

Sure sounds like JWP is using the fact that he's a billionaire to try to turn people against him.

He is an elitist billionaire. Is that not true? I never said he was bad because he has money. He is bad because of the garbage he know like "the constitution is out dated", Wyoming is full of rednecks, and alluding to the electoral college isn't fair.

He openly campaigned against the scientifically based management of lower 48 Grizzlies.

I'm not trying to turn people against him, his mouth does a way better job than I could lol.

The meatbeaters are amassing......
He is an elitist billionaire. Is that not true? I never said he was bad because he has money. He is bad because of the garbage he know like "the constitution is out dated", Wyoming is full of rednecks, and alluding to the electoral college isn't fair.

He openly campaigned against the scientifically based management of lower 48 Grizzlies.

I'm not trying to turn people against him, his mouth does a way better job than I could lol.

The meatbeaters are amassing......

My mistake. I took your comment about him being a billionaire as another reason for Wyoming residents to hate him. Otherwise I'd have expected you to just say hes an anti-hunting elitist.

I'm not really sure what a meatbeater is, but being I just got fixed and my junk still hurts, I'm fairly certain I'm not currently one of them.

I actually agree with everything you said above about him. I found myself shaking my head at about 80% of what he said on the podcast. But I didn't find it reason to demonize him. He may have the polar opposite of many of my views but he still does a lot of good (and some not-so good.)
So many assumptions in so little time. Seems like some research on his past actions and current positions would be warranted before making assumptions (although I have not listened to podcast in reference, I have read a good deal about him). Yes he has some different views than you on climate and grizzlies, but he is a lifelong conservationist, hunter, fisherman and sincere advocate of keeping public lands public, He teamed up with First Lite last year in effort to bring awareness to increasing efforts to take public land some of which relates to the oil and gas industry acquiring public lands. Pretty hard to find any public figures these days that you are going to agree with on all issues. Its easy for us to sit here on the computer and comment on other's that are doing things we don't like, but they are at least taking action one way or another.

Its not a leap at all.

He is not a friend of hunters, or people that believe in science based wildlife management. He is a powerful person that wants what he wants, which based off the "interview" released yesterday has no rhyme or reason.

Furthermore the guy has spent several decades jet setting all over the world for pleasure.....real rich of him to care about CO2 pun intended
Hey, don't blame Canada for this one! He's born in Maine = American, you can keep him!

He's a smart business man, he panders to everyone. Everyone is a hypocrite if you look hard enough. Meateater just bought some private land to hunt on....what happened to the public land message?...why isn't that a hot topic? You can spend you're life ripping people apart.

Also, you don't have to agree with everyone, it's just good to listen to other opinions otherwise you're just living in an echo chamber with blinders on. Unfortunately, society today is about yelling your own thoughts out as loud as you can and demonizing anyone contrary to your belief...not exactly a great way to get things done.
Great post! Ivonne's father was French Canadian. I'm saying his roots are French and Ivonne comes across like an eccentric Frenchman, not a Canada is bad and US good. Yes you are right. I look at it, like we are all sinners, especially me. I use sinners as slang and my religous beliefs. I've done hypocritical things. Although, it's extremely uncommon for me. When people become powerful and influential, then we can criticize them when they speak publicly.
I agree we can take it too far and some do. As far as MeatEater is concerned him being a huge advocate for public land does not make him a hypocrite in my book for buying some private land. Maybe our definitions of hypocrisy are different? Meateater has gone bigtime and has changed. It doesn't make him a hypocrite either. I may not like the new him, who he hangs out with etc. These are different things. So, yes I mostly agree with you on the yelling our own thoughts as loud as we can. On the flip side I'm constantly reminded that us posters on this site seem very divided on some core issues. For instance how important is it to support and not criticize powerful figures who promote hunting from a small degree, like Ivonne to a big degree like Randy and Meat Eater? Personally I say, I believe Randy and MeatEater "seem" like great guys. Do I agree with them completely on public land issues? Hell no! Do I watch their shows and admire them? Yes. I identify with Randy more. He's a super classy guy he is!! Bill
There is two types of "conservation". The REAL conservation that is understood by hunters and managed by states based on science and individual populations and then the conservation that Yvon gives the majority of his money to. He gives whole bunch of money to organizations that are doing all they can to take away hunting. That's just a little too much for me to want to warm up to the guy.

BHA, First Lite, Meateater, and everyone else these days scream about your public lands being transferred into state control as the greatest threat to hunting in today's world when not a single acre has gone from federal to state control. While they have told everybody what to think, those other "conservationists" have slipped in and actually taken away hunting rights with hunters not even so much as making a sound. In the last five years we have lost the right to hunt black bears in New Jersey, trap in California, and hunt grizzlies in BC (also the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem if you count that as a loss. I do).

Other anti-hunting actions include preventing the delisting of the wolf in the great lakes area, not being able to hunt with dogs or bait for bears in Colorado, no spring hunt for bears in Colorado, practically no predator hunting of any kind in California, the list could go on. Where was (is) the outrage when these things happened (are happening)?

I just say be careful who you get into bed with. The sierra club used to support hunting at one point too. While I understand public land is crucial for our way of hunting out west, don't get so one dimensional about preserving the tradition of hunting. Hunting is being attacked from more than just the public land route, and if it keeps going the way I see it today, we are gonna end up with a whole lot of public land and no hunting. Kinda defeats the purpose.
There is two types of "conservation". The REAL conservation that is understood by hunters and managed by states based on science and individual populations and then the conservation that Yvon gives the majority of his money to. He gives whole bunch of money to organizations that are doing all they can to take away hunting. That's just a little too much for me to want to warm up to the guy.

BHA, First Lite, Meateater, and everyone else these days scream about your public lands being transferred into state control as the greatest threat to hunting in today's world when not a single acre has gone from federal to state control. While they have told everybody what to think, those other "conservationists" have slipped in and actually taken away hunting rights with hunters not even so much as making a sound. In the last five years we have lost the right to hunt black bears in New Jersey, trap in California, and hunt grizzlies in BC (also the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem if you count that as a loss. I do).

Other anti-hunting actions include preventing the delisting of the wolf in the great lakes area, not being able to hunt with dogs or bait for bears in Colorado, no spring hunt for bears in Colorado, practically no predator hunting of any kind in California, the list could go on. Where was (is) the outrage when these things happened (are happening)?

I just say be careful who you get into bed with. The sierra club used to support hunting at one point too. While I understand public land is crucial for our way of hunting out west, don't get so one dimensional about preserving the tradition of hunting. Hunting is being attacked from more than just the public land route, and if it keeps going the way I see it today, we are gonna end up with a whole lot of public land and no hunting. Kinda defeats the purpose.

Wolf in sheep's clothing. The meateater crowd might understand that if they weren't so concerned with "nuance".
Keep it up Wyoming. I will never buy another piece of Patagonia. Sitka and Kuiu keep ripping off their designs, I'm good with it.

Oil and gas keep food on my table. People like him think the world's energy can come from wind and sun and the math just doesn't add up.

You may not like aspects of what we do but you love the results of what we produce. You want your house heated and you car to run.

He wants California to break off and form it's own country. Great! Don't ask the USA for power when you have rolling blackouts again.

Sent from my SM-G892U using Tapatalk

They'd have a really tough time with water as well.
From the original post:

"The fine folks of Wyoming must be doing something right if that anti-hunter, elitist, billionaire, thinks it's a lost cause. I sure hope it stays that way!"

Sure sounds like JWP is using the fact that he's a billionaire to try to turn people against him.

One thing I know is that he'll do more in his lifetime for conservation than everyone on this thread put together. Not because he cares anymore than most of us, but because he's positioned himself in life to be able to.
This is fantastic dialogue!! I see JWP saying he's a billionaire in the same sentence with all the liberal words as he's a hypocrite. That Ivvone is a hypocrite. Most liberal billionaires are hypocrites to me. They seem to make all their money anyway they can and then spend the rest of their lives trying to "fix society" so no one else can commit the sins they did to get rich. This is to relieve them of their guilt, so they can feel better/good about themselves. Nowiser, your response is like others I've described as single issue. That issue is conservation and keeping public lands public, which are two issues, lol, are above all more important than anything else, or so it seems to me. Conservation and public lands are important to me, however, maintaining Constitutional law, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments are biggies to me. Maintaining the Constitution, Traditional American culture, freedom, liberty, and making government smaller and less powerful are my "Single issue". Conservation and public land access fall far, far, far down the list of importance compared to the above, because if I ain't got those, I got nothing. That's me.... : )
There is two types of "conservation". The REAL conservation that is understood by hunters and managed by states based on science and individual populations and then the conservation that Yvon gives the majority of his money to. He gives whole bunch of money to organizations that are doing all they can to take away hunting. That's just a little too much for me to want to warm up to the guy.

BHA, First Lite, Meateater, and everyone else these days scream about your public lands being transferred into state control as the greatest threat to hunting in today's world when not a single acre has gone from federal to state control. While they have told everybody what to think, those other "conservationists" have slipped in and actually taken away hunting rights with hunters not even so much as making a sound. In the last five years we have lost the right to hunt black bears in New Jersey, trap in California, and hunt grizzlies in BC (also the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem if you count that as a loss. I do).

Other anti-hunting actions include preventing the delisting of the wolf in the great lakes area, not being able to hunt with dogs or bait for bears in Colorado, no spring hunt for bears in Colorado, practically no predator hunting of any kind in California, the list could go on. Where was (is) the outrage when these things happened (are happening)?

I just say be careful who you get into bed with. The sierra club used to support hunting at one point too. While I understand public land is crucial for our way of hunting out west, don't get so one dimensional about preserving the tradition of hunting. Hunting is being attacked from more than just the public land route, and if it keeps going the way I see it today, we are gonna end up with a whole lot of public land and no hunting. Kinda defeats the purpose.
The old sleeping with dogs and fleas thing comes to mind.
He is bad because of the garbage he know like "the constitution is out dated", Wyoming is full of rednecks, and alluding to the electoral college isn't fair. He openly campaigned against the scientifically based management of lower 48 Grizzlies. I'm not trying to turn people against him, his mouth does a way better job than I could lol.
It's impossible for me to look the other way, because people say he gives a lot to conservation. You can't forgive him, because he gives a lot to conservation. I can't either. Bill
My favorite part was that he found a way to be elitist towards fly fisherman. He’s talking about his style of fishing, poo poohing regular fly fisherman as ruining the sport. Hahahaha now they know how us gear guys feel.

For the record I own a fly or 2.

I have yet to be begin to procrastinate.

LOL!! I was in Bozeman back in June and "triggered" a fly shop guy when I asked about Tenkara poles. Thought his head was gonna explode.
Hunting is being attacked from more than just the public land route, and if it keeps going the way I see it today, we are gonna end up with a whole lot of public land and no hunting. Kinda defeats the purpose.

I would strongly disagree that the only reason for public land to exist is to kill animals on it. That's a myopic point of view if that's your assertion.
There was a hell of a lot of “do as I say” in that podcast. And him lauding the teenager from Sweden regarding climate change is nauseating. her performance indicates serious issues.

And I think it’s funny that so many people are just like “yeah, but he gives a lot to conservation.” He’s flatly anti-capitalist while being a major one.
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