wind gypsy
- Joined
- Dec 30, 2014
I figured Yvon and meat eater would trigger a response from their biggest fan, just didn’t see it right away because of the thread title.
I figured Yvon and meat eater would trigger a response from their biggest fan, just didn’t see it right away because of the thread title.
yah, his philanthropy toward things WE ALL love is hard to match too. He lives very simple He does not act like a rich snob. he gives tons of money to wildlife and resource protection and public land protection. I will buy patagonia whenever i can afford it. (which is rare). The best part about it is through Patagonia he has found a way to extract money from people who would likely never give a dime toward wildlife protection and he uses that money to put toward wildlife/land protection.
I would strongly disagree that the only reason for public land to exist is to kill animals on it. That's a myopic point of view if that's your assertion.
I thought it was a very entertaining podcast. I own Patagucci stuff but avoid buying more because of their anti predator hunting bullshit.
- I think a lot of people with different political affiliations would like the idea of CA being their own country.
- definitely an elitist and hypocritical, the latter of which he openly admitted. He sure gives the impression that he means what he says and isn’t trying to pretty it up for anyone, which is refreshing.
- Not surprised on the gov Meade take, but would have been nice to give credit where due for the good things done that Yvon also aligns with
- “Constitution is obsolete” was kind of a wtf moment
- Calling politicians evil for being climate change deniers was thought provoking. I have not done enough of my own independent research on climate change to formulate my stance for some time and it hasn’t been a big issue to me. Basic feelings are that overwhelming majority of science appeared to support the theory of human caused climate change. That said I recall seeing coverage of contradictory studies being shunned or misused and even some on (tinfoil hat) human climate control that have kept me from buying in wholesale. That said, you know damn well there are conservative politicians who believe climate change is exacerbated by human activities but pretend otherwise for votes or donor $. In that case, “evil” isn’t inaccurate IMO.
Ridicule? I hope you're referring the holy shaman Chouinard who enjoys calling people evil and using terms like "denier" (akin to a holocaust denier). I simply pointed out what he said.
I dont think anyone wants dirty air or water. However I also dont think we should put ourselves back to the stone age because the planet is going to end in 12 yrs.
I will say one positive thing about the guy. He is a great salesman. Hell there are probably folks out there now thinking "hey, maybe California should have more representation than Rhode Island"
Ridicule? I hope you're referring the holy shaman Chouinard who enjoys calling people evil and using terms like "denier" (akin to a holocaust denier). I simply pointed out what he said.
I dont think anyone wants dirty air or water. However I also dont think we should put ourselves back to the stone age because the planet is going to end in 12 yrs.
I will say one positive thing about the guy. He is a great salesman. Hell there are probably folks out there now thinking "hey, maybe California should have more representation than Rhode Island"
He didn't actually say that, did he?
Say what? The quotes in the original post are directly transcribed from his interview.
Ridicule? I hope you're referring the holy shaman Chouinard who enjoys calling people evil and using terms like "denier" (akin to a holocaust denier). I simply pointed out what he said.
I dont think anyone wants dirty air or water. However I also dont think we should put ourselves back to the stone age because the planet is going to end in 12 yrs.
I will say one positive thing about the guy. He is a great salesman. Hell there are probably folks out there now thinking "hey, maybe California should have more representation than Rhode Island"
I do have a request. For all the Chouinardians out there, have you ever seen a picture of the man with a deer he's killed? I'm sure there's one floating around out there. I've seen pictures of him surfing, fishing, climbing (in some very exotic places to have a photographer), but I cant seem to locate a hunting picture.
He's probably talking about Senators. 2 for each state. Wouldn't that be fantastic if each state had their number of Senators based on Population? California would have lots. That's why he and others hate the Constitution. The Constitution can be changed by Amendments, but that's hard as it was designed to be. Wouldn't it be great if all power was from LA and NY?That CA doesn't have more representation than RI? I can't stomach much of the meateater anymore, so I rarely listen.
He's probably talking about Senators. 2 for each state. Wouldn't that be fantastic if each state had their number of Senators based on Population? California would have lots. That's why he and others hate the Constitution. The Constitution can be changed by Amendments, but that's hard as it was designed to be. Wouldn't it be great if all power was from LA and NY?
Giving this guy a soapbox to stand on in exchange for conservation efforts is too high a price for me.
Is everyone forgetting about the House? California has 53 reps, Delaware 1. California has 37x the population but 53x the reps. All spending bills start in the House. I’d say California has enough representation. Remember, the House is fixed at 435 members.
The guy doesnt understand how the three branches of govt really work. He’s cherry picking a supposed inequality to damn the whole thing. Rich doesn’t overcome ignorance, especially willful ignorance.
So many assumptions in so little time. Seems like some research on his past actions and current positions would be warranted before making assumptions (although I have not listened to podcast in reference, I have read a good deal about him). Yes he has some different views than you on climate and grizzlies, but he is a lifelong conservationist, hunter, fisherman and sincere advocate of keeping public lands public, He teamed up with First Lite last year in effort to bring awareness to increasing efforts to take public land some of which relates to the oil and gas industry acquiring public lands. Pretty hard to find any public figures these days that you are going to agree with on all issues. Its easy for us to sit here on the computer and comment on other's that are doing things we don't like, but they are at least taking action one way or another.