To the people of Wyoming...

we have been dealing with the mills dumping into Lk Michigan. A few big fish kills and beaches closed... disgusts me.

I live in an area where the river is polluted due to Merck drug company... there’s no question why they picked a remote and rather unseen area. That, combined with the ridiculous land access rules of the east are rather pathetic and frustrating.
I almost turned off this podcast when he said the Constitution is obsolete, but I decided to finish it. I don't mind Steve giving folks the opportunity to speak, even if I disagree (vehemently) with them. I'm now better informed and can choose to vote with my pocketbook (although I don't think Patagonia was on my "to buy" list anyway). The guy's got a fascinating background of varied interests, and while I give older folks a lot of leeway in their level of being opinionated, I hope if I live as long as him that I don't end up being as judgmental. (Steve asked a great question - Steve doesn't like "canned hunts", but he doesn't then give up his own hunting. He asked YC why he gives up on things when he doesn't like how others do it, but I don't think YC really answered it.)
Whether you agree with Yvon or don't, they guy has lived an interesting life and I enjoyed listening to the podcast. I actually stopped listening to most Meateater podcasts because it's just him and his crew talking. The ones I do listen to are when he has unique/smart guests.

Also, it's good to listen to the other viewpoint on topics even though you don't agree with them. Thats how we expand our horizon on different subjects. If you're a die hard right wing republican, you don't learn much from Fox news because they're repeating topics you're already aware of.

Lastly, ALL podcast hosts should take notes from Joe Rogan. Have smart people from all kinds of different topics and viewpoints on your show and make sure the audio is perfect. I've turned off a lot of podcasts I wanted to listen to because they're were interviewing the guy over the phone and it just sounds bad (quality wise). Joe Rogan routinely has people on his show which you know he doesn't agree with, or even believe sometimes, but he's always cordial and spurs conversation. He wouldn't have the listener base he does if he only talked to people who's opinion he agreed with...
yah, his philanthropy toward things WE ALL love is hard to match too. He lives very simple He does not act like a rich snob. he gives tons of money to wildlife and resource protection and public land protection. I will buy patagonia whenever i can afford it. (which is rare). The best part about it is through Patagonia he has found a way to extract money from people who would likely never give a dime toward wildlife protection and he uses that money to put toward wildlife/land protection.

So he has extracted money to fund organizations that are actively involved with banning hunting

Wow shocked someone from Kkkalifornia would support this. Lol
listened to the podcast earlier today. Just now got my eyes to roll back to normal.

That guy’s a nut. But I agree on the Wyoming stream access. I’ll give him that

I’d like to see both sides care about the environment. Idk about cc really. I’m sure we people play some role but it likely just is what it is regardless of us

As far as name calling. I think he did more name calling than anyone in this thread.

As for rinella. I doubt he was surprised by him. And if he was, no one made him air the podcast

Having simple 1 acre farms grow his green cotton for clothing....what about the logistics of getting it to market? I doubt a horse hauls it to the shipyard where it’s then loaded on an 18th century vessel. I’m betting they burn some fossil fuels...
Oh brother wait until you all listen to Ben O’Brien’s interview with the grizzly nut.

I just laughed the entire time. From ol' benny's sounding completely confused (maybe intimidated? ), to the old timer losing his mind completely and throwing a temper tantrum....that was comedy. It's like, what did they expect? He is obviously a left wing nut.

Trying to keep up with the backcountry hipster crowd's weekly propaganda is hard work.
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I just laughed the entire time. From ol' benny's sounding completely confused (maybe intimidated? ), to the old timer losing his mind completely and throw a temper tantrum....that was comedy. It's like, what did they expect? He is obviously a left wing nut.

Trying to keep up with the backcountry hipster crowd's weekly propaganda is hard work.
I mean Ben didn’t agree with any of it, so I can’t exactly say they were keeping up with the propaganda at all? But old Barrie is definitely a few cards short.
No I'm keeping up with the cool propaganda every week. Even tho I normally cant stomach his terrible content.

I think the most hilarious part of that train wreck was that the old timer thought it was a radio show (and kept referring to it as such). Doubt he'd ever heard of a podcast. Lol
“You guys aren’t even giving me a hat!”

it was quite the listen. I generally don’t love listening to THC but this was a little different. Actually thought ben did a good job defending and standing his ground, especially with how narrowminded old boy was. Wouldn’t barely let him get a word in without acting offended.
O’Brien annoys me, and with the THC/pot nod, even more so. Other than the Yeti connection, not sure what he adds to the conversation.