Texas school shooting

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Oct 25, 2012


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Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
Ok now your getting your normal too big for britches. One of my good friends owns several sections in Webb. He recently moved his family into town due to traffic issues from Central American. He is 7th generation.

So explain why the hell a 7th generation ranchers would move his family off his ranch and into town…. I know exactly why he had 7 El Salvadoran try to break into ranch house while his wife and kids where in side. Fact they have to lock the house tells alot. They where lucky that day as ranch hands weren’t far and got over their quick. There was almost a shoot out. Everyone on the ranch now packs. This isn’t an isolated incident.

, the immigration problem is extremely taxing on the local law enforcement and all town government entities. You know this you just support liberal immigration ideologies

I’ve hunted STX for decades, their was a destinct traffic and response difference from Obama to Trump and now Biden

BP hardly even existed in appearance under OB and two weeks after trump took office traffic slowed as BP was hammering down.

Cartel has gotten bad on several ranches, I have more and more friends pulling out of STX due to issues.

Border issues are real.

Regardless kids are still dead and none of this brings them back, hopefully mistakes are highlighted and rectified going forward.

Thank you to BP for coming and assisting local LEO’s
who made you the judge of whose britches fit whom? LMAO.

I suspect, based on your posts, I was working on the border long before you were ever "driving through" Uvalde. So spare me the "I know a guy" lectures.

Nowhere did I say border issues aren't real. But you are trying to make political hay out of a situation that has very little to do with the border. Might want to ask yourself why.


May 26, 2018
It is entirely relevant.

The premise is that nothing is as deadly as an AR-15 attack on a school (i.e. “name one that killed 19 children and 2 adults”)…and we must ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles with evil looking high capacity magazines.

The perp could have used a freakin bolt action gun with 5 round mags and accomplished what he did given the amount of time the police gave him.

Guns aren’t the problem
That's nobody's premise- its a red herring that may have started from some uninformed reporter or Congressperson but is now a famous trope from conservative pundits to try and reframe the issue to one that is unsolvable

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Aug 23, 2018
It's no question that rates of fire can make a gun potentially more deadly. If the gun could fire 600 rounds per minute and he had 78 minutes he could have cleared almost 1500 magazines, whereas, with a bolt rifle and a 12-15 per minute rate of fire on a bolt gun he could have only spent around 1,000 rounds.

Very interesting is that the border agent had very few rounds and managed to neutralize the threat.

Too bad there wasn't more people with something to neutralize that guy.

One constant is that people who do these shootings are not targeting shooting ranges, gun stores or other places where people are armed more often than not.....it's always "safe" spaces.


Dec 12, 2019
who made you the judge of whose britches fit whom? LMAO.

I suspect, based on your posts, I was working on the border long before you were ever "driving through" Uvalde. So spare me the "I know a guy" lectures.

Nowhere did I say border issues aren't real. But you are trying to make political hay out of a situation that has very little to do with the border. Might want to ask yourself why.
Your both right, yet both wrong

What if: The 48 lock downs that school implemented in the first few months of school because Border Patrol was engaged in chase of illegal aliens, human traffickers, drug smugglers led to a numbing attitude within the school staff.

What if all those lock downs led to the complacency of leaving a door unlocked…or propped open?

Could one then say the border situation was a contributing factor?


Dec 12, 2019
That's nobody's premise- its a red herring that may have started from some uninformed reporter or Congressperson but is now a famous trope from conservative pundits to try and reframe the issue to one that is unsolvable

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It’s the unstated premise when useful idiots ask for examples that are as deadly as gun attacks… just sayin’ 😊

Edit: I just want to clarify, this isn’t directed at anyone here personally. It’s more a comment regarding folks like Grandpa Poopy Pants whose first reaction is “Assault” Weapon ban; or the drunken Irishman who pretends to be Hispanic crashing a press conference trying to score political points; or the media person who uses straw man argument to try to create a “gotcha” moment…
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Feb 5, 2021
Maybe we should take a day to think of the fragility of life and the sorrow the families are going through before we go for each other's throats.

This makes my gut turn having a wife as a teacher and nieces in school. I can't imagine sending your kids to school to have their lives stripped away at the hands of a senseless murderer.
Agree. My wife is an educator of 30 years. I cannot fathom an event like that occuring or even getting that phone call.


Dec 12, 2019
Hard to believe…

Now, another disturbing bit of information is exposing just how deadly the ineptness of the police response was. According to a report from NBC News, the Border Patrol agents who showed up and eventually took down the shooter were held back by the local police for half an hour. It wasn’t until they decided to disobey that order to stand down that the situation was brought to a close.

Feb 4, 2014
Help me wrap my brain around this. Drunk driving kills 10000 people a year, many of them children. Yet I never hear the media mention the bottles of booze or the vehicle used. You can buy alcohol anywhere in the US. Yet when it comes to a shooting, it is always the gun. When we as a society change the way we deal with people, is when things will change. One more thing....ban the killers picture or name used in any media source. These assholes should not be made famous for even a second.


Mar 1, 2021
100,000+ od deaths a year and they give out free needles to users....wally near me has a sharps bottles in the men's room to deposit used needles in.
My wife has diabetes and has to use sharps containers in public restrooms from time to time for her insulin needles, is there a better place you want her putting those?


Aug 23, 2018
Some of you are taking this 1st amendment right too far. Scribe ye scroll and post in the square.

It does not say it protects your anonymous speech upon the internet.

Perhaps another fine place for additional fines, fees, rules and regulations.....all permissible for a tax, of course.
Apr 1, 2013
who made you the judge of whose britches fit whom? LMAO.

I suspect, based on your posts, I was working on the border long before you were ever "driving through" Uvalde. So spare me the "I know a guy" lectures.

Nowhere did I say border issues aren't real. But you are trying to make political hay out of a situation that has very little to do with the border. Might want to ask yourself why.
Funny post. ya keep telling yourself that. You can defend immigration all you want it’s taxing on local border towns, it’s not political it’s fact.
Lol, “I know a guy“ of 30 years and was in his wedding. Passing through STX, ha. I pay taxes in Aransas and Cameron counties, and leased Webb, Kinney and Zapata for decades. I pretty much spend the summer fishing Laguna Madre inshore and off. So ya 40 years of pass through STX…..

Hilarious someone brings up a valid point you try to toss a distraction out, get called on it and then again try to change subject.

Just passing through. Lol

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Jan 12, 2022
Pretty amazing how eager some people are to make excuses for the cops’ selfishness and cowardice, saying things like “there’s no way anyone else would confront an active shooter, either”.

Well, that’s demonstrably false: a normal human reaction is to try to save children from being killed, without regard to your own safety, as the teachers and parents on the scene actually did.

Meanwhile, the cops’ actions made the situation far worse. Yet we’re supposed to believe that they should get even more resources and power when they won’t even do anything for over an entire hour in a situation where they’re heavily-armed and outnumber the shooter by at least 19:1? :unsure:

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