Denali National Park bridge crew ordered to stop flying American flags

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November 5th can't come soon enough.
Agree, but honestly surprised that this thread is still here. Life expectancy of a house fly.

When this country is completely gone as we know it (it's 50% there), we can look back on the little things of people ignoring (rare) political comments on FB and threads like this deleted.
@2ski do you have information that this didn't happen?

That’s not how this works dude. You don’t make wild accusations then have someone else prove it didn’t happen. This dorks blog got national attention now he’s back tracking. He claimed they were ordered to stop flying the flag. Now it’s we were ordered to stop flying the flag on our drive into the site.

I don't recall making any "wild accusations" nor asking anyone to prove or disprove anything.

This event, to me, appears to have occurred in some way. Some other character suggested it did not in any capacity. I'm curious if he has evidence outside of a screenshot social media post to that effect.

I read his follow-up article as additional details and clarification.
Well looky here. The little sisters of the right have got their panties in a bunch over something that didn't happen. But they want to believe so bad. Was reported by an anonymous source from a blog that noone had heard of before and just made a name for itself. Brilliant marketing. It contains the buzzwords flag and Portland. You know that word Porland triggers(yes triggers) the far righties. What a bunch of snowflakes I tell ya. Out to cancel the lady over something that didn't happen. Cancel culture much? Oh wait that's only something that the left does.

The problem in this country is the sane people in the middle aren't vocal like the far righties and lefties. So everyone thinks the other side is crazy when in reality most of us have a good head on our shoulders.

Now carry on with you disinformation.
You obviously didn't bother to read either article. Rather, you decided to come on here to pontificate and spew forth your distaste for people with a different view than your own. How tolerant you are.

The superintendent told the crew they could not display the American flag while outside of the construction project - this is not hearsay but from the on-site construction worker. They were ordered to stop flying the flags from their trucks as it detracts from the "park experience."

Below is a quote from the second article, in relevant part;

He is allowing the workers to fly the flags for about a mile and a half, as long as they are on the project site, but he said he has no say about what happens on the rest of Denali Park Road,” the crewman explained. “Once we go over the bridge and down the road, we’re not allowed to have them.”

"As to the legitimacy of the statement put out by the National Park Service, the crewman said, “There were some fallacies in it, but there were some truths, too – like when they said that they don’t dictate to us what goes on at the job site. But that’s not the issue. It’s not the issue of the job site. It’s the 40 miles [of park road].

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I don't recall making any "wild accusations" nor asking anyone to prove or disprove anything.

This event, to me, appears to have occurred in some way. Some other character suggested it did not in any capacity. I'm curious if he has evidence outside of a screenshot social media post to that effect.

I read his follow-up article as additional details and clarification.

You literally just asked someone for information that this didn’t happen. The articles making “wild accusations” with zero proof. The park service went on record saying this didn’t happen but that’s not evidence for you guys. You take some anonymous sourced article as fact.
I sent an information request to Granite Construction asking for information. I’ll let you know what/if I hear back
LOL you all got taken for a ride. But it was exactly what you wanted to be true so you believed it.


Reports that a National Park Service (NPS) official ordered the removal of an American flag from a Denali bridge construction worker’s vehicle at Denali National Park are false. At no time did an NPS official seek to ban the American flag from the project site or associated vehicles. The NPS neither administers the bridge project contract, nor has the authority to enforce terms or policies related to the contract or contractors performing the work. The American flag can be seen at various locations within Denali National Park – at park facilities and campsites, on public and private vehicles, and at employee residences – and we welcome its display this Memorial Day weekend and every day.
Well looky here. The little sisters of the right have got their panties in a bunch over something that didn't happen. But they want to believe so bad. Was reported by an anonymous source from a blog that noone had heard of before and just made a name for itself. Brilliant marketing. It contains the buzzwords flag and Portland. You know that word Porland triggers(yes triggers) the far righties. What a bunch of snowflakes I tell ya. Out to cancel the lady over something that didn't happen. Cancel culture much? Oh wait that's only something that the left does.

The problem in this country is the sane people in the middle aren't vocal like the far righties and lefties. So everyone thinks the other side is crazy when in reality most of us have a good head on our shoulders.

Now carry on with you disinformation.
Next thing they'll tell folks is a crazed bunch took over a fair portion of a large city for a summer...
Bozeman, weird...

This type of thing has been going on across the country for years.
May not have happened been a minute since i was in AK, you?
Many places are financed with tax dollars even from the "far rights areas".
Like universities, what they are given is a travesty.

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