Suppressor wait times

Two in the pipeline, submitted 2 weeks apart. First one approved today:

AB Raptor 8 - certified 3/17/23; approved 10/20/2023 (7 months)

Holding my breath the other one comes in today as well! Coues deer hunt just 4 weeks away
You’ll have to let me know how you like that Raptor 8. Maybe we can shoot soon, would love to see it compared to my TBAC U7
I received the approval for my JK Armament Versax shotgun suppressor last week. Unfortunately, I mistakenly ordered an Invector Plus style choke tube adapter instead of Invector/Mossberg 500 style, so I'm waiting on an adapter before I can fire it.

Submitted 4/7/23
Approved 10/17/23 (Tue)

I emailed FBI's NICS Liaison to see if I could shake something loose by inquiring on the status of any outstanding background checks the morning of Friday, 10/13. That Tuesday morning, at 193 days, I received my approval. Maybe coincidental. Maybe not. I feel like some ludicrous sportsball fan, trying any superstitious ritual to affect a win for my team.

After receiving my approval, I emailed the examiner who approved my form to see if they could approve my last outstanding Form 4 for an AB Raptor 10 (submitted 5/22/23). Unexpectedly, I received a response stating the background check hadn't been completed for that Form 4 (each has its own background check), and that there were others ahead of me in the queue who had been waiting longer. some ludicrous sportsball fan, trying any superstitious ritual to affect a win for my team.

After receiving my approval, I emailed the examiner who approved my form to see if they could approve my last outstanding Form 4 for an AB Raptor 10 (submitted 5/22/23). Unexpectedly, I received a response stating the background check hadn't been completed for that Form 4 (each has its own background check), and that there were others ahead of me in the queue who had been waiting longer.

So this begs the question; how much of the approval timeline is waiting on the results of the background check?

And fun note, I certified a DD Enticer sti on 5/22 as well, so your update on your other can is very interesting to me!
So this begs the question; how much of the approval timeline is waiting on the results of the background check?

And fun note, I certified a DD Enticer sti on 5/22 as well, so your update on your other can is very interesting to me!
in our discussions with our local ATF agent it was explained that ATF hands off the background check to the fbi. and they are under no requirement to do the background check in any amount of time. which is a polite way of saying, 80% of the wait is the fbi sitting on the background check. and paper forms first go to portland, OR for payment processing. then a box full of forms gets shipped to the east coast to make a pile on a different desk. then that pile goes to FBI for nics check. then it eventually comes back to ATF. and then someone goes through that pile and affixes a stamp and then mails it out.

at least eforms skip the portland desk.
Exactly 1 year to the day before approval through the kiosk, electronic application. Just got approved in September
First timer here. Was on the phone with Capitol Armory this morning to finalize the e-form thing.

The ATF site was not responding to CA so try again tomorrow.

I'm resigned to the likelihood that suppressors will be banned before I ever get one. Low expectations soften the blow of disappointment.

God Bless American Government.
First timer here. Was on the phone with Capitol Armory this morning to finalize the e-form thing.

The ATF site was not responding to CA so try again tomorrow.

I'm resigned to the likelihood that suppressors will be banned before I ever get one. Low expectations soften the blow of disappointment.

God Bless American Government.
The process sucks, for sure. But you’ll get one! Ordering now and you may have before rifle season next year!