Suppressor wait times

All just individual stamps. I obviously didn’t expect the April cans to be approved any time soon, but have been hoping I would get the Nomad this summer.
I bought a YHM R9 back in November and received my stamp in May, right at 180 days. Two previous suppressors took 9 months.
Mine was submitted January 23rd and approved today (July 26th), which is 185 days. I’ll have to wait a couple days to go pick it up though.
It’s definitely random. I’ve got two certified 12/20/22. Neither have been approved. My local LGS got them in and I got to at least hold them. But who knows when I’ll actually get any approval.

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WTF. Just logged into Silencer Shop and had the same missing questions as someone above. Wonder how long that's been sitting there with no flicking correspondence from them?