Suppressor wait times

I have 2 in jail. Both submitted 11/9/22. One was just approved today, 6/27/22: 230 days. No word on the second one. Interestingly though, I did call ATF today to check on my application and was told it wad pending. I also sent a request to my Representative on it. Curiously coincidental or not?
Thought I would mention this for those who are using Silencer Shop. My registration was completed months ago. I logged in to Silencer Shop's page for the hell of it tonight and it suddenly said my registration was not completed. It looks like a couple of additional questions had been added. I answered them and now it shows my registration is complete again. I have no clue how long it's been showing incomplete.
Thought I would mention this for those who are using Silencer Shop. My registration was completed months ago. I logged in to Silencer Shop's page for the hell of it tonight and it suddenly said my registration was not completed. It looks like a couple of additional questions had been added. I answered them and now it shows my registration is complete again. I have no clue how long it's been showing incomplete.
These are new questions and should not effect prior submissions.
Reading this post is depressing. I think I will wait until they are legal and buy one locally. Hopefully that process gets shortened or eliminated and its a simple background check and whola, you got it.
Thought I would mention this for those who are using Silencer Shop. My registration was completed months ago. I logged in to Silencer Shop's page for the hell of it tonight and it suddenly said my registration was not completed. It looks like a couple of additional questions had been added. I answered them and now it shows my registration is complete again. I have no clue how long it's been showing incomplete.
Had the same thing happen to me. Lost a week or two.
Thought I would mention this for those who are using Silencer Shop. My registration was completed months ago. I logged in to Silencer Shop's page for the hell of it tonight and it suddenly said my registration was not completed. It looks like a couple of additional questions had been added. I answered them and now it shows my registration is complete again. I have no clue how long it's been showing incomplete.
I too had to update those questions just now from a form submitted in February. Didn’t receive any email updates and I can’t imagine they resubmit all the forms to the govt, but I guess I could be wrong.
Reading this post is depressing. I think I will wait until they are legal and buy one locally. Hopefully that process gets shortened or eliminated and its a simple background check and whola, you got it.

Trump with a republican majority in the house and senate didn't get suppressors legalized. I'm pretty confident without a civil war to reset back to the constitution there is no path to full legalization in this country.
Just ordered another - at least this time I won't be under the delusion of 90 day approvals like the two I ordered last spring.
Reading this post is depressing. I think I will wait until they are legal and buy one locally. Hopefully that process gets shortened or eliminated and its a simple background check and whola, you got it.
That could be a loooong time. There's a chance we get "single-state" only suppressors soon, but it's not guaranteed. For people that travel to hunt, that doesn't really help though.

I'd go ahead and get in line. You really will not regret it. I'm up to 7 and going to get more soon.
That could be a loooong time. There's a chance we get "single-state" only suppressors soon, but it's not guaranteed. For people that travel to hunt, that doesn't really help though.

I'd go ahead and get in line. You really will not regret it. I'm up to 7 and going to get more soon.
Folks are excited about the late-to-the-game TX law, and maybe it will pan out, but I'm still jaded considering how the Montana Firearms Freedom Act of 2009 went (and the numerous other states that followed).

Sure, courts and rulings have changed since then, and the TX law is a bit different, but I think it's unlikely to make a difference.
Reading this post is depressing. I think I will wait until they are legal and buy one locally. Hopefully that process gets shortened or eliminated and its a simple background check and whola, you got it.
If that happens it’s going to take longer to get one made than it will for the atf wait I’m guessing, atleast for a while.

Really it’s not a bad process if you have a decent dealer in your area. It was a pain in the ass years ago when you had to track someone down to do your prints and had to snail mail everything.
If that happens it’s going to take longer to get one made than it will for the atf wait I’m guessing, atleast for a while.

Really it’s not a bad process if you have a decent dealer in your area. It was a pain in the ass years ago when you had to track someone down to do your prints and had to snail mail everything.
A good dealer goes a long way. I'll never buy any online. I like to be able to text my dealer when I need to.

My dealer also let's me buy it on "layaway". So I just have to pay the $200 stamp up front and don't have to pay for the can until I pick it up. Makes it much easier to stomach an 8-month wait time.
I guess I will just live without one until I can get one from the store. I'm not going through all of that hassle, and I think they look stupid on a gun anyhow. lol