States that offer privileges to the NR landowners.


Jun 28, 2012
I remember over the years, seeing reference to some states who offer privileges to Non Residents, if those NRs own land in the state. Whether it be land owner tags or similar, waiver of NR fees, etc.
You know, many states are experiencing low turkey populations and high predator populations. They need all the predator control they can get, yet they want to require, and charge a tax paying landowner, who happens to be a NR, to pay the same price for a trapping permit as a NR non landowner. And fur prices are so low, many, if not most, trap to reduce predators, not profit on the hides(especially in the south)
Can we list those states again, and the privilege?
I've never heard of a state that offers "breaks/discounts" to non-residents when it comes to TRAPPING. The only thing I've ever heard it that as a non-resident, some states will let you buy a NR Trapping license only if your home state allows their residents to purchase trapping licenses in your home state.
I've never heard of a state that offers "breaks/discounts" to non-residents when it comes to TRAPPING. The only thing I've ever heard it that as a non-resident, some states will let you buy a NR Trapping license only if your home state allows their residents to purchase trapping licenses in your home state.
Yep, trapping is probably a bad example to use, but I do recall some states that offer privileges for NR landowners more so on the hunting license/tag side.
I know Kansas offers cheaper deer tags to land owners. They also have what they call ‘special hunt own land’ tags that are for immediate relatives of KS land owners. I am able to hunt my in-laws land in KS every year on that tag.
You can only hunt on the land owned though.
WY has landowner tags (for direct family only) if you own enough consecutive acreage.

CO as well allows Landowners with enough acreage to enter a separate LO draw for a fully transferable voucher